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Central Shortgrass Prairie Species at Risk Conservation Innovation and Implementation Project

Beh, G.; Neely, B.; Kettler, S.; Grunau, L.; Rondeau, R. ; Gallagher, S. ; Toombs, T.; Odell, E.; Decker, K.; Hatzenbuehler, L.

This document summarizes the Shortgrass Prairie Partnership’s (SPP) findings and conclusions on facilitating proactive conservation of Species at Risk (SAR) and their habitats occurring on and off of Department of Defense (DoD) lands in the Central Shortgrass Prairie (CSP) ecoregion. It further recommends the use of landscape-scale cooperative conservation tools and programs focused on these species. The team designed this project to help the DoD proactively improve the conservation status of SAR across the ecoregion and reduce the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act while meeting its mission in the areas of training/readiness and range sustainability, regional ecosystem management initiatives, Cooperative Conservation, Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans, and the Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative (REPI). This report can serve as the basis for implementation of a SAR-focused conservation program within the Central Shortgrass Prairie Ecoregion. While this project is focused towards DoD conservation goals, other members of the SPP can use this report to inform and support conservation work for SAR across the ecoregion.

Beh, G., B. Neely, S. Kettler, L. Grunau, R. Rondeau, S. Gallagher, T. Toombs, E. Odell, K. Decker, and L. Hatzenbuehler. 2009. Central Shortgrass Prairie Species at Risk Conservation Innovation and Implementation Project. Shortgrass Prairie Partnership. Funded by the Department of Defense Legacy Program. Project #08-214. 42 pp +Appendices.