Wetland Restoration Easement (WRE) workshops were held in person March 18 and March 25, and virtually on March 28, bringing together Delmarva farmers, land owners and land managers.
The workshops shared opportunities available to qualified Maryland property owners interested in enrolling their land into a USDA NRCS Wetland Reserve Easement. Wetland restoration can be a source of income, provide valuable wildlife habitat and help improve water quality for our local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
Workshop Resources
The Wetland Restoration Easement workshops are offered in partnership by The Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and US Fish & Wildlife Service.

Please note: TNC staff will be photographing the in-person workshops for promotional use in print and on our digital platforms (nature.org and social media). Attendees agree to the use and reproduction of any such photographs and consent to the use of their name in connection with such photographs.