Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in late 2024. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!


Many tools are available to assist practitioners in using and adapting LANDFIRE data and models. Following are tools that the TNC-LANDFIRE team uses most often. Also see the LANDFIRE Program website.



LANDFIRE Data Access Tool An ArcMap toolbar that allows users to get and process LANDFIRE data.

Fire Regime Condition Class Mapping Tool Allows users to find out how current vegetation is different from reference (historic) vegetation. (FRCC is also called Vegetation Condition Class, or VCC).

State-and-Transition Modeling in LANDFIRE - Video

Vegetation Departure Calculator (VDC) with directions and links provides a comprehensive look at vegetation conditions across the United States.  

Biophysical Settings (BpS) Model Search spreadsheet offers guidance to those who may use LANDFIRE National vegetation data to identify BpS models relevant to their area of interest.

Wildland Fire Management Research, Develop and Application Team (WFM RD&A) -- formerly NIFTT -- offers a comprehensive list of resources than span most applications of LANDFIRE data.

ST-Sim is a free modeling framework for simulating state-and-transition models. It is the primary tool for using LANDFIRE vegetation dynamics models and can be used to help understand the interactions of vegetation succession, disturbance and management activities overtime. ST-Sim is the most current of a lineage of state and transition modeling programs including Path Landscape Model and VDDT (Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool). VDDT is the native format of the LANDFIRE vegetation dynamics models.

More resources

Information for GIS Specialists is a flyer that gives an overview of data and tools that are available.  

LANDFIRE DATA VIEWER: Interactive Map - The LANDFIRE Program developed a rich suite of consistent spatial data sets for the entire United States. These spatial data sets were designed for very large landscape, regional and national applications. Two spatial layers, Departure and Uncharacteristic Vegetation, are particularly unique and interesting. This map allows you to explore these two products.

Landscape Conservation Forecasting Processtm (LCF): Six Primary ComponentsAlso see the Landscape Conservation Forecasting page in the Gateway.  

Modeling Adaptation Manual offers a step-by-step guidebook that will help you improve and enhance your vegetation models, including adding management activities and invasive species. 

Rocky Mountain Research Station Guidebook on LANDFIRE fuels data acquisition, critique, modification, maintenance and model calibration


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