Restoration/Resilience Building of Riparian and Wet Meadow Habitats
in the Upper Gunnison Basin: Progress Report to the Terra Foundation
This progress report, prepared for the Terra Foundation, summarizes the first year of a three year effort by the Gunnison Climate Working Group to restore and build resilience of riparian and wet meadow habitats to help the Gunnison Sage-grouse and other wildlife species adapt to a changing climate in the Upper Gunnison Basin. This project builds on the best practices and lessons learned from a two-year pilot (demonstration) project and aims to significantly scale up the project across the Gunnison Basin.
The Nature Conservancy and the Gunnison Climate Working Group. 2014. Restoration/Resilience Building of Riparian and Wet Meadow Habitats in the Upper Gunnison Basin. Report to the Terra Foundation. 31 pp.