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Wood for Salmon: Reports, Tools, Video & References


california salmon freshwater conservation nature conservancy

Wood for Salmon Working Group Meeting Notes



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Benda, L. and P. Bigelow. 2014. On the patterns and processes of wood in northern California streams. Geomorphology 209: 79–97.
Benegar, J.R. 2011. Evaluation of constructed wood jams in a forest, gravelbed stream. Master’s thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California.
Bennett, S., G. Pess, N. Bouwes, P. Roni, R.E. Bilby, S. Gallagher, J. Ruzycki, T. Buehrens, K. Krueger, W. Ehinger, J. Anderson, C. Jordan, B. Bowersox, and C. Greene. 2016. Progress and challenges of testing the effectiveness of stream restoration in the Pacific Northwest using intensively monitored watersheds. Fisheries 41: 92-103.
Bilby, R. E., and  P.A. Bisson.1998. Function and distribution of large woody debris. Pages 324-346 in Naiman, R. J. and R.E. Bilby, editors. River ecology and management: lessons from the Pacific Coastal ecoregion. New York: Springer-Verlag.
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Bisson, P. A., R. E. Bilby, M. D. Bryant, C. A. Dolloff, G. B. Grette, R. A. House, M. L. Murphy, K. V. Koski, and J. R. Sedell. 1987. Large woody debris in forested streams in the Pacific Northwest: past, present, and future. Pages 143-190 in E. O. Salo and T. W. Cundy, editors. Streamside management: forestry and fishery interactions. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Bouwes, N., S. Bennett and J. Wheaton. 2016. Adapting adaptive management for testing the effectiveness of stream restoration: an intensively monitored watershed example. Fisheries 41: 84-91.
Boyer, K.L., Berg, D.R., S.V. Gregory. 2003. Riparian management for wood in rivers. Pages 407-420 inS. V. Gregory, K.L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and management of wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland.
California Department of Fish and Game. 2004. Recovery strategy for California coho salmon. Report to the California Fish and Game Commission. Sacramento, California.
Cedarholm, C.J., R.E. Bilby, P.A. Bisson, T.W. Bumstead, B.R. Fransen, W.J. Scarlett and J.W. Ward. 1997. Response of juvenile coho salmon and steelhead to placement of large woody debris in a coastal Washington stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:947-963.
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Fausch, K. D. and T.G. Northcote. 1992. Large woody debris and salmonid habitat in a small coastal British Columbia stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 682-693.
Flosi, G., S. Downie, J. Hopelain, M. Bird, R. Coey, and B. Collins. 1998. California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual. Third Edition. Inland Fisheries Division. California Department of Fish and Game. Sacramento, California.
Gonor, J.J., J.R. Sedell and P.A. Benner. 1988. What we know about large trees in estuaries, in the sea, and on coastal beaches. Pages 83-113 in C. Maser, R.F. Tarrant, J.M. Trappe, and J.F. Franklin, editors. From the forest to the sea: a story of fallen trees. General Technical Report PNW- GTR-229.  USDA Forest Service, Portland Oregon.
House, R. A., and P.L. Boehne.1986. Effects of instream structure on salmonid habitat and populations in Tobe Creek, Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 6: 38-46.
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Moyle, P.B., J.A. Israel, S.E. Purdy. 2008. Salmon, steelhead and trout in California: Status of an emblematic fauna. A report commissioned by California Trout. University of California Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, Davis, California.
Nagayama, S. and F. Nakamura. 2010. Fish habitat rehabilitation using wood in the world. Lanscape and Ecological Engineering 6: 289–305.
Naiman, R. J., E.V. Balian, K.K. Bartz, R.E. Bilby, and J.J. Latterell. 2002. Dead wood Dynamics in stream ecosystems. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-181.
National Marine Fisheries Service. 2010. Public draft recovery plan for central California coast coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) evolutionarily significant unit. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region, Santa Rosa, California.
Roni, P. and T. P. Quinn. 2001. Effects of wood placement on movements of trout and juvenile coho salmon in natural and artificial stream channels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:675-685.
Roni, P., K. Hanson, and T. Beechie. 2008. Global review of the physical and biological effectiveness of stream habitat rehabilitation techniques.North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 856–890.
Sedell, J. R., P. A. Bisson, E J. Swanson, and S. V. Gregory. 1988. What we know about large trees that fall into streams and rivers. Pages 47-81 in C. Maser, R.F. Tarrant, J.M. Trappe, and J.E. Franklin, From the forest to the sea: a story of fallen trees. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-229.
Whiteway, S., P. Biron, A. Zimmermann, V. Oscar, and J. Grand. 2010. Do in-stream restoration structures enhance salmonid abundance? A meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences 67:831-841.
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Photo: Ian Shive