Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in late 2024. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!

BpS - What We Did, What You Did, Why It Matters


BpS graphic


LANDFIRE produced and delivered state-and-transition models for every ecosystem (Biophysical Settings, or BpS) mapped by the program over more than a decade. The models and descriptions combined offer information about vegetation dynamics, structure, and composition on lands across the U.S. prior to Euro-American settlement. Not only are the models and descriptions important internally to the LANDFIRE program, they are used across the nation in a spectacular array of applications and landscapes.

In late 2015, The Nature Conservancy's LF team began updating and improving the BpS model set.

Two phases of the project have been completed, with the third phase, delivering the model sets, on track for delivery in early 2020.



*     Cleaning: the models were moved from the VDDT format to ST-Sim, unmapped and duplicate models were removed, and a user-friendly description document was developed.

*     Updating: 8700+ BpS description documents were downloaded from the review site by local and regional experts, representing more than 95% of all BpS mapped by LF across the Continental US, Alaska and Hawai'i. More than 75% of all BpS were downloaded five or more times, and some more than 50 different times. These downloads increased user knowledge about LF and BpS, and ultimately generated several hundred local reviews for the TNC-LF Team to consider incorporating in the finals.

*     Delivery: Early 2020. The models will support the 2016 LF Remap.


The quantitative models document the fundamental ecology of vegetation systems and help us understand complex ecological processes and relationships. They provide a shared understanding among collaborators, and offer a framework for designing and exploring alternative approaches to achieve management. The ultimate goal is that, by employing the best available science, land planners and ecologists are better able to make informed decisions and perform relevant research. 

As always, contact us if you want more informationabout BpS and/or if you'd like TNC-LANDFIRE team to present a customized webinar for you and your colleagues.