Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!

Welcome to Conservation Gateway

The Gateway is for the conservation practitioner, scientist and decision-maker. Here we share the best and most up-to-date information we use to inform our work at The Nature Conservancy.

science chronicles nature conservancy conservation science

Science Chronicles, the in-house science monthly magazine of The Nature Conservancy, offers provocative, free-wheeling opinion and features written by Conservancy scientists and leading external conservationists. Recent topics range from why climate scientists are so bad at communicating to whether Google is the wave of the future for conservation mapping. Science Chronicles also includes internal Conservancy science announcements and debates. The Conservancy maintains an updated bibliography of papers with TNC authorship

Science Chronicles July 2016: Risks and Rewards of Hydropower, Zen and the Art of Classification, Best Birding Apps, Summer Book Reviews, NatureServe Announcement, New Publications

Science Chronicles March 2016: Digital Restoration, Conservation Planning, Sustainability Science, On Brevity and Jargon, TNC Publication Database, New Publications

Science Chronicles December 2015: Hope. Mining in the Solomons; A Day in the
Life of a Field Scientist: Papua New Guinea Edition; Book Reviews; New Conservancy-Authored Publications

Science Chronicles March 2015: Communicating
Communicating Science in the Coral Triangle; Dashboards; Freshwater Network; When to Say No; Data and Models; Applied Science; Drinking from the Fire Hose; Announcement: SNAP Proposals;New Conservancy-Authored Publications

Science Chronicles December 2014: The Year-End Books Issue. 26 books (and one movie) reviewed by...Jonathan Adams, Tim Boucher, Lisa Feldkamp, Sara Gottlieb, Jonathan Higgins, Peter Kareiva, Bob Lalasz, Laura Marx, Rob McDonald, Matt Miller, Jen Molnar, Jeannie Patton, Ellen Paul, Bryan Piazza, Charlotte Reemts, Mark Tercek, & Alan White

Science Chronicles November 2014: Choices. Cities, Human Decisions and Nature, Planning for Sea Level Rise, LANDFIRE Data, Recent Publications and more.

Science Chronicles September 2014: Knowledge. Multiple Knowledge Systems; The $115 Billion Question; Nature as a Problem Solver; Counting Elephants

Science Chronicles July 2014: Working. Jeff Opperman, Matt Miller,
Dr. Elise Quarterman, Walt Reid, Brian Richter, New TNC publications and more.
Science Chronicles June 2014: The Summer Books Issue. Reviews of conservation, fiction, science, memoir, business and public policy by Jonathan Adams, Tim Boucher, Bud Cook, Susanna Danner, Bob Lalasz, Craig Leisher, Matt Miller, Peter Kareiva, Sheila Reddy, Charlotte Reemts, and John Sall

Science Chronicles May 2014: Resilience. Bright spots; Introducing CAML; The Dirty Secret of Science Communications; Life, Work and Reality; Science Impact Participants; New TNC publications and more.

Science Chronicles March 2014: Evidence. Leech Logic and Baselines; Whither Evidence-based conservation?; Evidence-based Conservation: An Economic Perspective; Evidence-based Practice in Australian; So You Want to Visualize Data; The Science Impact Project

Science Chronicles January 2014: Mainstreaming. Peter Kareiva and Scott Morrison on refreshing Conservation by Design; Kent Redford on mainstreaming biodiversity; behavioral science and green infrastructure; internationalizing our science; 2013 TNC publications; and more.

Science Chronicles December 2013: Year-End Books - Nineteen book reviews by Mark Tercek, Peter Kareiva and our scientists about conservation, fiction, food, poetry, history and more.
Science Chronicles November 2013: Learning - Working with farmers and nature, re-branding nature,  the unit of learning in conservation, social wellness and conservation and more.
Science Chronicles September 2013: Stewardship - The continuing importance and evolution of stewardship for The Nature Conservancy; how to avoid cognitive chaos; evaluating the connections between salmon recovery and 58 GIS variables; and more.

Science Chronicles August 2013: Hunting for Answers - Hunting and conservation debate, deer overabundance, forests and climate, the human dimension in Caribbean conservation, and more.

Science Chronicles July 2013: Going Global = Acting Local? - NatureNet Fellows, local and global conservation, RCTs for conservation, ocean acidification, hunting and conservation, and more.

Science Chronicles June 2013: Mid-Year Books Issue