Our Vision: The Southern Blue Ridge will sustain healthy, connected forests and rivers, vital for people, animals and plants; it will continue to provide clean water and clean air; and its beauty will continue to renew and inspire future generations.
The Southern Blue Ridge (SBR) is one of the most biologically significant regions in the United States. Within the 9.4+ million acres of this ecoregion, an unbroken network of our country’s most diverse forests span and connect the mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The unique topography and climate in this region create an array of habitats that support astonishing numbers of rare and endemic terrestrial and freshwater species and communities. More than 120 endemic terrestrial communities are known to occur in the Southern Blue Ridge, supporting at least 400 rare plant species and world renowned amphibian diversity. The rivers and tributaries of this area are considered exceptionally diverse freshwater systems that support at least 66 at-risk aquatic species occurring in the region, 20 of which are federally-listed as threatened or endangered.

The Nature Conservancy staff contacts:
Kristen Austin, Southern Blue Ridge Project Director (SC), 864-233-4988
Megan Sutton, Southern Blue Ridge Program Director (NC)*, 828-350-1431
Photo credit © Ben Keys