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Community Leader Workshop : Nov 12-13, 2014


Enhancing Coastal Resilience on Virginia’s Eastern Shore : Community Leader Workshop  

A project funded by the Department of Interior Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Fund ​

November 12-13, 2014 ​


Workshop Goals

  • ​​Bring together community leaders, decision-makers and project team members to identify the issues of greatest concern on the Eastern Shore regarding the reduction of coastal hazard risks and the enhancement of socio-economic and environmental resilience, and to discuss how the project can be most relevant, applicable and beneficial for local decision making. 

  • Provide an overview of the sea-level rise, storm surge, marsh migration, and barrier island-inlet evolution models that will be used in carrying out the project, including model capabilities, potential outputs and a discussion of how these models can be applied to assist in identifying solutions for reducing risk and enhancing resilience on the Eastern Shore. 

  • Engage community leaders, decision-makers and project team members in the process of identifying future conditions and management actions that are most likely and of greatest concern, and therefore most useful and relevant to address as part of the project in support of Eastern Shore adaptation planning and hazard mitigation actions. 



Breakout Session Handouts 

Session goal: To solicit input from community leaders on scenarios and planning horizons of most interest and relevance to stakeholders regarding inundation and marsh migration models that will eventually be incorporated into the Coastal Resilience Tool. 

Session goal: To solicit information about places on the Eastern Shore where people are most concerned about future storm impacts that want to be addressed by the storm surge model and incorporated in the Coastal Resilience Tool. ​

Session goal: To identify and explore combinations of management actions on Wallops, Chincoteague, and Assateague Islands that are most likely and of greatest concern, and therefore most useful and relevant to address in Barrier Island-Inlet Modeling System and incorporated into the Coastal Resilience Tool. ​


​​​​Workshop Photos
