Editor’s Note and Letters 3
The Lead 5
Ray Hilborn: Apocalypse Forestalled — Why All the World’s Fisheries Aren’t Collapsing
Land’s End? The Future(s) of Protected Areas 10
Articles 20
Peer Review: Jay Odell 24
Viewpoints 29
Peter Kareiva & James Fitzsimons: Making Sense of ‘Biodiversity’ Nonsense:
A Call for a Return to Species
Jonathan Adams: How the Conservancy Can (Finally) Enter the Digital Age
Erik Meijaard: Fear and Conformity in Conservation
New Conservancy Research 38
Science Shorts 41
Rob McDonald: Are Cities (and Babies) Bad for Climate Change?
Evan Girvetz: Son of Dust Bowl?
News, Announcements and Orgspeak 44
Conservancy Publications 45