“Hard Mast Production Following Two
Prescribed Burns in Western NC”
A.K. Danner1, G.M. Hovis2, B.K.
Lovedahl1, and P.C. Bates1
1 Department
of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee,
2 Forest
Stewards, Inc.
From the
and hickories have replaced the American chestnut as the primary hard mast
producing species in the southern Appalachians. Hard mast produced by these
trees is a necessary food source for wildlife and is important for species
regeneration. Acorn production is variable and can be influenced by weather,
insects, wildlife, the tree’s crown position and size, and genetics.
is thought that fire suppression has resulted in a decline of oak and hickory
species and an increase in fire-intolerant, non-mast producing species. Prescribed
burning could mitigate this decline since oaks are fire adapted with thick bark
and have a quick re-sprout rate. Periodically reintroducing fire could result
in more successful regeneration and restoration of oak hickory forests.
However, little is known about the effects of fire on mast production.
The purpose of this poster is to
examine the effects of prescribed fire on hard mast production in western North
Carolina, focusing on how mast trees with different characteristics (species,
diameter, relative mast production) might respond to fire.