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lamprey, Salter brook trout naturally reproducing - not sure if population was originally stockedAltered biological composition/structureNutrient loadingLand DevelopmentWater Managementbest river on the CapeA$51MT\nMLH8$$$$$$$$$$$޶O($쑍mc  &86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy ColburnKL05210204Roaring Brook - Martha's Vineyardhigh gradient stream comes out on cobble beach (unusual)Є}yI`TAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa@6 &w86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy Colburn, Rich McHorneyKL05210202Tiasquam River & Mill Brook - Martha's VineyardAmerican brook lamprey, both species of darter, both have small impoundmentsGoodpresence of native fishimpoundments, protected land, low density development, connected to Tisbury Great Pond (only stream fed coastal salt pond on island)Goodsee abovehas native fishStart in moraine so surface flow fed (unlike rest of island)TTOR did study on this drainageLloyd RaleighTTORTom ChaseTNCV6nFfK lMA9'#ÇxokPF $ &w8b|t @ @ @ @ @6&MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210225Neponset Riverchannelization when 95 was going to go through, river birch invasive, urbanization, dams in high gradient section, herring run is gone, one darter and banded sunfish remainV` AHや^0,\\\\ND &w86%MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210224Wading River (Taunton Trib)degraded, lots of impoundmentsK6jjjjND &w86$MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ Cohen, Brian ReidKL05210223Palmer Rivergood wild brook trout run, only certain tribs, shad run, potential for invasives from road crossings, E branch has good riffle habitat, reference stream for SE streams, wood turtlesheadwaters in Rehoboth relatively undeveloped, water withdrawals occur in freshwater section, but does not affect tidal, not much development, but route 6 and 495 cross, has dam right at outlet of stream by head of tide (shad factory pond)one of highest index values for inverts in E Ma, lots of potential for fish except for damvQFNru2dppppppppppppppppppppp'''rrrrf\ &w$86#MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Brian ReidKL05210222Canoe River (Taunton Trib)bridle shiner, high quality system, this and Namasket are two best tribs on Taunton River, outstanding mussel habitat, historic for dwarf wedge, inverts, warmwaterBrian thinks best Taunton trib, others think Nemasket is bestlots of protected land, some of better areas hit hard by municipal water supply, has extreme low flows, higher gradient than Nemasketnear Bridge St and southward good riffle habitat, bridle shiner is a site record6 {Kap;w{SO?+++++++++++++++++++++UttttZP  &w48C @3VgMADavid HalliwellRuss Cohen, Lee McLaughlinDH05240211Tully River and Collar Brook (Millers Tribs)slimy sc6VgMADavid HalliwellRuss Cohen, Lee McLaughlinDH05240211Tully River and Collar Brook (Millers Tribs)slimy sculpin (very sensitive to environ degradation), historical in Collar Brook, rare E of CT river, high quality cold waterArmy Corps controls Millers for flood controlRiverways Spring 2002 Newsletter: The Athol Bird and Nature Club received $2000 to do a photo documentation and monitor and assess habitats along the Tully and $2800 for a bioinventory of odonates and invasives along the Millers, Otter, Tully RiversE~ф EG;73#jjjj>4  &$86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy ColburnKL05210208Mystic Lake/Middle Pond/Marstons Mills River - Cape Coddiverse freshwater musselsmoderate development along ponds and river corridor, Three Bays area is polluted (Nitrogen problem from ?)FairHabitat disturbanceNutrient loadingLand Developmentd~@D~ZZVF2222222222222222""wwww@6 &wd 86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy Colburn, Rich McHorneyKL05210207Bass River/Follins Pond - Cape CodGoodMost of river is tidal, upper reaches are fresh to brackish, contains needlefish and mulletGoodsignificant development in watershed, one major road crossing (rt 6) with channel constriction, heavily used by boats, cranberry bogsFairsee aboveNutrient loadingHabitat disturbanceLand DevelopmentRecreationAgricultureT6sOEhI,®vfff]YuuqqOE &w;86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy Colburn, Russ CohenKL05210206Quashnet River - Cape Codin relatively good shape in spite of everything, relatively clean water usually in sufficient supplySecond after Mashpee in condition on Cape, Santuit Marsh is along streamd'-ePMR(Gl:6&eeeeLB &w8.GnuFVOOOOO% @ @3]nMADavid HalliwellDH05240217Cobbler Brook (Merrimack Trib)good cold water trout stream (rare in this area), E. brook troutBBBB$ #o3\mMADavid HalliwellDH05240210Prince River (Ware River Trib)creek chub (in VT this sp 6]nMADavid HalliwellDH05240217Cobbler Brook (Merrimack Trib)good cold water trout stream (rare in this area), E. brook trout8}I{ eXBBBB$ &o86\mMADavid HalliwellDH05240210Prince River (Ware River Trib)creek chub (in VT this sp occurs in degraded area, if still occurs does not say much about quality), slimy sculpin also present (very sensitive to environ degradation), rare E of CT river:D˯@Z51"(&"BBBB$ $&o86[lMADavid HalliwellDH05240209Orcut Brook (Millers Trib)creek chub (in VT this sp occurs in degraded area, if still occurs does not say much about quality)ayN$0O tD)ƶ>>>>$ &o86ZkMADavid HalliwellDH05240215Spicket River (Merrimack Trib)slimy sculpin (very sensitive to environ degradation), rare E of CT riverRiverways Spring 2002 newsletter: Groundwork Lawrence received $8000 towards a Greenway project to reclaim, improve and redevelop river and surrounding land and provide vision as river as resource")7Eɽ'V xtdPPPPPPPPPPPPBBBB$ &o86YjMADavid HalliwellDH05240214Parker (un-named trib of Ware River)slimy sculpin (very sensitive to environ degradation), rare E of CT riverruns along road?PJlڋ*ŵHHHH$ &o$86XiMADavid HalliwellDH05240213Foskell Mills Stream (Chicopee River trib)slimy sculpin (very sensitive to environ degradation), rare E of CT river:K1Y{NNNN$ &o8 GWxIa]D@oooooooo3w3wMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290204Williams River (Hoosatonic Trib)Best quality watershed in Housatonic drainage for invertebratesDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD$ #o6vMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290203Konkapot RiverUpper tribs and most of mainstem have good benthic communityb\M̜@I5E~,nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn2222$ &o86uMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290201East Branch Green River - Hoosichighest benthic invertebrate species richness of any site in the Hoosic drainageGoodgoTMI!Q:[DDDD$ &oD86evMALee McLaughlinLM01180206Great Brook (Assabet Trib)bl.nosed dace, east.brook troutincreasing development in area a concern (Bolton)}ATGophn\\\====# &o$86duMALee McLaughlinLM01180205Wekepeke River (Nashua Trib)eastern brook trout (dominant) and brown troutin Lancaster and SterlingU҈F͸E\mmm????# &o$86bsMALee McLaughlinLM01180203Cold Spring Brook (Blackstone Trib)last 1/4 mi is cold water resource, brown and eastern brook troutsin Suttonvѡq;E;0NFFFF# &o$86arMALee McLaughlinLM01180202Tinkerville, Centerville, Rocky, TopBrooks (Blackstone trib)eastern brook trout, Centerville has diverse fish pop (not acidified)Rocky Brook is in Douglas State Forest (DEM buying)#L$>>>$ &o86|MAJohn FiorentinoRM05290210Parker River tributariesFairsome small subwatersheds are decent quality but generally overdevelopedFairHabitat disturbanceLand Development##B v®@@@@@<<$ &oa 86{MAJohn FiorentinoRM05290209Clark Brook (Deerfield Trib)Goodgood invertebrate communityhigh water qualitysmall trib of mainstem Deerfield, some ag impacts but generally good water qualityp^A/l >ϙqqqqqqqqqqqqq___DD@@$ &o%86zMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290208Bear River (Deerfield Trib)high water quality and good invertebrate communityGoodmostly forested except for one golf courseGoodOne of the best subwatersheds in the Deerfield basin[P5Oinףuuq????$ &ol8# g"LL L L M   @@@ @!@"H#H$H%H&H'H(I)I*I+I,I-J.J/J0J1J2K3K4K5K6L7L8L9M:M;M<M=M>N?N@NANBNCNDNEOFOGOHOIOJPKPLPMPNPOPPPQQRQSQTQUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdef@gKhQiQjRkRlRmnopqrstuv w xy z { | } ~ AABBBCCDDEFFG@AAARSTUVWXYZZ[\\]^__`abcddddddddeeeeeeeffffgggggggg 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ufw`jpvhrrdgmr{`pdbrrm{`wfuwiurxhirxwvxoofujpbrpwu`vwwro`jpvwfovf`vrp`mbi`phfvjp{`wfumfzfm"vi`mmr{vfbwjrpvrgvwuf`odu}xsjpvrof}f`uvbvf`vrp`mgmxbwx`wjrpvjpvwuf`ogmr{Xvf`vrp`mgmxbwx`wjrpvjp{`wfugmr{`pdmfzfmVvf`vrp`mgmxbwx`wjrpvjp{`wfugmr{Zvf`vrp`mgmxbwx`wjrpvjp{`wfugmr{v]vf`vrp`mgmxbwx`wjrpvjp{`wfumfzfm`pdjpgmr{cvf`vrp`m{`wfumfzfmgmxbwx`wjrpvYvijgwjphv`pdv"afpwijbbrooxpjwjfv"vxaofuhfdzfhfw`wjrp"ujbibm`}vrjmv"wuffvi`zfvi`mmr{urrwvafb`xvfrgbm`}"vwffsvjdfdu`zjpfv"bm`}sjwvpvijgwjphv`pd}arwwro`pdfurdjpha`plvhvijgwjphv`pd}arwwrosvo`mmujzfuafb`xvfprwoxbi{`wfuvifdxsvwuf`oorufmjlfvfujzfuvjpvj~fvo`mmujzfuafb`xvfprwoxbi{`wfuvifdxsvwuf`oorufmjlfvfujzfuvjpvj~fvw`uwjporu`jpfvrvxug`bfgmr{gfdxpmjlfufvwrgjvm`pdvwjmmvxggfuvvfzfu`mgjviljmmvsfu}f`unxpjtxfbraamfhu`zfmjpvrof`uf`v"vrofd`ovaxwufm`wjzfm}hrrdgmr{ufhjofvtxpjtxfgrujwv`ajmjw}wro`jpw`jpbrmd{`wfubrpdjwjrpvwiurxhirxwwifvf`vrpv`pdwiurxhirxwwifa`vjpbrmd{`wfusmxofvsjmmjphjpwrbwujzfuixhvujzfuarwwrosrwfpwj`mwifuo`mufgxhfgruv`morpxssfuuf`bifv{`uo{`wfumr{fubrrm{ijbijvzfu}xpxvx`mI{`uo{`wfu{ 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(please check the top 3 and any others)Garamondj2U`aNi ALTH- 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Branch North RiverNorth River, East Branch Headwaterso_'Fd{e0ok[G$  ^@AB05210257MANorth River - mainstem (Deerfield Trib)North River/North River East Branch (Deerfield)τvLLDLok< ]@KL05210258MAMill River - Hatfield (CT River Trib)Roaring Brook:?AL]cok[G:  ]@KL05210263MAMill River - Northampton (CT River Trib)Mill River7E+ F"ok[G= ]@AB05210214MAMill River - Northampton (CT River Trib)Mill River(kwF{fpl\H>  ]@RM05290207MAGreen RiverU1N4@HD4  ]@RM05290206MAGreen River (Deerfield Trib)Green Rivern. @[Y*'d`P<1  ]@AB05210245MAGreen River (Deerfield Trib)Green RiverIjhCTrvd`P<1  \@BI042902-5NHOtter BrookOtter BrookuWcEl6SO?+  \@BI042902-4NHAshuelot River-South BranchAshuelot River, South Branch5zU%GEs&]tp`L0 `.G/+G:6FzvE ED4CUQCd`BA73A@9@EP03199@EP9@EP03190206CTFarmington RiverFarmington River, West BranchB% 9@AB05210202MAWestfield and Farmington River BranchesFarmington River, West Branch`0D+N^"}mY<  7@GH03270205CTShetucketShetucket Riverr@xC}zQT$UQA- 7@EP03190205CTWillimantic RiverShetucket River.t!J +5]YI5& 5@DW03190205CTQuinebaugQuinebaug RiverC7kYUQA- 3@AB05210242MAWare River - main stem south of WareWare RiverdR=F>z63kgWC9 2@AB05210242MAWare River - main stem south of WareQuaboag Rivera=&O]1njZF9 0@EP03190206CTFarmington RiverFarmington River, West Branchzke7Nۄ tjfVB% ,@MB03190205CTUpper HousatonicHousatonic River '|ADa Ā]YI5% ,@AM02040206MAHousatonic RiverHousatonic River9iC9?k]YI5% (@DM06030201RIBlackstone RiverBlackstone RiverF:Q"NxyQ]YI5% &@DE02010001RIPawcatuck River Size 3Pawcatuck RiverpC#DZ-b^N:+ "@KM03270205CTThamesThames RiverU|Kڳ~eOK;'  @RT03270205CTConnecticutConnecticut RiverW/F֌YUE1  @KL05210202MATiasquam River & Mill Brook - Martha's VineyardTiasquam River^.IR`yzvfRD @RM05290212MAMartha's Vineyard streamsRoaring Brook)2AFC^c_O;. @KL05210205MAMashpee River - Cape CodMashpee River4|G>n&b^N:- @RC05160217MASlocums RiverSlocums RiverEu~WSC/" .GFFDD.*DLHCBp BA,@_D@KL05210250MAWare RD@KL05210250MAWare River - UpperWare Riverxt wWN>yYUE1' D@AB05210240MAWare River - mainstemWare River.ԌbH<ʉ\XH4* D@KL05210249MAQuaboag River - LowerQuaboag Riverp*E}zKGR9 _[K7* D@AB05210243MAQuaboag River at BrookfieldQuaboag River gISҾeaQ=0 C@AM02040206MAHousatonic RiverSchenob Brook"lO0|ZVF2% B@RM05290204MAWilliams River (Hoosatonic Trib)Williams River0q4*N!{kokgWC5 B@PP03190201CTSalmon CreekSalmon Creek}f9$B tqUQA-! 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R@AB05210235MAFever Brook - East Branch (Quabbin Trib)Upper Swift River/Quabbin Tributaries-tBOV0BYvb= R@AB05210232MAPrescott Brook (Quabbin Trib)Upper Swift River/Quabbin TributariesJ`!KB!Dd{kW2 R@AB05210231MASwift River - West branchUpper Swift River/Quabbin Tributariesߝ@'POs{wgS. Q@KL05210220MANemasket River/Lakeville Ponds (Taunton Trib)Namasket River0WuWO2̼xtdPB P@KL05210221MATaunton River mainstemCanoe River{zQ E˂^ZJ6+ @P@KL05210245MAMumford River (Blackstone Trib)Blackstone RiverF nuOuEElhXD4 .ȊGF"FE?DQMDCyC3/BWVp@VT253VTSteam Mill BrookSteam Mill Brook=V&\yN Ƨ XTD0  o@VT40VTSaxtons RiverSaxtons River=V8sMRJ,M QM=) V@AB05210260MAWestfield brook/Westfield river at Windsor jambsMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - PeruՀ̲AlHݗ#~yeE V@AB05210212MAWestfield River - West BranchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - Peru +5KӰzvfR2 @V@BH06050202CTMacedonia BrookMatrix Tier1: Macedonia BrookbTHr `:ieUA$ U@PP03190203CTMashamoquet BrookMashamoquet Brookb|D_p![,'_[K7& @U@GB05230214RIGlen Rock BrookQueens River =VP|IIfwd \XH0$ @U@GB05230213RIBeaver RiverQueens River =Vo%MD+?_&b YUE-! U@RC05160214MAAsnacomet Pond (Hubbardston)Ware River`^y>I/6@c_O;1 U@DH05240214MAParker (un-named trib of Ware River)Ware RiverlN QJokgWC9  U@AB05210242MAWare River - main stem south of WareWare River9?j"M|,,AkgWC9 U@AB05210241MAWare River - East BranchWare River*5G+jU`)_[K7-  U@AB05210239MABurnshirt brook (Ware River Trib)Ware Riverqn Eg7hdT@6  T@KL05210248MAQuaboag River - UpperQuabaug Riverh kGx|_[K7*  T@MB03190202CTScantic RiverUpper Scanite River Tributaries& GtkFieUA" T@KL05210259MAScantic River (Chicopee Trib?)Upper Scanite River Tributaries긥K7I=zvfR3  @T@RJ06050204CTSalmon Brook (Connecticut Drainage)Salmon Brook}^b)91F™MRrlhXD8 R.qmGnjFfbEDlCNNJCb^BAn@Y@DH05240207MAMill Ri@Y@@Y@DH05240207MAMill River Hatfield ano@DE02010002CTShunock RiverShunock River=V` # @- WSC/" @Y@DH05240207MAMill River Hatfield and Fort River MouthsConnecticut RiverEAK+҇? IwscO> @Y@DH05240206MADeerfield and Millers River MouthsConnecticut RiverЦGJrrqeypl\H7 @Y@AB05210222MAConnecticut River mainstemConnecticut River0NT'd_hdT@/ X@RT03270203CTNatchaug RiverMatrix Tier1: Yale-Myers Forest&]H2(~jfVB# X@NH06050201CTMt. Hope RiverMatrix Tier1: Yale-Myers Forest+'1CeL,e+jfVB# X@GB05230205RIFlat River (trib to Wood)Matrix Tier1: Wood River Barrens/Pachaug/׵Etҷ~zjV. W@AB05210208MABrenton Bk, Spectacle Pond Bk, Clam R. (Farmington Tribs)Matrix Tier1: OtisG²iDʶ.Jt`N W@AB05210205MAFarmington River drainageMatrix Tier1: Otis-@L3F#έhdT@. @W@RC05160201MAHousatonic River - E BranchMatrix Tier1: October Mountain A5C:-oVvrbN0 W@RJ06050202CTWachocastinook CreekMatrix Tier1: Mt. Washington - Mt. Riga8 L A=(hvExtdP) V@RC05160201MAHousatonic River - E BranchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - PeruճhCC\xtdP0 V@AM02040216MAWestfield - west branchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - Perug`oDu5䳌tp`L, V@AM02040215MAWestfield - middle branchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - Peru*\o OGwQ wscO/ V@AB05210262MABronson Brook (E Branch Westfield trib)Matrix Tier1: Middlefield - PeruPL'&\q]= n.G#G<8FE4DSODuqC CA3/A@@\@\@@\@FG041902-2NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)Ashuelot RiverK=@\@BI042902-2NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)Ashuelot RiversD$?2so_K= \@DES050702-34NHCold RiverCold River2‘J`SSO?+! \@BI042902-8NHCold RiverCold RiverHc7eQM=) [@AB05210224MAMillers River --Priest, Otter, Lawrence Brooks, Tully RiverStockwell and Priest Brookxن%F_ڒ~jP [@LM01180210MAMillers River - mainstemMillers River, Upper Section#דHȦ8qm]I- @[@LAC051502-37NHOliverian BrookOliverian BrookJʎO8e_!5]YI5& [@FG041902-13NHMascoma RiverMascoma River&ovLdоXTD0# Z@FG041902-9NHSugar River-South BranchSugar River, South Branch8|WF..GnjZF- Z@VT17VTDeerfield RiverUpper Deerfield TributariesEAAC4EkKa]M9  @Z@JL05160201MAConnecticut River - SunderlandSawmill RiverSqKԙ|1chdT@3 @Z@AB05210265MASawmill River -CT River trib nr Montague plainsSawmill Riverw8)SO9&ә.(yueQD  Y@FG041902-1NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 3 section)Ashuelot River0p{zPH%)so_K=  Y@BI042902-1NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 3 section)Ashuelot RiverO9OҤ!so_K= Y@FG041902-8NHSugar River MainstemSugar RiverMS\E?#}2\XH4)  @Y@VT14VTConnecticut RiverConnecticut RiverٹK@0YUE1   @Y@JL05160201MAConnecticut River - SunderlandConnecticut Rivervi _ضIl@ 4GlhXD3 .<`oVXVZVXWX29diV[XZVXWV5uhiVYX]VXVZ3:loVYX]VXV[1tmoVWW^VXWV7;zwX_0V_6 `aV[XWVXWV2`aV[XWVXWW2`aV[XWVXWW5`aV[XWVXWX2`aV[XWVXWX5`aV[XWVXWY0 `aV[XWVXWY``aV[XWVXWZ0 `aV[XWVXW[`aV[XWVXW\0`aV[XWVXXV`aV[XWVXXX6`aV[XWVXXY6`aV[XWVXXZ7`aV[XWVXX[ `aV[XWVXX\`aV[XWVXX]`aV[XWVXX^7`aV[XWVXX^7`aV[XWVXYW4`aV[XWVXYX4`aV[XWVXYY4`aV[XWVXY[4 `aV[XWVXY]4 `aV[XWVXY_5 `aV[XWVXZV2`aV[XWVXZV5 `aV[XWVXZW5 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s_Generation>>>Major_Stresses s_Generations_GUID>>E{qg]B= NUb=ڡ9K@ڡ9K@Major Sources of Stress66666666666 .ڡ9K@ڡ9K@Interview Links to Portfolio;;;;;;;;;;; D9K@ڡ9K@Interview Data Table33333333333 Other:6vN;>v/+Biological=wxCds{3/ Land DevelopmentI&wXO?95%Resource Extraction7'N֕+:<8(Forestryq״>IL4*1- Water Management_aCl vM4xo95%AgricultureߔǷIF!K@$40 Point Source Pollution=+;JDg?;+Land/Resource ManagementəTL7,iA=-Recreation(,V%Hs3/ *MNB>c7)%Gj[6folio Occurrences].PORTCODE*[Po3MAAndrew MaddenAM02040219Clesson Brook, Cooley Brook, Cold River (Deerfield)Clesson channelized, Cooley has farms but good clean wild rainbow trout; Cold River cold water, good habitat but no fishUUUU" #o6MAAndrew MaddenAM02040219Clesson Brook, Cooley Brook, Cold River (Deerfield)Clesson channelized, Cooley has farms but good clean wild rainbow trout; Cold River cold water, good habitat but no fishC,OUUUU" &o86fwMALee McLaughlinLM01180207Assabet - Lowermainstem as spottail shiner, better condition than upper$VWL-B~jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj2222# &o86!2MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLoughlinKL05210238Nashua River - Northmainstem in bad shape (KH); Whitman trib is good for inverts, mainstem north is acidic, less diversity, eastern brook trout, redfin pickeral (LM) 4ή:Dg]]_i eeeeQG $&w86 1MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210237Nashua River - Washington Reservoirhas introduced salmon, lots of stocking, important recreationally, nesting loons, ban on lead weights, Clinton area is polluted with scrap metal plant leachate (outlet area)interbasin transfer from Quabbin*$0BOJMYUE111111111111111111111111ddddA7 &w$86/MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210235Upper Shawsheen Riverbridle shiner, swamp darter (Bedford, Wilmington, Billerica), brook trout habitatMb[0qO˻VVVVA7 &w86.MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210234Concord Marsheswetlands, marshes are nice, development sparser, eagles overwinter, good bird life, no special fishb54$GJdzPPPPA7 &w8_<sle].TOXICCHEM22[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].EXOTIC23[Portfolio Occur6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210201Schenob Brookno zebra mussels present in Dry Brook, but they are present on the CT side in Washing Lake.some streams in Mt. Washington area drain toward Housatonic, some toward the NY side.Schenob Brook area is ACEC. Invertebrate studies show very little overlap in species composition among drainages. Preserving only some drainages would result in loss of diversity.Low density development and agriculture within buffers are impacting quality of ponds in the areaSally ShawTNC%J۲G%-pppppppppmcccJJJ  &w$@86MA`Mike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie Sander RM05210223CT River - Holyoke Dambelow dam and in canals yellow lamp mussel and tidewater mucketwhen you get to Quaboag and Ware good mussel populations; three species on ware, 2 quaboagJG>HvG gcS???????????妦 &86MADave McLainAB05210223CT River - Holyoke dam area below dam main stem/canalsyellow lamp mussel and tidewater mucket below dam} ` IxR3VVVV  &o86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderRM05210223Stony Brook - CT River TribStony Brook also good mussel and d-flies. NmGRiѨ &w86MADave McleanMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210222Connecticut River mainstemsite for yellow lamp mussels.gHj7qβ &8*&E^r13MAmike parker, boyd kynardMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210204Big Pond, North of Otis Reservoirfeasibility study shows water quality better than thought, but possibility of invasives due to high use for recreation. No milfoil found.water drawn down for beach and dock cleaning every fall. Stakeholders meet on a regular basis to try to agree on drawdown range that will be good for fish and still allow cleani6MAmike parker, boyd kynardMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210204Big Pond, North of Otis Reservoirfeasibility study shows water quality better than thought, but possibility of invasives due to high use for recreation. No milfoil found.water drawn down for beach and dock cleaning every fall. Stakeholders meet on a regular basis to try to agree on drawdown range that will be good for fish and still allow cleaning.A fish screen at outlet would keep stocked fish in reservoir and out of river, thus allowing better spp distribution in riverModification of water levesl; changes in flow*搙cL,Ww32 OOOƥ# &$86MAMike ParkerMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210202Westfield and Farmington River Branchestypical warmwater fish in mainstems of Westfield and Farmington--bass and pickerel. Tributaries have coldwater fish brook trout and slimy sculpin. Otis reservoir drives economy through recreation and some stresses result. Reservoir is 303d listedno diadromous fish likely to get up since no eels have been caught. Colebrook dam is for flood control, hampstead reservoir is water supply ofr Hartford.Modification of water levesl; changes in flowS!xA)}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}PPPPP &$8!3/Dr$t p6r3MAMike parker, boydmike parker, boyd kynard, dave small, chloe stewart, fred morrison, sally shaw, dave mclean, laurie sanders, john o'learAB05210206Little River (Westfield Trib)2nd biggest drinking water supply in state, 15,000 acres owned by city of springfielddams present, stocked with par, industrial areas in watershed are point sources, high numbers of brook trout in previously closed fishery. Very few EO's but likely due to area closure. Old growth hemlock in gorge dying from adelgids.little river has great potential as habitat because it receives cold water releases but also has other issues . Loss of hemlocks could raise water temperature and ruin habitat for LA waterthrush.100% loss of hemlocks at sites in CT had impacts to streams. Issue is complex though--woody debris is a good thing, and slightly warmer water could benefit native fish as long as it doesn't exceed tolerances.Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePoint Source PollutionBiologicalϹ  #$6MABoyd Kynard, Mike parker, dave smallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210205Farmington River drainagenot many dams, no withrdrawals except little wells, all forested--lots of state forest lands and Hartford MDC, cold waters full of trout. Quality expected to be maintained long term.beaver dams abundant, making cold unregulated flows increasingly rare. Few places are high gradient enough that beavers can't sustain dams. Beavers benefit mussels in high gradient areas but hurt them in low gradient areas; farms reforestingcutlet minnows reproducing (introduced bait fish); Clam and BucK rivers are nice, wooded areas productive for trout; mainstem gets warm; fallfish common in Farmington--can be found in poorer habitatsRoute 8 parallels river closely; concerns about road salt.b-vM5wzsssssssssssss99999999qqqʱ/  &$@8_+u?ey1Un$YpP@GH03270204CTNiantic RiverNiantic River/" O@NB03190203CTPachaug RiverPachaug River/" O@JC03190202CTMoosup RiverMoosup River-! N@GB05230203RIWood River route 138 to Barber RoadWood RiverB8 N@GB05230202RIWood River Route 138 south to PawcatuckWood RiverF< N@GB05230201RIPawcatuck at Wood River confluenceWood RiverA7 N@GB05230214RIGlen Rock BrookQueen River/$ N@GB05230209RIQueens River - Pawcatuck to Rte 138Queen RiverC8 M@GB05230208RIPawcatuck River - Narragansett Trail to Queens RiverPawcatuck RiverXI M@GB05230201RIPawcatuck at Wood River confluencePawcatuck RiverF7 M@MB03190205CTUpper HousatonicSaugatuck River4% L@EP03190204CTHammonasset RiverHammonasset River7& L@NB03190204CTEightmile RiverEightmile River3$ K@KL05210243MAWest River, Center Brook, Warren Brook (Blackstone Trib)West River (MA)]N K@KL05210245MAMumford River (Blackstone Trib)Mumford RiverA4 J@JC03190204CTQuinnipiac RiverQuinnipiac River5% J@MB03190204CTMill River (Saugatuck drainage)Mill River (Saugatuck Drainage)S4 6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210208Brenton Bk, Spectacle Pond Bk, Clam R. (Farmington Tribs)high quality streams above reservoir; no fishing allowed. Brook trout present all the way down to Agawam--conditions in these areas nearly ideal for trout. 88X3C~6BN~Uuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaƍ &w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210207Westfield (city of) Reservoirreservoir has protected lands but is also dammedҥ]? LFzTڪ &&w8O[DaA~,GKo*nS@SG03270202CTHockanum RiverHockanum River Tributaries=# S@NH06050205CTTankerhoosen RiverHockanum River TributariesA' S@BJ06050201CTTwin LakesTwin Lakes) @S@AM02040208MASchenob Brook, Hubbard BrookSchenob Brook>1 @S@AB05210201MASchenob BrookSchenob Brook/" S@GB05230217RIHopkins Mill PondPonagansett Headwaters<& S@GB05230216RIPonagansett River headwaters to Hopkins Mill PondPonagansett Headwaters\F R@KL052106MAmike parkerMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210209Westfield River - mainstemwestfield has greatest potential and least problems; no dam problems b/c downstream of dam on CT; Deerfield and Chicopee have potential but highly regulated; Miller's not great coldwater potential and has pcb issue;mainstem of wesfield is more of a warm water fishery with stocked trout; few native fish; lots of dams. Stocked with par; Caleb slater has good data on par in streams from 2001; 1 and 2 yr old par in tribs that were not on stocking listSalmon could migrate through with restoration--obtain FWS info on salmom restoration streams. Table of fish counts available through 2001.Mussel inventory expected by Mike Parkeralewives don't get north of CT border, american shad take over. Project underway to reintroduce blueback herring into westfield--should see at fish ladder in W. springfield. Eelway installed last fall but not running now.Mussels and state listed odesModification of water levesl; changes in flowFirst obstacle to fish is at West springfield. After that Three dams in a row (strathmore, westfield paper, texon), all in site of each other; no upstream passage with rudimentary downsteam passage.Rattlesnake population at Mt. Tekoa (fred morrison).Mh ~qm]IIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOO""(((vvv  &$A8R `m%e[SCb V@AB05210260MAWestfield brook/Westfield river at Windsor jambsMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - PerueE V@AB05210212MAWestfield River - West BranchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - PeruR2 V@AB05210211MAWestfield River - Middle BranchMatrix Tier1: Middlefield - PeruT4 @V@BH06050202CTMacedonia BrookMatrix Tier1: Macedonia BrookA$ U@PP03190203CTMasham6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210211Westfield River - Middle Branchno pool from acoe damat least 4 state listed dragonflies in all branches of westfieldwestfield has greatest potential and least problems; no dam problems b/c downstream of dam on CT; Deerfield and Chicopee have potential but highly regulated; Miller's not great coldwater potential and has pcb issue; W"G2!0"B & &86MAmike, boydMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210210Westfield River -East Branchwhole northern areas of east branch are free flowing--no damsbetter habitat for atlantic salmon; ACOE dams create reservoir used for recreation;no fish passage at dam--salmon trapped and trucked--have been up to 20 above dam but 96-98 Don Pugh; radio tagging; lots of redds and nests; good summer habitat for waiting to migrate; 1 million fry are stocked annually; fish show strong preference for middle and east branches for no known reasonwestfield has greatest potential and least problems; no dam problems b/c downstream of dam on CT; Deerfield and Chicopee have potential but highly regulated; Miller's not great coldwater potential and has pcb issue;x+ 99E& O%|xhTTTTTTTTTTT||||||||||CCC𳗍  &$8)=89NAFkc@Y@DH05240207MAMill River Hatfield and Fort River MouthsConnecticut RiverO> @Y@DH05240206MADeerfield and Millers River MouthsConnecticut RiverH7 @Y@AB05210223MACT River - H6MAmike parker, boyd kynardMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210212Westfield River - West Branchcurrently 43 miles wild and scenic designation; will be expanded to 80 miles with Governor's approval. For 330,00 acres there are only small urban centers; large cities are at southern endW & S designation prevents any Federal projects from being builteach community has to have river protection by-law; core 6 towns since 93 and 5 more will be added. Do have access for riverine fish and diadromous fish for lower 40 miles of westfield; upper part of basin only has trucked in salmon.All have native brook trout populations; some also have wild brown trout (self-sustaining non native). Andy Madden from MA wildlife has this data--brand new. Food is not a limiting factor for trucked salmon because they eat at sea.Fishway at Denil dam provides passage for riverine fish; white sucker, brown trout, smallmouth bass; all fish want to access habitats--tiger, rainbow, brown trout occur in high numbers with large indivuals (sea-run characteristics?)pools that salmon use in summer are all identified5 towns resisted w& s designation, but have seen that landowners in other towns didn't suffer ill effects. Now in favor of adding mileage. No Federal money is attached because done by "initial petition" process. See general comments on area riverswestfield has greatest potential and least problems; no dam problems b/c downstream of dam on CT; Deerfield and Chicopee have potential but highly regulated; Miller's not great coldwater potential and has pcb issue;\_a+A(Oxzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxx¥#  &$8 ~ ,6'8MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210243West River, Center Brook, Warren Brook (Blackstone Trib)one of better sites for brook lamprey in state, best trib of Blackstonefeds own several miles, recent ACEC, bogs and cedar swamps in landscapegroundwater populationACEC in area (Misco Brook?), conservation work needed (LM)p/=\F:L|hhhhhhhhhhhh........ъQG &w$86&7MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210242Nissitissit River (Nashua River Trib)good cold water fishery with good mussels, probably stockedNational scenic river?, Trout Unlimited is involved}pBD<κ֡ffffA7 &w86%6MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Jen Loose (JL051606)KL05210241Squannacook (Nashua River Trib.)bridle shiner (KH) reknowned for odonate diversity (4-5 listed species) - WMA area (JL)Willard Brook State Park, development occurring very rapidly (back land too)National Scenic River?K]A^/YUE111111111111wwwwWM &w$86$5MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210240Malpus Brook (Nashua River Trib)otters, mussels, gomphids, insects, brook troutSWA;psaaaaA7 &w86#4MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210239Nashua River - middleS part of Devens is active artillaryMatt Hickler has done research in Oxbow area near Devens, Brian Butler has done research on Blandings/D99G} >&zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzVVVVA7 %&w86"3MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ CohenKL05210228Charles River - Middledevelopment, road improvements, Needham and Dedham sections in bad shape, once flows under 128 quality becomes worse95/128 nearby, S. Natick dam ;APccccMC $&w$8;G+YO)@3,=MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210248Quaboag River - Uppergreatest warm water fishery in state, lots of introduced species, greatest freshwater marshes in state (largest world population of Long's Bulrush), bridle shiner, towns are eutro6,=MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210248Quaboag River - Uppergreatest warm water fishery in state, lots of introduced species, greatest freshwater marshes in state (largest world population of Long's Bulrush), bridle shiner, towns are eutrophying, diverse native fishes, banded killifish because sandy in partsnatural lake (in glacial lake basin) flow though on river(others); lots of milltowns and impoundments (RC)pond to route 67 is most diverse (WMA), non-native and listed plants, spottail shiners, Lee McLaughlin will intensively survey in summer 02upper reaches warm water, lower cool which is very unusual,Nutrient loadingDFW owns marshes,R`C Or'=uyİU___ffffQG  &w$86+<MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210247Quinebaug River - Upperwestern tribs have bridle shiner (KH); diverse, native, spottail shiner, redbreasted sunfish, fallfish, common shiner, white sucker, gizzard shad (LM)Mauri Pelto, a hydrology prof at Nichols College has poked around Quinebaug tribs (Russ Cohen)kmEPZIq]]]]]]]]]]]iiiiRH &w86*;MATom Rawinski, Lee McLaughlinKL05210246French River (Quinebaug Trib)nothing special, high gradient (TW); polluted, warm water, low spp. Diversity (LM)major dam at state land, dammed pondsa~DŠNNNN1' &w$86):MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210245Mumford River (Blackstone Trib)lots of ponds from damming2V^ilMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ CohenKL05210249Quaboag River - Lowercool water section, recreational, used to be sculpin (but sensitive to temp changes)lots of milltowns and impoundments (RC) !SG1g|ݶbbbbMC %&w$80,G_" 35FMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, David HalliwellKL05210256Glen Brook (Green River Trib)northern redbelly dace (N. minnow sp at southern most portion of range, common to N, only place in MA, glacial relict)ooooRH #w34EMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Andrew MaddenKL05210255South River (Deerfield Trib)salmon restoration site, rich invert communitysome dairy farms, little development, high productivity, brook trout, scu65FMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, David HalliwellKL05210256Glen Brook (Green River Trib)northern redbelly dace (N. minnow sp at southern most portion of range, common to N, only place in MA, glacial relict)1x r3M&Ӻd ooooRH %&w864EMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Andrew MaddenKL05210255South River (Deerfield Trib)salmon restoration site, rich invert communitysome dairy farms, little development, high productivity, brook trout, sculpin, daceK(fFM8TC횚llllPF $&w$863DMA K. Hartel, T.Rawinski, B.Colburn, M.Parker, B. Kynard, D.Small,C.Stewart, F.Morrison, S.Shaw, D.McLain, J.O'Leary,KL05210254North River (Deerfield Trib)interesting invert fauna, good examples of natural communities--great coldwater habitat, some impacts from dams and not good connectivity; 5 dams before mouthdairy farm impacts, forestry? (check with John Burke at Harvard forest - research on forest activity in MA), remote and beautiful, steep, forest/some ag; dam where west and north branches meetModification of water levesl; changes in flowK//KWOWSC///////////////////BBB~ &w$86gxMALee McLaughlinLM01180208Quinepoxet, Tannery Brook (Nashua Tribs)good diversity, slimy sculpin in TanneryHoldencoEM@yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssKKKK# &o$8GC)3 MASteve Hurley, Karsten H3 MASteve Hurley, Karsten HartelKL05210212Herring RiverFairvery good herring riverflows into Cape Cod CanalrrrrrrrrrrrYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYBB>>1' #w3 MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Rich McHorney, Russ Cohen, Brian ReidKL05210211Agawam Rivergood herring run to Halfway Pond, historic Alasmidonta heterodon record, redbelly turtle?, rare plants, impacted by Cranberry operations, good mussels at outlet, historic for dwarf wedge, refuge for tidewater mucket, limpet could be Ferrissia walkeriGoodlots of cranberry bogs, river is diverted around bogs, many impoundments, dam at rte 6Fairbetter than Weweantic and Sippican, Asian ghost moss animal Stephanella hyna, tidal reaches have good freshwater tidal marsh, and good mussel beds,6 MASteve Hurley, Karsten HartelKL05210212Herring RiverFairvery good herring riverflows into Cape Cod CanalˆN0oc rrrrrrrrrrrYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYBB>>1' &w86MASteve Hurley, Karsten HartelKL05210210Red Brookwild brook troutTTOR is active at this sitekG*BI^i yeeeeeeeeeeeeJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ::::1' &w86MABetsy ColburnKL05210214Provinceland Pondsinvertebrates, amphibians, and plants (Betsy has sources), two species of herringin protected area (CCNS)Very Goodunique geology, recent{ (~@9G:м4444" &wd868IMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210259Scantic River (Chicopee Trib?)nice inverts, 2 sp of freshwater mussels, good fishnice floodplain, more southern oak hickory forestsnMA+g:Ē____A7 &w$867HMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210258Mill River - Hatfield (CT River Trib)good invert diversity, good mussels, dwarf wedge musselwork being done by Scott Jackson etc.\,rC#ffffA7 &w8eB{@3=NMARuss CohenRC05160201Housatonic River - E Branchrelatively undisturbed habitat, low6=NMARuss CohenRC05160201Housatonic River - E Branchrelatively undisturbed habitat, low gradient marshy meandering headwater streams that was probably a beaver flowagevery large gravel operation nearby - impact?7<JN{ba٭:::: &&w$86<MMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210263Mill River - Northampton (CT River Trib)rich invert community, historically good mussels (dwarf wedge), diverted after 38 flood, oil spillsdo:fsD %iiiiA7 &w86:KMAalso Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'Leary, Laurie Sander Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ Cohen, Mike Parker, Boyd Canard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred MorrKL05210261Fort River (CT River Trib)biggest undammed tributarymussels, lota, good mussels and dragonflies (Stylurus scudderi); few mussels below golf course; some ag/suburban water supply in upper section but less developed; creeping development along rte 9small area of floodplain forest - CD rank (Kearsley report), Boyd has temp logger in Fort--many years of data that will be tough to find on small tribs; lamprey studies for 20 yrs abundance, habitat use, spawning periodicitym}?jFΩB?ƼD &$869JMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210260Connecticut River - Turners FallslotaA`N)x^n2zfffffffffffffffffffffffffffbbbbA7 &w86 MASteve Hurley, Karsten HartelKL05210213Wankinko Riverbridle shiner present, degraded in Wareham section (waste water treatment plant), cranberry bogs (KH, SH); cold water stream coming out of MSSF, good for brook trout (JL)Flows through Wareham, numerous bogsFairNutrient loading}H5pE=KIE5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????1' &wd8C3DUMAJen LooseJL05160202Connecticut River - Fannie Stebbinsfloodplain forest is one of 10 high quality sites in MA - A ranked (K6DUMAJen LooseJL05160202Connecticut River - Fannie Stebbinsfloodplain forest is one of 10 high quality sites in MA - A ranked (Kearsley report), classic big river floodplain forestxD_[َHMϻAAAA &w86CTMAJL05160201Connecticut River - Sunderland5 odonate species, sandbars, tribs have many listed odonates, water level change and recreation (boats going by) creates waves that kill them, crawl up on sandbars as much as 30 ft awayL06@3* 3333 $&g86BSMARuss CohenRC05160206Sudbury River - Headwatersopen, lots of red maple, natural low gradient swampyÁXH,Bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn:::: &o86@QMARuss CohenRC05160204Assabet River - Headwaterswater quality a problem, wastewater treatment plan effluent going into system, inverts affected?heavily suburbanizing area,ҍ{N[ng ȴ9999 &o$86?PMARuss CohenRC05160203Salmon Brook (Merrimack Trib)good in MA (once hits NH developed-flows N), no development, best known in E. Mass, no invasive plants, lots of painted turtlesundisturbed area of several thousand acres, town well close by but not noticed impact, tree farm in watershed, old rail line, little development nearby in MA portion (Dunstable area)!*M/5qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<<<< &o$86>OMARuss CohenRC05160202Fort Pond Brook (Assabet Trib)low gradient marshy meandering headwater streams that was probably a beaver flowage, impacted by route 2dam at outlet of pond, looks like in heavily developed area, but is actually Acton Water supply land.CCc D\1- ==== &o$8FM'N0 03IZMAJen LooseRuss CohenJL05160205Deerfield River - mainstemdam releases have negative impact on odonate populations, steep big cobbles and boulders, high gradientsettlement agreement with power company has turned out to be a disaster for aquatics - were more concerned about low flows, but turns out that high flows flush biota out (RC)Pat SarentinoeeeeeeeeeeXBBBB( #3HYMARuss CohenJen LooseRC05160209Hop Brook (Housatonic Trib)meadowy meandering floodplain system, not headwater 6IZMAJen LooseRuss CohenJL05160205Deerfield River - mainstemdam releases have negative impact on odonate populations, steep big cobbles and boulders, high gradientsettlement agreement with power company has turned out to be a disaster for aquatics - were more concerned about low flows, but turns out that high flows flush biota out (RC)Pat SarentinoO߮G' @EpyeeeeeeeeeeXBBBB( &86HYMARuss CohenJen LooseRC05160209Hop Brook (Housatonic Trib)meadowy meandering floodplain system, not headwater stream because connected to mainstem, but similar, no invasive plants?, good caddisfly and mayfly species in Hop and Schenobheadwaters largely undeveloped!d>oGʺl95%CCCC( &$86GXMARuss CohenRC05160208Williams River (Housatonic Trib)goes through downtown W. Stockbridge, but above is meandering headwater system, impacted by Pike, not highly pristine, lots of invasives, S of Pike is heavily wooded, steep gradient gorges, very different than Green RiverJGBH%&D@0???? &o86EVMAJen LooseJL05160203Green River (Housatonic Trib)only river with flat substrate, shale cobbles, unique in MA, limestone, productive stream, sweeter conditions create more nutrients and bigger fishundeveloped watershedI O|C@p ;;;; %&o$8Cm3PaMAJen LooseJL05160206Nashua River Mainstem above Pepperellgood for odonatesTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTCCCC #o3O`MARuss CohenRC056PaMAJen LooseJL05160206Nashua River Mainstem above Pepperellgood for odonates'vGʒ<<|xhTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTCCCC &o86O`MARuss CohenRC05160215Beaver Brook - Boxboroughwas highly pristine until 495, low gradient system, good for comparison with other systems'@|O/ɐ'8888 &o86N_MARuss CohenRC05160214Asnacomet Pond (Hubbardston)good shape and undisturbed (very few in MA)completely undeveloped, in Ware River System on public waters supply land (MDC) above intakeTTOR (Charlie Wyman) has list of best lakes and ponds in MA that Russ prepared for themC#ATKG78A=-fff;;;; &o$86L]MARuss CohenRC05160212Ironstone ReservoirWilliamsonia lintneri present2wMM^7wscOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO2222 &o86K\MARuss Cohen, Tom Rawinski, Steve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Betsy Colburn, Brian ReidRC05160210Winnetuxet River (Taunton Trib)best trib going into Taunton with great example of floodplain forest, best water quality, undisturbed habitat, no fish barriers (RC): low DO, great blackwater stream (maybe rare inverts?), pretty degraded compared to Namasket (other folks)cranberries in headwatersmarshy shrub dominated, good warmwater habitat, wood turtles in headwaters (rt 44 may have taken habitat), one of best warmwater systems in SE along with NemasketyF^ L\+WSC/////////////////////tttf\  &w$86J[MAJen LooseJL05160207Merrimack River - mainstem near HaverhillNew Gomphus bastis record, Merrimack is tidal to about E of downtown HaverhillPoor9UU'FrRDGGGG &oD8G-PyC k5^(3izMALee McLaughlin, Russ CohenLM01180210Millers River - mainstemvery acidic, bog country, no stocking (LM); PCBs which probably come from Otter, Army Corps does flood control (RC)In 1997 6izMALee McLaughlin, Russ CohenLM01180210Millers River - mainstemvery acidic, bog country, no stocking (LM); PCBs which probably come from Otter, Army Corps does flood control (RC)In 1997 Matt Hickler and David Small did a Millers River Greenway Natural Resources Inventory btwn Orange and Athol and inventoried vernal pools, birds, plants, landuse, exemplary plant communities (report in TNC files))ቃK"|GGGG/% &w86hyMALee McLaughlinLM01180209Bolton Flats WMA (Nashua/Still River)mussels, good fish population, spottail shinersHarvard and Lancaster, in WMAWMAV釸JCټwwwHHHH# &o$86TeMADavid HalliwellDH05240207Mill River Hatfield and Fort River MouthsEastern silvery minnow (occurs in mouths of major river drainages - spawns in backwaters which have mostly been altered by flood control)m,=KRqMMMM$ &o86SdMADavid HalliwellDH05240206Deerfield and Millers River MouthsEastern silvery minnow (occurs in mouths of major river drainages - spawns in backwaters which have mostly been altered by flood control)ψ 1Lb&FFFF$ &o86RcMADavid HalliwellDH05240205Westfield River - Upper E branchlake chub (geographically disjunct pop), acidic streamswater is impounded only in spring at Knightsville Dam for flood control (Army Corps)E branch is second in quality to West Branch which is the only branch without an impoundment and grows the best fish, Middle branch is very bad quality above reservoirMS…Fп7wwwwwwwwwww{{{DDDD$ &o$8+GM=P3RIChris RaithelLee Fin6RIChris RaithelLee Finley, Julie LundgrenCR02060201Long Brook at Sneech Brook, Cumberland(Pawcatuck Quad) 1990 EO of Lampetra appendix (Brook Lamprey G5S1); only current pop in database. Adults & young seen; 6 collected. Both streams suitable habitat; rock, sand & gravel. No info about other fauna.FairOnly documented extant American brook lamprey pop in RI as of 1998 heritage database. JL: population (EO rank) deemed good in 1990 but habitat quality of question & vulnerable.CR & LF: Flowing stream avg 4-5 ft wide, to 6 ft wide. Free of aquatic vegetation. Appears relatively free of pollution. JL: some wooded banks, marshes & wooded swamps along both tribs. Dams, roads, development.FairHabitat present but bordered by roads and development.Tributary to Blackstone, mainstem is restoration site for anadromous fish (shad & herring). Blackstone itself relatively urban, numerous dams & point source pollution.PoorRemaining upland green spaces in vicinity are being rapidly developed in already suburban and urban landscape. Numerous roads & impermeable surfaces impact water quality & flow. Is trib to Blackstone & is downstream from 2 reservoirs.Important for state rare species (1 known) but no ecoreg targets known.water level affected by dams & reservoir upstreamHabitat disturbanceHabitat destruction or conversionHabitat fragmentationLand DevelopmentInfo transcribed by J. Lundgren from Heritage data. Additional condition and landscape info from J Lundgren.Chris Raithel (EO record)DEM3}`xHtwzcccccS> ْ;7b<2 $ &86l}MALee McLaughlinLM01180213Cusky Pondonly native species, acidic, weedylight development (New Braintree)bB ^]ppppppppppppppppppppppppOOO----# &o$86k|MALee McLaughlinLM01180212Moose Brook (Ware Trib)eastern brook troutin Hardwick,KLsX[8|lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMMM::::# &o$8 [$Im6Z#~Hm6Z#~0148:NH 0148:MA 0147:NH6RIDennis Erkan & RI DEM Div Fish & WildlifeDE02010001Pawcatuck River Size 3[Size 3] GB: odonate data sparse as deeper waters difficult to survey. RI DEM: proposed Atlantic salmon restoration (& alwife & herring) to upper reaches.Fails to meet water quality standards at times according to RI 2000 Section 305b report: low DO, high temps as well as very low water levels in some summer months.FairLacking viable salmon, alewife & herring runs but potential & target for restoration. Water quality & quantity issues.Upper watershed forested but landscape of size 3 reach more developed: I-95, towns, landfill. Denil fishways at Potter & Bradford Dams connect to Tomoquag Brook. Also to Shunock River in CT.FairUpland landscape fair, river connectivity fair; some fishways and state priority for improvement.Natural flow levels and patterns have been disrupted & exacerbated by human activity.Habitat disturbanceGroundwater depletionAltered biological composition/structureLand DevelopmentLand/Resource ManagementAgricultureDEM report: Pollution and water withdrawals are major stresses; impact native & stocked fish. Total water withdrawal from entire watershed 3,224 mil gal/yr; 2515 mil gal exported (Desbonnet 1999). RI 303d report notes unknown toxicity in non-tidal reach.State DEM High priority 2003-2005 for action to improve water quality; Non-tidal section is Med priority (target for 2005-2010) (303d report).J Lundgren extracted info from RI DEM, Fish & Wildlife Feb 2000 report by Dennis Erkan "Strategic plan for resoration of Atlantic salmon to the Pawcatuck River".Dennis Erkan (no longer at DEM)report on file DEM, copy at TNCDivision of Fisheries & Wildlifenone8JD~ouV7 ֮11 T>44  &~/8+7\%Im6[$Hm7[$0177:NH 0176:NH 0175:NH 0174:NH6RIDennis Erkan & RI DEM Div Fish & WildlifeSteve Gephardt (CT)DE02010002Shunock River (CT)DE: Relatively high amount (175 squ meters) of estim atl salmon nursery secondary habitat; no primary habitat (e.g., compared to 1148 sq. m primary on Wood). SG: is CT high priority for anadromous fish restoration (e.g. alewife).Very GoodGood to very good: pers comm Steve Gephardt (CT DEP) to Kevin Essington (TNC). Need data or info on other attributes.SG/KE: Small stone dams; high feasibility for restoring full connectivity for fisheries. RIDEM: Cold water stream. JL: shrub or trees on banks except lower mile develop. Expect invasive plants. Not as high nat comm diversity as Wood, Queens & tribsFairFair to good; cold water stream, need more substantiation of this attribute. Good fisheries but lower nat community assoc along reach likely (JL).Part forested, invasive plants frequent in upland landscape; developed lower mile. Trib to Pawcatuck River which is Atlantic salmon restoration target for RI DEM; anadromous fishway passable to Shunock River (& upstream to Bradford RI).GoodBased on GIS analysis of Size 1's. Aquatic connection good; overall landscape mixed (& more dev than tributaries upstream in RI on Pawcatuck).need list of fish currently in stream. May support alewife now?Pawcatuck River is RI DEM target for atlantic salmon restoration.JAL: details on size of habitat & Pawcatuck extracted from RI DEM, Fish & Wildlife Feb 2000 report by Dennis Erkan "Strategic plan for resoration of Atlantic salmon to the Pawcatuck River".Steve GephardtCT DEP, Marine Fisherieshead of US North Atl Salmon Commiss860-434-6043),8Ad Kllllll``=%YJFYRIcQG4  &/8t[$Im6Z#Hl5Z#~0234:VT 0233:NH 0 232:VT 0 231:VT 0 230:VT 023:CT 0 229:VT 0 228:VT 0227:VT 0226:NH 0225:VT 0224:NH 0223:NH 0222:NH 06RIDEM Fish & Wildlifemultiple partners fed & stateDM06030201Blackstone River[size 3 reach] Anadromous fishway for alewife & shad including restoration project to reestablish spawning areas.GoodGood for restoration of anadromous fish - alewife & shad.Can support some species but Overall species & habitat diversity relatively poor compared to historical. Urban river, improved in past 20 years. GB database: Supports many stream odonate associates but at low numbers.FairFair overall.Developed, numerous road crossings & dams, pollution, altered surface & groundwater flow.PoorLargely in developed landscape.Altered water regime; dammed.Habitat fragmentationToxins/ContaminatsHabitat disturbancePoint Source PollutionOther:Land DevelopmentOther: damsState & federal partners are working on restoration of anadromous fish populations. Not a TNC target at this time. Blackstone River is National Heritage River.Jlundgren: info extracted from various sources including meetings, websites, publications.DEM Fish & Wildlifeinfo from websites, publicationsiEJHE'MI9%%%%%%%%jjKGUE;  & 8}$:PU-V{FC@2_6S1cSalmon RiverLower ConnecticutConnecticut Riverid2582xLLLLLLKKEE4#C@2_7S1Schenob BrookLower ConnecticutHousatonic RiverHousatonic Riverid84xYYYYYXXXTD4# B@2_7S1Williams RiverLower ConnecticutHousatonic RiverHousatonic Riverid70xZZZZZYYYUE5$ B@2_7S1Salmon CreekLower ConnecticutHousatonic RiverHousatonic Riverid115xYYYYYYXXSC3"A@2_7S1cHollenbeck RiverLower ConnecticutHousatonic RiverHousatonic Riverid107x^^^^^^]]XH8'A@2_7S1Green RiverLower ConnecticutH6RIGinger BrownJulie LundgrenGB05230201Pawcatuck at Wood River confluence[size 2 reach] Gomphus abbreviatus and Stylurus scudderi; ecoreg targets with restrictive habitat needs. Needs more survey; hard to survey deeper reach. Good quality floodplain community (EO).GoodOne of 3 known locations in RI for both Gomphus abbreviatus and Stylurus scudderi; stream species.Good habitat with riffles, sand bars.GoodBased on odonate species as indicators.Partly forested. Some dams, factory. Streamside wooded. Connects Pawcatuck to high quality tributaries including Wood and Queens Rivers.FairLandscape impacts but integral connector to larger aquatic system.Gomphus abbreviatus, Stylurus scudderi & Floodplain commuity are ecoregional targets.Seasonal fluctuations in water flow and level.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureRecreationBiologicalLand/Resource ManagementRecreation & management - primarily for fishing. Biological includes stocking & natural disturbance from beaver (potential). State 303d report notes biodiversity impacts & unknown toxicity in non-tidal reach.Part in conservation ownership and conservation nterest of TNC and state. State DEM 303d lists as medium priority (target for 2005-2010) for improving water quality.Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNCb_BPKT;C?/ UkaWW/WSɢyQ/%  &38#)_3r3{THM@2_3S1cPawcatuck RiverLower ConnecticutOceanPawcatuck Riverid645xQQQQQQQPK<7&M@2_3S1cSaugatuck RiverLower ConnecticutOceanid49xAAAAAA@@<<7&L@2_3S1cHammonasset RiverLower ConnecticutOceanid429xDDDDDDCC>>9(L@2_3S1cEightmile RiverLower ConnecticutConnecticut Riverid2610xOOOOOONNHH7&K@2_3S1cWest River (MA)Lower ConnecticutOceanBlackstone Riverid744xRRRRRQQQL<7& K@2_3S1cMumford RiverLower ConnecticutOceanBlackstone Riverid745xPPPPPOOOJ:5$ J@@2_4S2cQuinnipiac RiverLower ConnecticutOceanid424xCCCCCCBB==8'J@2_4S2cMill River (Saugatuck Drainage)Lower ConnecticutOceanid50xQQQQQQPPLLG6I@2_4S1cMill River (Quinnipiac Drainage)Lower ConnecticutOceanid423xSSSSSSRRMMH7I@2_5SxcHockanum RiverLower ConnecticutConnecticut Riverid2532xNNNNNNMMGG6%H@2_5S1cEast Branch Salmon B6RIGinger BrownGB05230202Wood River Route 138 south to Pawcatuck[size 2 reach] GB: Good stretch, high diversity of odonates. Gomphus aldelphis population from route 138 to just south of I-95. Need DEM fish data; probable native brook trout site?Very GoodBased on odonate diversity.Upper section with very nice rocky, riffles (from I-95 south to ?). DEM: cold water stream.GoodOdonate diversity.Approximately half forested; half in agric, dev and golf courses.GoodGomphus adelphis population.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureNutrient loadingRecreationLand/Resource ManagementAgricultureFishing management (incl stocking) primary issue. Also, this section with more agric & related (turf farms & golf courses) than reach to north.State DEM Medium priority (2005-2010) for action to improve water quality (2000 393(d) List report).Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNC'jdvK a)rrrroccpeMC3 ؗ% H! &q8!-/x_"JOS@1S1cHockanum River TributariesLower ConnecticutConnecticut Riverid2532xXXXXXXWWQQ@/S@1S1Twin LakesLower ConnecticutHousatonicHousatonic Riverid84xNNNNNMMMI9/ @S@1S16RIGinger BrownGB05230203Wood River route 138 to Barber RoadHigh diversity and high abundance of odonate species. Good size population of ecoreg target Ophiogomphus aspersus (Brook snaketail) along entire stretch of stream. [size 2 reach]Very GoodGB: Excellent. One of the highest concentrations and diversity of odonate species in Rhode Island.Good condition, diversity of stream habitats including riffles, pools, quiet runs, and wooded swamps. Sand, silt and gravel substrates. DEM Cold water stream. Stocking, fishing, dams & road crossings are disturbances. Beaver could alter habitat.GoodBased on large number and diversity of odonates and variety of natural habitats (GB).Mostly in forested landscape with predominance of native vegetation. Small dams present. Good qualtiy streamside wetlands. Connects to larger Pawcatuck River. Most of sub-watershed is in state-owned conservation land.Very GoodWithin priority matrix forest block (LNE-NP ecoreg), large percent in conservation ownership.Site is one the highest concentrations and diversity of odonate species in Rhode Island. Good pop of stream-dependent ecoreg target Ophiogomphus aspersus (Brook snaketail).Seasonal fluctuations in stream flow.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureRecreationBiologicalLand/Resource ManagementFishing is the major use of this reach. Numerous small dams and several associated man-made ponds. Close to interstate 95 interchange.Within Pawcatuck Borderlands TNC action site (but not in matrix forest blocks). State active in adding to conservation land in area.Corresponds with DEM site "Wood River Hopkinton"Ginger BrownTNC0 )=H﨟cmvvvvvvvvvsg7*Þ򕌳^ZbD!  &38(4BOdwWA>]6RIGinger BrownJulie LundgrenGB05230204Wood River (Falls River) headwaters to Barber Road[size 1 reach] GB: large pops & high diversity of odonates including ecoreg targets. JL: Over 2 mile stretch with diversity of habitats riffles, pools, streamside marshes and wooded swamps in forested landscape. Overhanging canopy.Very GoodExcellent. High diversity & large populations of odonates. Diversity of high quality natural communities.JL: good quality stream & riparian habitats. Invasive plants relatively infrequent. Stocked non-native fish. Disturbance includes dirt roads and physical disturbance from fishing. Potential for beaver impacts to habitat. DEM: Cold water stream.Very GoodGood stream odonate representatives and high quality native vegetation and habitat diversity component.Headwaters stream and major tributary to Pawcatuck River [size 3]. Within forested landscape, almost entirely in state owned conservation land (including small section in CT). Dams to Pawcatuck River.Very GoodVery intact landscape. Relatively natural vegetation, forested landscape, fairly intact natural flow regime.Odonates include Dorocordulia libera, Cordulegaster maculata, Ophiogomphus aspersus (ecoreg target), O. mainensis, Calopteryx maculata, Chromagrion conditum and others. Some of these are good indicators for stream quality. Wood turtles present.Seasonal water level fluctuations.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureRecreationBiologicalLand/Resource ManagementFishing activity, stocking with non-native fish. Natural stress includes potential for habitat alteration by beaver.Almost completely within state conservation lands (RI & headwaters in CT). Within priority matrix forest block in Pawcatuck Borderlands TNC action site.Upper Wood River also referred to as Falls River. Probably native brook trout; need DEM data.Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNCTNViPHzHnnnnk]]]]ZNW|Zd%SJa/%  &78HV6u(Q(H6RIGinger BrownJulie LundgrenGB05230206Parris Brook[Size 1 reach] Good populations of Cordulegaster species and diversity of othe odonates. Somatochlora georgiana (Coppery emerald; ecoreg target) breeding pop at confluence of Wood River (which see).Very GoodStream-dependent odonates and high diversity of odonates at confluences.JL: Narrow stream with riffles, pools, streamside forested wetlands. Overhanging forest canopy. Less habitat diversity than upper Wood River. Trout stream (stocked).GoodForested landscape mostly within state conservation lands. Tributary to Wood River.GoodMostly forested and undeveloped.Cordulaegaster species, Somatochlora georgiana (ecoreg target) and other odonates.Seasonal fluctuations in water flow.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureRecreationLand/Resource ManagementMostly within state wildlife management area. Within Pawcatuck Borderlands TNC action site (but not within matrix forest block).Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNCT[MVhj GGG/%%tTPR ;/% % &386RIGinger BrownGB05230205Flat River (trib to Wood)GB: Good populations of Ophiogomphus asperus (ecoreg target), O. mainensis and Cordulegaster.Very GoodGood pop & diversity of odonates including ecoreg targets.Sandy to gravel bottom stream, streamside wetlands, canopy cover.GoodMostly in forested landscape. Major tributary to Wood River.Goodmostly forested landscape. Trib to Wood River.Diversity of odonate species inclu at least on ecoreg target: Ophiogomphus aspersus.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureRecreationLand/Resource ManagementBiologicalSome dams and man-made lakes along Flat river & tributaries.Mostly within state wildlife management area. Within priority matrix forest block in Pawcatuck Borderlands TNC action site.Ginger BrownTNCY#D7h62" H>&_[ڠ:!  &18>J}KKDm Orientation OrderByOn ColumnWidth ColumnOrder ColumnHidden DescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlUnicodeCompressionCaption RowSourceType RowSource BoundColumn ColumnCount ColumnHeads ColumnWidthsListRows ListWidth LimitToListFormat DecimalPlaces DefaultValueFilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationText InputMaskX  : 2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PORTID SIZE    y(e.g., describe the population of a species that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.   m   CONDTN q  u m(e.g., describe aspects of biotic composition, local anthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive 6RIGinger BrownGB05230207Roaring Brook below Boone LakeProbably supports Somatochlora georgiana (found in nearby Parris Brook). Also good pop of Cordulaegasters. (High diversity of odonates at and confluence with Wood River, which see). May be additional pop upstream, not included in this "site".FairFair to good based on smaller amount of available habtiat relative to other reaches. See Wood River for species at confluence.Small section (less than 0.5 miles) of good quality habitat. DEM: Stocked fisheries and fish hatchery upstream. Cold water stream. Downstream from dammed pond and some development.FairFair due to small reach; relative to other streams in vicinity. Best habitat is close to Wood River confluence.Wooded in this small section.Probable site for ecoreg target Somatochlora georgiana but found in other better condition tribs.Altered biological composition/structureHabitat disturbanceRecreationLand/Resource ManagementAssessment only written up for reach below Browning Mill Pd; not sure if was intended to be for entire stretch of Roaring Brook north to Boon Lake.^Ginger BrownTNC1WMOĮwNo[[[[[[[[[XL[[nj84?!  &?18  m  bLANDSTAT   4 ,Choose rating for landscape context of site.   o6RIGinger BrownGB05230209Queens River - Pawcatuck to Rte 138[size 2] GB: large populations & high diversity of odonates including ecoreg targets. Also freshwater mussels. 3 mile stretch with diversity of habitats riffles, pools, streamside marshes and extensive wooded swamp. Overhanging canopy.Very GoodHigh diversity & large populations of odonates. Diversity of habitats.Diversity of habitats, native veg dominant. DEM: Cold water stream.Very GoodMostly forested including large section in forested wetland. Part in state wildlife management area. Dam at upstream end, high speed rail crossing (potential for pollutants)Very GoodLargely intact landscape.Good indicators of habitat quality are odonates Ophiogomphus aspersus and Stylurus scudderi (both ecoreg targets) and the mussels.Habitat destruction or conversionModification of water levesl; changes in flowNutrient loadingLand DevelopmentAgricultureQueens also known as Usquepaug RiverGinger BrownTNCChris RaithelDEM Fish & Wildlife-OF^O>ȼ}m@{ā:1D! % &}86RIGinger BrownGB05230208Pawcatuck River - Narragansett Trail to Queens River[size 2 reach] Difficult to survey for odonates; more difficult to access in deeper water. Needs more survey.need more surveyGenerally deep and slow moving water. Fails to meet water quality standards at times according to RI 2000 Section 305b report.Intergral connector to high quality tributaries such as Queens and Beaver River. Some dams and road crossings. High speed rail crossing river and wetlands; potential for pollutants. See also GB05230201.FairForest edge but more roads & rail than stretch up or downstream.This stretch of Pawcatuck sometimes labeled as Queens River.Ginger BrownTNCĚR<N/(Ͽ``````````` RRRU! &86RIGinger BrownNina Briggs, Julie Lundgren, Rick EnserGB05230210Queens River rte 138 north to headwaters[size 1 reach] GB: large pops & high diversity of odonates including ecoreg targets and state rarities. Largest pop of Ophiogomphus aspersus that GB has seen. Huge pop of Cordulegasters. Excellent riffles, diversity of habitats incl pools, runs.Very GoodExcellent. One of of two sites with most diverse & abundant odonate populations in RI. Extensive & diverse habitat.JL: 5 mile stretch with diversity of high quality habitats riffles, pools, streamside marshes and wooded swamps in forested landscape. Overhanging canopy. DEM:cold water stream. Stocked trout stream (non-native spp.).Very GoodHigh quality aquatic habitats and diversity of natural communities along river (upland & wetland). Overhanging canopy.Mostly forested but with more dev than upper Wood River. Road crossings (mostly small roads). Large development planned at Ladd school. Sewage treatment plant. Tributary to Pawcatuck River.Very GoodRelatively undeveloped and forested but not as good context as upper Wood River.High diversity of odonates incl ecoreg targets Ophiogomphus aspersus & Stylurus scudderi and only known RI record for Gomphaeshna antilope (Taper-tailed darner).Seasonal fluctuations in water flows.Habitat destruction or conversionGroundwater depletionNutrient loadingLand DevelopmentAgriculturePoint Source PollutionNew development at Ladd School site near headwaters is concern.TNC action site; land acquisition, some preserves, development restrictions and proposed monitoring plan for Ladd development area. Also management of riverside barrens at TNC's Queens River Preserve.Ginger BrownTNC3/:&AðԕtdT?X?qhpH>  &w8r~   m   PHONE1      m  ) !Phone for lead(1) contact person? ADDCOMM   8 0Additional comments not captured by this survey.   m  LEADNAM2   Y QWho is the second lead contact person for additional information about this site?   m   AGENCY2   : 2What is the agency for the lead(2) contact person?   m  ADDRESS2   + #Address for lead(2) contact person?   m   EMAIL2   ) !Email for lead(2) contact person?  6RIGinger BrownRI DEM Fisheries (Dennis Erkan report)GB05230211Locke Brook[size 1 reach] GB: good pop of Ophiogomphus mainensis (infrequent in state). Other odonates. Good quality habitat; headwater streams; small, shallow. DEM: Moderate size (278 sq meters) primary habitat for Atl salmon. Native brook trout?GoodGood pop of odonates and habitat but not as diverse or abundant as upper Queens or Wood River.Wooded streambanks, riffles, pools, some streamside wetlands. DEM: Suitable for Atlantic salmon. Cold water stream. JL: probably native brook trout; need DEM data.Mostly wooded. GIS analysis ranks as high. Tributary to Queens River and proposed target for restoring full connectivity for Atlantic salmon run.Very GoodBased on GIS analysis of size 1 streams,Ophiogomphus mainensis & other odes.Habitat disturbanceGroundwater depletionNutrient loadingLand DevelopmentAgricultureAtlantic salmon info from RI DEM, Fish & Wildlife Feb 2000 report by Dennis Erkan "Strategic plan for resoration of Atlantic salmon to the Pawcatuck River".Ginger Brown^ŤHLkouOK;''''''''''tdT?,,FFFD@RG=  &q8R0`   Habitat fragmentation Yes/No  jp HABDIST    Habitat disturbance Yes/No  j ALTBIO   0 (Altered biological composition/structure Yes/No  jnNUTRIANT    Nutrient loading Yes/No  jkSEDIMENT     Sedimentation Yes/No  j PREDPARDIS   2 *Extraordinary predation/parisitism/disease Yes/No  j ALTHYD   2 *Modification of water levels; altered flow Yes/No  jpALTTHERM 6RIGinger BrownGB05230213Beaver RiverGB: Good habitat, diversity of odonates but not quite as good as Wood River or upper Queens River. No G3's. Cordulegaster carolina south of rte 138. Needs more inventory.GB: Good habitat but not as diverse as Wood River or upper Queens. Forested streambanks. DEM: Cold water stream.GoodLand DevelopmentAgricultureGinger BrownTNC? Opkwxxxxxxxxxuiiiii^NNNNNNNNNNJ-! & 86RIGinger BrownGB05230212Fisherville Brook[size 1 reach] Odonates: good habitat, needs more work. Possible ecoreg targets Ophiogomphus spp. and Stylurus scudderi (river species). High diversity of aquatic inverts based on other sampling (URI? Roger Williams Univ?).GoodHabitat appears good but need more survey.DEM: Cold water stream.Major tributary to Queens River. Good condition landscape.Goodgood to very good based on GIS analysis.Possible ecoreg odonate targets but needs more survey.Nutrient loadingHabitat disturbanceGroundwater depletionLand DevelopmentAgriculturetentative list of major stresses.Ginger BrownTNCnKOwwwwwwwwwthhhGG<,WWW@2! &q_8~N Z2Major_Stressess,Major_Stresses6RIGinger BrownGB05230214Glen Rock Brook[size 1 & size 2 reach - **seems odd it comes out as size 2] Series of streamside wetlands that support metapopulation of Williamsonia lintneri (banded boghaunter).GoodMetapopulation of Williamsonia lintneri.Sphagnum pools with Dulichium, Carex spp., Juncus support W. lintneri. Stream itself fair - more impacts from roads & developmt than some other reaches in area.FairFair to good. Wetlands along stream good; stream habitat itself not as high priority but need more info.Forest context, residential development, small roads. Stream connects wetland habitats. Tributary to Queens River.FairOverall landscape fairly good but near stream fair relative to other more extensive natural settings.williamsonia lintneri is ecoreg targetHabitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureGroundwater depletionLand DevelopmentGlen Rock Brook area is ecoregional action site for W. lintneri target.Rough assessment of habitat compiled by J Lundgren; need more info on stream itself.Ginger BrownTNCw;Gy*CC?/ qqqqaL$놂0!  &q8 N @ @ @ @ *-K@-K@~sq_dINDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO OCCURRENCE BY STATE REPORT~0N`NNNN OPOOOOP@PpPPPQ0Q`QQQQ RPRRRRS@SpSSST0T`TTTT UPUUUUV@VpVVVW0W`WWWW XYPXPortfolio Occurrences dd eSHED2IDPrimaryKeyPORTCODE)Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table ee eePORTSTATEIDPORTIDKey_Ecological_ProcessesKEY Ye0c PXeb PrimaryKey fv jXjv6RIGinger BrownAlan Libby (DEM)GB05230215Moosup River headwaters to CT[size 1 reach] GB: Habitat looks good for river odonates but Ophiogomphus spp not found. Odonate fauna not as or diverse sizeable as Wood River or Queens area. Riffles, wooded stream. AL: wild brook trout.GoodGood diversity of odonates but appears that not as diverse or abundant as Wood River or Queens.need more info.Mostly wooded, some small farms. Ranked high in land cover & road analysis. Tributary to main stem Moosup into CT, tributary to Quinebaug River.GoodBased mostly on GIS analysis.Habitat disturbanceAltered biological composition/structureLand DevelopmentLand/Resource ManagementDevelopment and fish stocking are main stresses.TNC not active here. Foster Land Trust has part of Moosup in priority list for protection.Need to check odonate data list. Need more info on stream habitat and landscape.Ginger BrownTNC7CDyc>0ե}}UBBB%!"N1'  &08/;)08=Babc*e ghj0kw"[Portfolio Join State Info].PORTIDz2K@Portfolio Join State Info%Form_for_Table_Aquatic_Survey_2_Take4Arial86B{hHP LaserJet 4M Plus@w ,,Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in@MSUDHP LaserJet 4M Plus<d `%winspoolHP LaserJet 4M Plus\\MAFO.TNC\hplj4mp6RIGinger BrownAlan Libby (DEM)GB05230216Ponagansett River headwaters to Hopkins Mill Pond[size 1 reach] Large populations of Cordulegaster spp and Dorocordulia spp which are indicative of cleaner systems. Have not found Ophiogomphus or Stylurus; habitat appears suitable. Tributary Winsor Brook with Somatochlora georgiana ecoreg targ.Very GoodBased on large pop of two clean water dependent stream odonates and diversity of habitats.Forested stream, gravel & rocky substrate with headwaters, riffles, beaver flowages, pond, sedge wetland.. Small dams. Warmwater fisheries; no native trout.GoodTentative rank; need more info.Mostly forested, increasing residential development. Small roads. Past gravel extraction altered land in some areas and past logging altered forest composition. Downstream connection disrupted by major water supply reservoir for state (Scituate Res)GoodRanked very good based on GIS analysis of land cover & roads but has more past disturbance than other systems.Clean water indicators Dorocorduleaster and Cordulegaster. Site includes tributary Windsor Brook which has Somatochlora georgiana (coppery emerald) an ecoregional target.Seasonal changes in water level; shallow sections of stream dry up in some years.TNC preserve at Hopkins Mill Pond. Foster Land Trust has interest in protection in this area too.Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNCByAE78}iiiifXXXXUII}y`\d[b1'  &8*6RIGinger BrownJulie LundgrenGB05230217Hopkins Mill Pond[Pond] GB: Good populations of odonates with coastal plain affinities.Goodbased on odonate diversity & coastal plain associates.JL: Man-made pond created by low dam mimics natural communities of sedge-dominated peatland, water lily association and small extent of emergent pondshore vegetation.Hard to evaluate; good representation of veg but habitat somewhat articially created. May have occurred with beaver activity in past.Mostly wooded landscape; shows up as Very good with GIS analysis of land cover and roads. Some Beaver activity has potential to alter habitat.GoodGood based on GIS analysis and on the ground survey; not as pristine as some other sites.Ecoreg targets Enallagma recurvatum, Enallagma pictum are among the coastal plain associates at site.Seasonal fluctuations in water level and inflow.Tentative list of stresses; may be stocked with non-native fish species?TNC preserve.Ginger BrownTNCJulie LundgrenTNCBN\S µmmmmmmm={ff@/% % &38VtC3CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050201Twin LakeslakeLocated in TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape areaLocated in TNC's Berkshire-Tac6CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050201Twin LakeslakeLocated in TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape areaLocated in TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape areaȁoE5N(Mttttttttttttttt;;;7-# &86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050208Nonewaug Riversize 1 tributary to Pomperaug RiverOne of the best streams in state in terms of water quality, macroinvertibrates<^2OD`q?#^^^;-# &86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050207Oxoboxo Brooksize 1 tributary to Thameshigh freshwater snail diversitye)BW1sssssssssssssssssssssTTTTTTTTT:-# &86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050204Smith Brooksize 1 tributary to Connecticut Rivercontains populations of endangered American brook lampreybY3K4<[ ]]]]]]]]]8-# &86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050203Moosehorn Brooksize 1 systemgood trout and salmon populationsgood trout and salmon populations^[%OC~u(l9jjjjjjIII<-# &86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050202Macedonia Brooksize 1State DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaflows through Macedonia Brook matrix forest block in TNC's Northwest Corner project landscapeState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaflows through Macedonia Brook matrix forest block in TNC's Northwest Corner project landscapeqHɧ/zffffffffffff wwwBBB<-# &$86CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050201Latimer Brooksize 1 tributary to Niantic Riversea run brook trout (salties)sea run brook trout (salties)3$CT=IuIxxxxxx[[[:-# &8I{Ԫٵ𐐐ꐐƾⓓ됐➞ϣ6CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190201Still River (Housatonic drainage)Size 2; Dammed to create Candlewood Lake.Will improve with restoration; low floodplain is intact, higher floodplain covered with invasives (Japanese hops)Major sewage discharges; historic mercury; stormwater discharge from Danbury.Ball Pond contains rare plants. Low gradient system.t.yM֔#KHE~ǺCRRRkJ@ &$86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050208Staddle Brooksize 1 tributary to Hop Riververy high water qualitya06`hH;[nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnWWW:-# &86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050207Leadmine Brooksize 1 tributary to Naugatuckone of the better Naugatuck tributariesdecent inverts and fishl"N A +XXX;-# &86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050206Pootatuck RiverSize 1 tributary to HousatonicClass 1 trout management area@o!NwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwZZZZZZZZZ<-# &86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050205Pease Brooksize 1 tributary to Yantic Riverhealthy trout populations9RHtFܣqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqXXXXXXXXX8-# &86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050204Holland Brooksize 1 tributary to Connecticut Rivercontains populations of endangered American brook lampreyȬ ՂD\7_________:-# &86CTBob JacobsRJ, BH, NH, BJBJ06050202Farm Riversize 1sea run brown trout; brook trout in upper reaches; tidal marsh in lower reachesplanned flood control projectmp@Emqͽ=========7-# &@8d@zvB3CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190205QuinebaugSize 3; lots of damsdifferent than Shetucket: sandy soils, flatter, nutrient rich; coastal influenceFlows out of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapeHigh mussel diversity (4 species); fast flashy secion near state line is high quality; plan for anadromous fish to base of fall at Putnum; no good odonatesnatural riffle systems destroyed by damsalgae issues; industrial useFlows out of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapevery high restoration potential%%%%%%%%%%%βﷷgggSJ@ #$6CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190204Eightmile Brook (Housatonic drainage)Size 2; First barrier to fish is a long way up.Decent diversity; collected a live alligator; very steep, sandy system; important for fish, especially trout.Forested in residential watershed.Sampled for mussels in three places - no snails or mussels found.̵3|MA1nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn--- oJ@ &$86CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190203Upper Quinebaug RiverSize 2Flows through TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapeGood benthic communities.Flows through TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapeNot much information; this reach is mostly in MA.(bAloIE5!!!!!!!!!!!𷷷eeeeee_J@ & 86CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190202Salmon Brook (Farmington drainage)no impoundmentsgood condition; high mussel diversitywatershed is in state foresthigh river-dwelling benthic macro-invertebrates throughout; slimy sculpins; diadromous fish and benthic habitat; anadromous fish spawning area at mouthlarge boulder/plunge pool system; transitions from low gradient to high gradientflows though tobacco country and rounded highlands; ranked #2 in its group.8=HC1?ϟS{{{lJ@ $&$8 G&<B3CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100209Patchogue Riversize 1 systemcombines with Menunketesuck River to form unique microsystem6CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100209Patchogue Riversize 1 systemcombines with Menunketesuck River to form unique microsystem at mouth2qFAhJ%ƶ]]]]]]]]]]PA7! &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100208Oyster Riversize 1 systemhigh quality tidal marshesTNC is active here with Coastal Marine ProgramSFiױƶtttttttttttttttZZZMA7! &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100206Pattagansett Riversize 1 systemImportant marshes in lower tidal reachnursery area for fish; record of swamp darterbVCv@v9)dz```SA7! &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100205Baker, Palmer, and Mumford Covessize 1 systemAll high quality tidal systemskelp, rockweed; eelgrass; reefsOffshore from State-owned landVŻm…I0c,ɫnnnaA7! &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100204Mystic Riverlarge enough to support large fish over winterhigh quality tidal system; large tidal estuary north of I-95eelgrass; high fish diversity at mouthsome water quality/discharge problems*!Cr}(:*aaaTA7! &@8^AN3 CTErnie PizutoNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCEP03190205Willimantic RiverSize 2; Many dams (5 in lower part).High quality fisheries above route 44 to Stafford Springs (trout management area) - this reach also has high quality inverts; high quality tributaries; water quality problems in Stafford Springs due to urban runoff and illegal discharges.No anadromous fish; slimy sculpin in headwatersnnnnnn\KA #6 CTErnie PizutoDave Wagner, Jay Cordeiro, Michael Beauchene, James MacBroom, Steve Gephard, Peter Patton, Guy HoffmanEP03190204Hammonasset RiverSize 2; diadromous fish (including sea-run brown trout) to natural falls and dam at route 80; tiger spiketail dragonfly (rare invert)fish passage to dam at Rt 80low flows have damaged habitat downstream of dam, otherwise high quality; undeveloped and forested upper watershedflow issues below dam; watershed is quite intactlots of protected land in watershed; ecoregional target alluvial swamp, diadromous fish; once had eelgrass beds but they're gone; killifish populations; marshes are "cut up, ditched"Land/Resource ManagementLand Developmentharbor historically dredgedhigh potential for restoration; lots of protected landRanked #2 in its group.k^F^gGNnLIE5!!!!!!!!!!! Թ۫9} &&86CTErnie PizutoNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCEP03190203Fivemile RiverSize 2; Two dams in Danielson.Below Brooklyn, water quality is compromised due to historic mills.Two common mussel species."nothing special"; need more information.̶<HCA%%!ԺwwwYKA $&86CTErnie PizutoNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCEP03190202West RiverSize 2; "choked with phragmites and heavily dammed"; tidegate at mouth; "you can pave it and not lose much""no redeeming features"; degraded habitat; reservoirsvCAN UKA $&8JXN}^ @ @ @*bK<!@)]s@͋? )@)h) ) )))) 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor Stresses))x)p) )bK@)))pYMajor Stresses8))()))8~Y0<>@@~sq_dINDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO OCCURRENCE BY STATE RE6 CTGuy HoffmanNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCGH03270201Hubbard CreekSize 2Very good water quality; Belden Brook tributary has extremely high water quality.Lots of MDC land.State endangered dragonfly; Belden Brook has wild brown and brook trout; Hurricane Brook has native spawning trout; cold water fisheries; records of slimy sculpin (rare fish) above reservoir.Bouldery Vermont-looking stream (boulder bed deposits).Needs more sampling. Ranked #1 in its group.^,UvWFޜ! ⵵~]]]WJ@ %&$86 CTErnie PizutoNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCEP03190206Farmington RiverSize 3; anadromous fish can't get past gorge; large water supply damsMorphologically unique, many species, especially between Rainbow Dam and Salmon Brookvegetated riparian zone in good condition; lots of forested land in watershed, MDC land; provides much of State's drinking water (about 1/5); cold water release from big dams; dams help maintain summer flows; well aerated system due to high gradientLong term fish restoration ongoing; all of the usual anadromous fish and Salmon too!; diversity of habitats; slimy sculpin in higher quality tributaries; good inver populationsindustrial issues in some reaches; dams.Active watershed group; flows out of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscapeN`iE;7'ƞ[KA  &$8 Nooooo\I*  @ *bK@bK@6CTGuy HoffmanNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCGH03270204Niantic RiverSize 2; No major dams; anadromous fish restoration underway; few impoundmentsNot the same quality as the Hammonasset.Recent development in watershed.Dam at Route 95 has fish passage; one of the best sea-run brown trout and alewife rivers; contains natural barrier to fish passage at waterfall; sea bass and bluefish present at mouth, and eelgrassMillstone has extensive data on this river:dND;sQ7۱̤WJ@ &&$86CTGuy HoffmanNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCGH03270203French RiverSize 2; Impoundments throughout.Historic contamination; municipal sewage treatment plant; water quality not outstanding, but not terrible.bmgHLe| vvvVJ@ %&86 CTGuy HoffmanNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCGH03270202Mattabesset RiverSize 2; good potential for restoration of anadromous fish to Kensington/Berlin Turnpikevery degraded habitat; "poster child for non-point population"; serious agricultural problems on Coginchaug; endangered American brook lamprey in Hart PondsMiddletown dump and golf course on Mattabesset; restoration potential for fish to historic range at Wadsworth Falls on Coginchaug; flows through TNC's Tidelands project landscape.Dead Man's Swamp is a very significant system; much in state ownership - well worth protecting; glacially-influenced clay system formed Durham Meadows on Coginchaug; endangered American brook lamprey in headwaters of Mattabeset; sculpin at headwatersflows through TNC's Tidelands project landscape.Cogincgaug portion of system is higher quality and worth protecting; this section only is ranked #3 in its group.F&BpO)(+NNN[J@  &$8^AN3CTJay CordeiroNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJC03190203Yantic RiverSize 2; Inaccessible to anadromous fish; falls are a historic barrier.Main stem and tributaries in fairly good condition; big water diversions in reservoirs.Heavy agriculture; chicken farms, nurseries; some landfills; no point sources on the river; historic mills.Small mouth bass valued as fishery.Natural ice flows.Under-sampled.___WKA #$6CTJay CordeiroNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJC03190202Moosup RiverSize 2trout management area; contains banded sunfish and swamp darters (state-listed fish); good water quality; need more water quality dataone small sewage treatment plant; sandy soils, coastal influence; watershed drains portion of TNC's Pawcatuck Borderlands project landscape and associated matrix forest blocks.Watershed drains portion of TNC's Pawcatuck Borderlands project landscape and associated matrix forest blocks.need more information - data gaps; ranked #1 in its group.U]L$c_O;;;;;;;;;;;]]]WKA  &$86CTJay CordeiroNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJC03190201Upper Naugatuck RiverSize 2Better than the lower section.3:WEB'ifff`KA &86CTGuy HoffmanNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCGH03270205ShetucketSize 3; plan for fish passage (DEP) by 2010 to Willimanticimpacts due to dams, diversion; trib Willimantic in excellent condition above Coventry Dam (UCONN discharges at dam); watershed drains portion of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project good odonates and few mussels; important size 1 tribs are: Natchaug; Mt Hope; Fenton; Hop, some of which contain slimy sculpinamount of sunlight reaching river influences odonatesWatershed drains portion of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscape.0<,kB%4rqm]IIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKSJ@  &8AN3CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270202Stony BrookSize 2; some impoundmentsvery flat system; swampy; not much information on water quality due to low gradientagricultural area with turf farms; flows across basin of glacial Lake Hitchcockdecent invert populations; no anadromous fish; may contain population of endangered American brook lampreymilk products dumped in; fish have not recovered||||||||||oooVKA #$6CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270201Shepaug RiverSize 2; One major dam.Rocky bottom stream; trout; little to no flows in summer (case in court); water quality is best downstream of the Bantam and upstream of dam.Lots of agriculture in watershed.No mussels due to rocky bottom; good water quality; diverse benthic community; Bantam River is a historic salmon stream; good fish communities; Bee Brook has high water quality and fish.1955 flood scoured the bottom - very wide and shallow - has not recovered.Ranked #2 in its group.WkY/JPNTQ8H_[K77777777777 nnnXKA  &$86CTJay CordeiroNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJC03190204Quinnipiac RiverSize 2; long freshwater tidal reach to Wallingfordfive sewage treatment plants "black mayonnaise at the mouth"; contaminated sediments; water quality suitable for fish; purple loosestrife and phragmites; good potential for anadromous fish restoration; shad and river herringsand barrens; urbanupper part supports reproducing brown trout; DEP trout management area; Asiatic clam has been introduced into Hanover Pond; "should be Shangra-la for shellfish, oyster, larval flounder, blue crab, weakfish"low flow issues; juvenile fish leaving in September and October have trouble getting outpollution, industry, flow issuesactive watershed grouplower half has high restoration potential; ranked #2 in its group.´~XF) @MFB2ƦNmmm[KA  &$8G N3CTKen MetzlerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270201Still River (Farmington drainage)Size 2Poor quality; manipulated.Passes through urban areas; flows through portion of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape.Fows through portion of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape.************鋋qqqkJ@ #$3CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270205Lower NaugatuckSize 3 from Housatonic up to Waterbury; size 2 above Waterburyhistorically supported almost no life due to pollution, dams - now water quality is improving and dams are being removedvery developed watershed; historic flow and (dramatic) pollution issues; now on the reboundpredicted very good anadromous fish river in6CTKen MetzlerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270201Still River (Farmington drainage)Size 2Poor quality; manipulated.Passes through urban areas; flows through portion of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape.Fows through portion of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape.t8}A۶d KRN>************鋋qqqkJ@ &$86CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270205Lower NaugatuckSize 3 from Housatonic up to Waterbury; size 2 above Waterburyhistorically supported almost no life due to pollution, dams - now water quality is improving and dams are being removedvery developed watershed; historic flow and (dramatic) pollution issues; now on the reboundpredicted very good anadromous fish river in futurestill suffers several fish kills per yearDEP restoration focusTl:K|uǞkkkZKA % &$@86CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270204Byram RiverSize 2Raw sewage from NY State; heavily degraded; many impoundments.Heavy land use and residential development.Two common species of mussels.S MJB Ś\\\VKA %&$8>GxRN3CTMike BeaucheneNB, P6CTMike BeaucheneNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCMB03190201Tenmile RiverSize 2Good quality at mouth; fairly high benthic diversity.Small sewage treatment plant; watershed is mostly agriculture.Trout and small mouth bass.Alluvial system; unique meanders.Ranked #4 in its group.#ŊBpm=5NJ:&&&&&&&&&&&ӕ```ZMC &$86CTKen MetzlerB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270205ThamesSize 4 up to Shetucket; largest estuary in ConnecticutFrom mouth to Norwich - bedrock-bound estuary with long saline reach; not a well-developed floodplain; low flows from Shetucket and QuinebaugGreat fishing in Norwich Harbor - striped bass and sea-run brown trout; Oxoboxo Brook has very high snail diversity (7 species)18-wetland historic study done by Thorson in Lebanon area.(rHˑOI? & 86CTKen MetzlerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270204Mill (Quinnipiac drainage)Size 2; big dam with fish passage problem; diversion at head of tide; fragmentedover-pumping sucks all the water out; toxin contaminated ground water; very public; flow and water quality challengedone of the most densely populated watersheds in the state; diversionsdecent quality above Lake Whitney through Sleeping Giant State Park (4-spined stickleback present here); water quality and quantity issues; rare snail in pond to eastRanked #1 in its group.PR6I&1SO?+++++++++++nnn)))dJ@  &$86CTKen MetzlerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270203Little River (Quinebaug drainage)Size 2Historic metals contamination; once a superfund site; pretty good water quality; good biological communities; two freswater mussel species in Crystal Lake in Thompson.Lots of agriculture.LGŜ>TP@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,qqqkJ@ &$8N‡ooooooooooooo\I* }^ *0K@0K@<@uEQs@͋? uE@uEhuE uE uEuEuEuE 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor StressesuEuExuEpuE uE0K@6!CTMike BeaucheneNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCMB03190203Little River (Shetucket drainage)Size 2; Land fishway will restore anadromous fish; two other dams.Interesting botanical diversity; surface-running springs and unique eskers; paper mill between Versailles and the pond; water quality above the pond is very high.Lots of agriculture; landfill; paper company polluted heavily, but has been cleaned up a lot; water diverted; priority for fish connection; drains a portion of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscape.Drains a portion of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscape.Ranked #4 in its group.Y샃Bz uuuuuuuuuuu^RRRnMC &$86 CTMike BeaucheneNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCMB03190202Scantic RiverSize 2; anadromous fish restoration potentialwater quality has not been assessed by DEP; high snail diversity (8 species); rich biodiversity in Enfield; high potential herp habitat; mussel populationsintact floodplains; sycamore and sugar maple; sloughs; sandy dune communities; small sewage treatment plant in upper reaches.eastern pearlshell (needs clear water); eastern spadefoot toad population; good reptile habitat; records of slimy sculpin in headwater tributariesshifting sands; benthic communities; submerged vegetation; rich clay soils; trees have shallow roots because of clay; steep sided ravines; clay pitsunique system; deeply incised; lots of debris dams; ranked #1 in its group.;McK84$1"""ZMC  &$8NŸoooooooooooooooooooooooo\I* 0K@~sq_dINDIVI<@OQs@͋? O@OhO O OOOO 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor StressesOOxOpO ONGK@OO Op`Major Stresses6#CTMichael BeaucheneDave Wagner, Jay Cordeiro, Michael Beauchene, James MacBroom, Steve Gephard, Peter Patton, Guy HoffmanMB03190206Saugatuck RiverSize 2; best water quality above damgood tidal estuary; reach upstream of reservoir is good quality; also west branch saugatuck is high quality; supports troutpoor management of reservoir impacts downstream reach; drains TNC's Saugatuck Forest project landscape and matrix forest block.good quality above reservoir, good benthic population; one common mussel and two common snails; lower reach degradedDrains TNC's Saugatuck Forest project landscape and associated matrix forest block.Ranked tied #3 in its group; Power plant has extensive data9k00H&|4ϻ---------:::  &$86"CTMike BeaucheneNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCMB03190204Mill River (Saugatuck drainage)Size 2; Intact watershed.mid-reach is moderate water quality; best water quality above reservoir; good inverts; Tidal portion is decent quality; several terrestrial targets; State DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management area.Tidal portion contaminated; some remediation done; water quality is fairly good above the reservoirs; flow issues below reservoirs; sensitive critters above the reservoirs; intact forest in watershed; major dam; sampled for mussels - none found.Toxins/ContaminatsLead and nickel contamination up to Route 95.Ranked tied for #3 in its group.žVLJq;_ȸWWWWWWEEPPPPPPlMC  &A8N‡ooooooooooooooooooooooo\I*   @<@5PQs@͋? 5P@5Ph5P 5P 5P5P5P5P 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor Stresses5P5Px5Pp5P 5PNGK@5P5P 5PaMajor Stresses85P5P(5P5P5P8~Y0<>@@~sq_dINDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO OCCURRENCE BY STATE REPORT~sq_dSTRESS25P 5P5P![Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses]5P5PaMajor Str6$CTMike BeaucheneNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCMB03190205Upper HousatonicSize 3 above confluence with Tenmiletributaries are especially productive while main stem large river is somewhat depauperate (an enigma); Ecoregional targets are clustered within this watershed.Some dam management issues - could potentially be changed; very high gradient system; great fisheries resource; flows through and drains TNC's Berkshire-Taconic and Northwest Corner project landscapes and associated matrix forest blocks.Diverse benthic communities; highly productive; a few species are dominant; state-rare mussel; calcarious seeps in Kent area; unique walnut-feeding insects in floodplain; Bulls Bridge a unique resource; nice floodplain forest above Falls Village"PCB inhibited mainstem"; temperature and nutrient issues; poor management; paralleled by route 7; invasive zebra mussel in East Twin LakeFlows through and drains portions of TNC's Berkshire-Taconic and Northwest Corner project landscapes and associated matrix forest fishers and canoeists at war over flow issues; bypass channel at Bulls Bridge has better fish diversity than main channel due to drastic flow control at dam; upcoming FERC relicensing may change this.CNG@Mq] ؁F  ]MC % &$8uyN‡oooooooooooooooooooooo\I* }^* HK@ HK@<@UPQs@͋? UP@UPhUP UP UPUPUPUP 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor StressesUPUP6'CTNels BarrettNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCNB03190203Pachaug RiverSize 2; Series of ponds and big lakes; maintained dams.Some important natural communities at headwaters.Upper watershed falls within Pawcatuck Borderlands project landscape and associated matrix forest block.Black water; peaty edges; white cedar swamps and fens with rare inverts (banded bog haunter and hessel's hairstreak); high freshwater species diversity; Great Meadow area.Active land protection occurring here because upper watershed falls within Pawcatuck Borderlands project landscape and associated matrix forest blocks.Ranked #2 within its system!>c9B%ź&jj(((XKA  &$@86&CTNels BarrettNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCNB03190202Upper Farmington RiverSize 2Mostly in MA - need more information. Ranked #1 in its group.i1Enģ;ɹgggggggggggggggggggaKA &86%CTNels BarrettNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCNB03190201Hollenbeck RiverSize 2Top quality for plants, inverts, water quality.Lots of meadows; calcareous components; drains TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape and Canaan Mountain matrix forest block.Very good fisheries; total taxa in top three in CT; two state-listed fish (burbot and longnosed sucker); odonates; mussels; stocked fish; records of rare slimy sculpin.Shifting sandy bottom.Sportsman's club/fishing association protecting entire system to headwaters.Ranked #1 in its system.mM/3(ZVF22222222222θaaa[KA  &$8coNŸooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo\I* <@ZQs@͋? Z@ZhZ Z ZZZZ 2 Major Stresses.Major_StressesMajor StressesZZxZpZ ZͶK@ZZ Z0!Major Stresses8ZZ(ZZZ8~Y0<>@@~sq_dINDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO OCCURRENCE BY STATE REPORT~sq_dSTRESS3Z ZZ![Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses]ZZ0!Major Stresses Z`ZZ Z Z Z Z@ZHZPZXZ`ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ ZhZ6(CTNels BarretErnie Pizuto, Dave Wagner, Jay Cordeiro, Michael Beauchene, James MacBroom, Steve Gephard, Peter Patton, Scott WarrenNB03190204Eightmile RiverSize 2; few dams, undeveloped watershedexcellent water quality; dragonflies & mussels; devils hopyard area especially good for odonates; exemplary freshwater tidal plants in lower reaches; chapmans falls excellent for birds (cerulean warblers); state-rare mussel in Hamburg coverelatively unimpacted; high biological diversityfew dams, undeveloped watershed, intact systemdiadromous fish; excellent water quality; dragonflies & mussels; devils hopyard area especially good for odonates; exemplary freshwater tidal plants in lower reaches; chapmans falls excellent for birds (cerulean warblers); state-rare mussel hamburg;unique cobble-gravel in some areas; some dams but relatively good flow regimesLand DevelopmentAgricultureglossy stigma (e african invasive) in hamburg cove; surprisingly low resident fish diversity/biomass/abundanceTNC is active here - within Tidelands project landscapeRanked #1 in its group.N_LU6^ZJ66666666666zzo____꺺ˤ  &48^F</ C|xA30CTPeter PattonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCPP03190201Salmon CreekSize 2High qualtiy; interesting inverts; natural seeps.Calcareous influence.Rare pondweed at Twin Lakes; Moore Brook is high quality; rare snail in Twin Lakes (balbata); rare sedges.Ranked #2 in its group.$$$$$$$$$$$ ]]]WKA #$6/CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050208Burnap Brooksize 1 tributary to Hop Riververy high water quality!;D#Nob?&pppppppppppppppppppppppppppYYY<0& &86.CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050207Branch Brooksize 1 tributary to Naugatuckgood benthic diversity)/sAÄBoooooooooooooooooooooYYYYYYYYY<0& &86-CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050205Tankerhoosen Riversize 1 tributary to Hockanum RiverState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaikZG &ΙdddB0& &86,CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050204Hubbard Brooksize 1 tributary to Connecticut Rivercontains populations of endangered American brook lamprey; records of slimy sculpin:m4VJlǼ Sɵbbbbbbbbb=0& &86+CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050203Patton Brooksize 1contains 4-spine stickleback populations; records of slimy sculpin^)G?)k%zBBBBBBBBB<0& &86)CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050201Mt. Hope Riversize 2Upper portion of watershed is in TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscape and Yale-Meyers matrix forest block.Upper portion of watershed is in TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscape and Yale-Meyers matrix forest block - actively pursuing land protection.Mt. Hope River is excellent quality; the Fenton is more threatened.13G\yFUJDDDDDD>0& & 8R!CN34CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050202Wachocastinook Creeksize 1 systemState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaDrains portion of TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape and associat64CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050202Wachocastinook Creeksize 1 systemState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaDrains portion of TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape and associated Mount Washington/Mount Riga matrix forest block.State DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaDrains portion of TNC's Berkshire-Taconic project landscape and associated Mount Washington/Mount Riga matrix forest block - land protection efforts ongoing.:ccσG:ճ666666666QQQD0& &$862CTPeter PattonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCPP03190203Mashamoquet BrookSize 2Good water quality; cold water system supports trout; steep channel with boulders;Areas of frigid soils; flows through state park.System is too steep for anadromous fish; net-winged midgets present; tributary is Merritt Brook, which has excellent cold water species, including salmonids and spring salamanders; main river has high DO; mussel diversityRanked #3 in its group.V%E9䴴bbb\KA &&$861CTPeter PattonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCPP03190202Sandy Brook (Farmington drainage)Size 2; One dam, one bridge.Aquatic state natural area preserve; best salmon stream in the state; also trout.Flows through Algonquin state forest; high gradient; flows out of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape.Slimy sculpin; calcareous influence; geologically interesting; biologically diverse; rare sedges; frigid soils; very high water quality; good invertebrate quality.Flows out of TNC's Northwest Corner project landscape (active land protection efforts).Ranked #2 in its group.TdALpCv}}yiUUUUUUUUUUU>DDDوlKA  &$8]E/Feu3;CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT0326;CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270202Pequabuck RiverSize 2; dammed; diverted; polluted; contaminated sedimentsheadwaters in Rockwell Park; quality is getting better; "mini version of the Naugatuck"; effluent dominatedvery urbanized and steepstocked trout; caddis flies; not great quality; swamps in Plainvilletown empties chlorinated pool into river; "a challenged river"n'!I-)ZZZZZZZZZZYJ@ &$86:CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270201Pomperaug RiverSize 2; Two dams targeted for removal.Water quality pretty good; some flow problems; geologically distinct.Sewage problems from Heritage Village; some development in lower portion.The upper Pomperaug and Nonewaug are both good for water quality and invertebrates.Natural ice flows.Ranked #3 in its group.$i̞$jDhurrrrrrrrr` YJ@ &$869CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050208Bee Brooksize 1 tributary to Shepaug Rivergood water qualitysupports diverse fisheries populations54FᵦwllllllZZZ90& &868CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050207McAlpine Brooksize 1 tributary to Thameshigh freshwater snail diversity=v?O|r)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwXXXXXXXXX>0& &866CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050204Salmon Brook (Connecticut Drainage)size 1 tributary to Connecticut Rivercontains populations of endangered American brook lamprey; burbotV$7Nk,͹xxxxxxxxxS0& &865CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050203East Branch Salmon Brooksize 1 systemgood trout and salmon populationsgood trout and salmon populationsӌUdIB 5vvvvvvUUUH0& &8ZGjͬe wFv%#03>CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270205ConnecticutSize 4; no dams in CT on mainstemhigh diversity; many rare taxa - mussels, tiger beetles (including globally rare Puritan tiger beetle), odonates; fishLargely intact system; least flow regulation of CT rivers; TNC's Tidelands program active, especially in lower least 4 state-listed dragonflies; mussel diversity in East Granby, Muddy Brook; deep areas in East Hartford and Middletown are Atlantic sturgeon holding areas; very important river for diadromous fishice fl6>CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270205ConnecticutSize 4; no dams in CT on mainstemhigh diversity; many rare taxa - mussels, tiger beetles (including globally rare Puritan tiger beetle), odonates; fishLargely intact system; least flow regulation of CT rivers; TNC's Tidelands program active, especially in lower least 4 state-listed dragonflies; mussel diversity in East Granby, Muddy Brook; deep areas in East Hartford and Middletown are Atlantic sturgeon holding areas; very important river for diadromous fishice flows occur in limited areas; unique sandy systems upstream of Middletown; large floodplain forests and meadowsTNC's Tidelands program active, especially in lower reaches.`J,ݡ.cccvvvUJ@ % &$86=CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270204Norwalk RiverSize 2; two damsheavily degraded and developed; not much for plants; sewage treatment discharges; best section is from center of Georgetown upstream to Route 7 in Ridgefield (uncommon snail - fosseria modessella); eutrophic headwatersdeveloped watershed; southern portion industrializedwhole river supports trout; extensive wetlands on both sideswhole river supports trout due to cold water inflowslightly better than the Byram7VBmt*&uuuAAAgggWJ@  &$86BCTSteve GephardNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCSG03270204RippowanSize 2similar to Byam in quality and land use; low water qualitynorth of route 15 is water company property; south of route 15 is bad; heavy land useno mussels at allslightly better than ByramQZ@/"Q)6<8(锔ZZZTLB &$86ACTSteve GephardNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCSG03270203Hop RiverSize 2; Intact tributaries.Very good water quality; geologically distinct; mature floodplain; very good water quality; no wastewater discharge.Rare dragonfly (snake tail).Lots of debris dams.Threatened in the vicinity of Route 6.Community group looks after it.Mill Brook is excellent quality; Burnap Brook and Stattle Brook are high water quality. Ranked #3 in its group.oCuVsY:pppULB &86@CTSteve GephardNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCSG03270202Hockanum RiverSize 2; three fishways currently being installed at three dams; will have fish passage up to Union Pond in Manchester; Laurel Lake dam very badpoor water quality; water chestnut in south; managed trout; badly degraded, but recoveringsewage treatment plants; East Hartford landfill;benthic populations not goodTankerhoosen is a high quality tributaryr@vX˷sssCCCZLB &$86?CTSteve GephardNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCSG03270201Nepaug RiverSize 2Good water quality; large sand deposits; lots of stratified drift.Upstream sections are rural; sparse agriculture; includes Nepaug reservoir; much in state forest and MDC land; used for water supply; lower section has no flow.Historically supported salmon; rare invert (frosted elfin); records of slimy sculpin upstream of Nepaug ReservoirDebris flows.Ranked #4 in its group; upstream sections are best.uT( @ɿ/k񾾾@@@^^^XLB $ &$8au6GNHBill InghamBI042902-12Sugar River Mainstem (size 2 & 3 sections)Not impressive-highly impacted. Claremont-Newport reach is nice but warm.Dams in Newport, residential areas, erosion.CWDC$OKKKK! &o$86FNHBill InghamBI042902-11Little Sugar RiverWild brook trout for the whole length, good water quality, good pH, (wild rainbow trout fishery)Rare redbellied dace occurs in Chase Brook (Unity) trib to Little Sugar-only occurs in CT River Watershed.tF/9%!3333! $&o86ENHBill InghamBI042902-10Great BrookGood quality, flows directly into CT River in Walpole.j]N lmvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,,,,! &o86DNHBill InghamBI042902-1Ashuelot River Mainstem (size 3 section)CT River mouth to confluence with Otter BrookWater quality in Ashuelot has improved since 1980s-now more fish species diversity.Fiske Mill Hydro dam is first one on mainstem, owner (Erickson) wants to give it away. FERC licensed, Hinsdale gets tax revenue from it. Resid Devel is key threat (altho headwaters are still relatively undeveloped).Residential Development_ubD5/ʶuuuH  &$86CCTSteve GephardNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCSG03270205HousatonicSize 4 up to confluence with tenmileContaminated below Still River confluence - "metals in the marshes"flow regulationremarkably free of dragonflies; horseshoe crabs and diamondback terripans in marshes at mouth; sea-run brown trout, white perch, striped bass runs to base of first dam in DerbyBetween I-95 and Merritt Parkway is "sea of Phragmites"Historic dredging has destroyed habitat from Merritt Parkway to confluenceNtF P]A%!|̽zzzVLB $&$@8^ CHB|3QNHBill InghamBI042902-21Bow Bog BrookWild BT fishery.>>>>>>>>6QNHBill InghamBI042902-21Bow Bog BrookWild BT fishery.O~^A%1YƔfbR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>....! &o86PNHBill InghamBI042902-20Soucook RiverUsed to be wild BT, no more. Possibility for juvenile Atlantic salmon stocking?Gravel mining, erosion from road construction and development. Only one dam in Loudon.Groundwater depletionSedimentationLand DevelopmentGravel MiningRoad constructionWF~H Ab@=KG7##############}}}....! &o$;86NNHBill InghamBI042902-19Suncook RiverWarmwater from headwaters to Merrimack b/c of dams.V}0`Dw6mBuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....! &o86MNHBill InghamBI042902-18Blackwater RiverMuch flood control.sB($ռlhXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD1111111! &o 86KNHBill InghamBI042902-16Contoocook RiverFranklin Pierce is unlicensed, unregulated hydro project so water levels fluctuate wildly.X@ 21111111! &o 86JNHBill InghamBI042902-15Blow-me-Down BrookGood quality from headwaters to mouth.Dam at mouth (St. Gaudens)&C~v ssssssssssssssssssssssssYYY3333! &o$86INHBill InghamBI042902-14Bloods BrookGood quality with wild brook trout.Flows along Willow Brook Rd., but doesn't seem to have a great impact.D?-.0AV /=PPP----! &o$86HNHBill InghamBI042902-13Mill BrookIn Cornish. Impressive coldwater fishery from headwaters to mouth with wild brook trout.Flows along Mill Brook Rd directly into CT River. Little human impact (mainly agricultural with some nutrient problems from cow pastures).Nutrient loadingAgriculture}#AªF%|PL<(((((((((((((((( ++++! &o$ 8Gu3XNHBill InghamBI042902-7Partridge BrookGood quality-silt free.Flows directly into CT River south of Rte 12. Spofford Lk dam is not regulated. No dams between Spofford and CT River.Spawning lampre6XNHBill InghamBI042902-7Partridge BrookGood quality-silt free.Flows directly into CT River south of Rte 12. Spofford Lk dam is not regulated. No dams between Spofford and CT River.Spawning lamprey b/c of access from CT River at lower end and good quality habitat (good gravel where larvae spend up to 6 yrs). Warmer water fish assemblage with eel, dace, suckers.?QqKJum3rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrFFF////  &o$86WNHBill InghamBI042902-6Gulf BrookWild brook trout.No houses on Gulf Rd. Old road in steep valley, susceptible to erosion and sedimentation after storms.SedimentationErosion from Gulf Rd.bLJA $ѯî;;;****  &o$ 86VNHBill InghamBI042902-5Otter BrookWarmwater above and below flood control dam. Probably once was a CW stream, now supports longnose and blacknose dace, suckers, shiners.vGX ӘƲ++++  &o86UNHBill InghamBI042902-4Ashuelot River-South BranchBest of the Ashuelot branches.@ˆADk}mYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY;;;;  &o86TNHBill InghamBI042902-3Liscomb BrookHigh quality stream flowing directly into the CT River north of Ashuelot River confluenceS2IDGgr@B[`----  &o86SNHBill InghamBI042902-23Smith RiverFlows from Orange into Pemi in Bristol. Wild BT in upper reaches, good riffle-pool habitat.Relatively undeveloped. Gravel mining is a threat in headwaters for erosion, or for water W/D for gravel washing.Sedimentation/ErosionGroundwater depletionGravel Miningiu@dDqg 1WSC////////////////"" ,,,,! &o$ 8CB 3^NHDES GroupDES050702-12Little Cohas BrookHas floodplain forest and wildlife mgmt areaRuns adjacent to Manchester airport, feeds directly into Merrimack. Free flowing with few impoundments.DES biomonitoring site.6^NHDES GroupDES050702-12Little Cohas BrookHas floodplain forest and wildlife mgmt areaRuns adjacent to Manchester airport, feeds directly into Merrimack. Free flowing with few impoundments.DES biomonitoring site.i{6x1OeS^^^2222  %&o$86]NHDES GroupDES050702-11Cohas BrookMercury a problem at Tower Hill Pond.Impounded w/in 200 yds of Merrimack. Flow impaired by water W/D from Massabesic Lk for Manch water supply. Tower Hill Pond fluctuates 30-40'. Tower Hill-Dewby is pretty, but impounded.DES plans to work with the city to do stream corridor inventory this summer."=rJ9s|xhTTTTTTTTTTTTPPP++++  &o$86[NHDES GroupDES050702-1Black BrookNorth of Piscataquog R. Salmon stocking index site. Reference quality reaches hydrologically linked to reaches in need of restoration.Abuts Manchester Cedar Swamp. Dams throughout watershed-one w/in 1/4 mi of confluence (DES is looking into removal to open 6 mi for fish passage into Bow). Smaller impoundments along that 6 mi reach that warm water (beaver/human)-Kimball Pd, Rod/Gun;^^K/ mͽ**** &o$86ZNHBill InghamBI042902-9Houghton BrookGood quality, flows directly into CT River in Walpole south of Great Brook._O]LFyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....  &o86YNHBill InghamBI042902-8Cold RiverCold River and its tribs stand out in quality. In NH Designated Rivers Program.Steep valley, susceptible to natural erosion and that caused by development (S. Acworth area in particular)}Ǯ@-E yyy****  %&o$8!WGGGIII[[[6bNHDES GroupDES050702-16Contoocook RiverDesignated River. Henniker has flyfishing only reach. Hillsborough WWT plants below N. Branch confluence, in Antrim, at Monadnock Paper Mill, Peterborough, Jaffrey (some may be moved away from river). Powder Mill Pond is borderline meso/eutrophic.Heavy impacts Concord water W/D at York Dam Pool. 3 dams w/o fish pass at mouth. Bypass reach on York w/low flow prob. Possible removal of dam at Henniker. 4 dams in Antrim. Rte 202/9 reach slow w/ag. Dam in Peterborough. Unreg. dam on N. Branch.Water quality study associated with D.O. at Peterborough WWT Plant.䨪J|t````````````'''0000  &o$86aNHDES GroupDES050702-15Soucook RiverSpeedway impacts. Gravel mining along river-riparian corridor is shot. 1st dam at Loudon (may be removed?). Recent recon work by D. Neils/S. Landry b/t Staniels Rd. to southernmost Rte 106 xing found riparian corridor intact with little development.Habitat work by Linda MacKay (NHFG). Soucook River Keepers (may be defunct).5:hF@ Jrrrrrrrrrrrr&&&&&&&&&&&&-------  &o 86`NHDES GroupDES050702-14Little Suncook RiverLooks good (at least aesthetically). Milfoil in Northwood Lake.DES has some biomonitoring stations.s>WLBr֖Msssssssssssssss4444  &o86_NHDES GroupDES050702-13Suncook RiverBlueback herring river, warmish water. Above dams river is flat and warm. Above Webster Rd. is good river habitat.Heavily dammed (18+dams). Lowermost (China Mills) will be removed, open 40' of habitat. FERC req passage at dam at Pleasant St. Res develop, diffuse ag (some to stream edge). Gilmanton/Barnstead has intact forest buffers.Suncook River Watershed Assn. _NvMbI>||||||||||||----  &o$8G>fH#3hNHDES GroupDES050702-21Winnepesaukee RiverWinnepesaukee Basin is heavily influenced by human activity. Used to be a smelt hatch6hNHDES GroupDES050702-21Winnepesaukee RiverWinnepesaukee Basin is heavily influenced by human activity. Used to be a smelt hatchery on one of tribs-smelt still naturally run there. Good trout fishing area.2 dams at river mouth in Franklin. Heavily regulated by dams in Tilton, Lochmere, etc.nCGGjSO?++++++++++++++++++++++++3333  &o$86gNHDES GroupDES050702-20Punch BrookTrout fishing. Brook mouth is just upstream from the Franklin WWT plant discharge outfall.Thermal refuge from Merrimack. May be a dam in the residential area (?).huO SdCpͅ++++  &o$86fNHDES GroupDES050702-2Nashua RiverCSOs last 1.5 mi from Everett Tpk xing to confluence. Water chestnut problem upstream in Mile Falls Pond (a canal diversion of mainstem, degraded by storm water). Asbestos contam at PSNH property. Mohawk Tannery site contam.20 yrs water quality data from Gilson Rd. superfund site; river sediment data from Mohawk Tannery site.Betsy HahnReg Planning CommissionNashua R Watershed Assn (MA); Merrimack R Wat CounSCKv/2(œ|rr ++++ &oF86eNHDES GroupDES050702-19Stirrup Iron BrookGood invertebrate fauna, trout. Cold water.Located in Boscawen, flows thu State and Cabot Memorial Forest. Flyfishing only pond dammed by Salisbury Dam (impassible for fish). Unrestricted flow from dam to Merrimack confluence. Good tree cover, cold, buffer intact.Noted in Boscawen Town Master Plan as a resource worthy of protection.]4Fɏ::::::::::::]]]2222  &o$86dNHDES GroupDES050702-18Warner RiverNot a lot of info.DES IBI sites on Willow, Schoodac Brooks.xǪI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,,,,  &o8 X6/!6n NHDES GroupDES050702-27Squam RiverMilfoil in Squam River and into Little Squam Lake. Landlocked salmon. WWT plant near 1-93 xing in Ashland.Active Squam Lake Watershed Assn.ԥPzLY$ ʶ++++  &o86mNHDES GroupDES050702-26Newfound RiverPopular fly fishing river.Good water quality in Newfound Lake b/c of depth (200'+) (even tho it is heavily developed). 2 dams with some drawdown, but spring-fed so river remains cool.Paradise Point outreach/education area-Audubon. Newfound Watershed Assn.ʪ6F%GbsUQA------------HHH....  &o$86lNHDES GroupDES050702-25Smith RiverTrout fishery.Sandy banks (some erosion), falls. Profile Falls (portion in protected zone). Wooded section with camps, then meandering flats and fields.DES biomonitoring site.ECH_B7?7|9d999++++  &&o$86kNHDES GroupDES050702-24Needleshop BrookIn Hill (west side Pemi)-last run to Pemi is in flood control area. Steep gradient, coldwater. One 20' impoundment that is abandoned-removal would make the stream great habitat.DES biomonitoring site.od5B6pR  0000000  $&o 86jNHDES GroupDES050702-23Sucker BrookMixed fishery, deep coldwater refuges.Source at Highland Lake-deep with cold water. Homes along brook w/o septic systems. Flowing into Webster Lake is good.'KgMy gRRR,,,,  &o$86iNHDES GroupDES050702-22Pemigewasset River MainstemBelow Dam in Franklin river runs thru chutes, falls, heavily fished. Franklin-Concord is notable recreational run-30 miles of free flowing river. Bristol-Franklin is good stretch thru flood control area w/no development. Upper Pemi ~dam free.Beebe River Station IBI Site (DES).[0A@/xtdPPPPPPPPPPPP------------;;;;;;;  &o 8IF_iii3tNHDES GroupDES050702-32Bearcamp Rive6tNHDES GroupDES050702-32Bearcamp RiverIndicator site for brook trout. Tamworth has designated a reach of river as "prime wetlands."Flows into Ossipee Lake. Dam removal planned that will open up mainstem, allowing salmon access upstream from Ossipee Lake.Dianne Emerson (NHFG) as macroinvert sampling data.*w7Ki/Ea]M999999999999....  &o$86sNHDES GroupDES050702-31Saco RiverDesignated River. Kearsarge Metals superfund site near Swift River confluence. WWT Plant in Conway has improved. Extremely heavy recreational use constitutes a major impact in Fryeburg area.Attitash ski area can take lots of water resulting in modification of winter flow. Conway-cornfields in floodplain, golf course.xW @<,A~jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj****  &o$86r NHDES GroupDES050702-30E. Branch Pemigewasset River"Wicked nice."Water W/D for Loon Mtn ski area. Leaky lagoons in Lincoln. Profile and Echo ponds are high quality, undammed ponds.{c ,G#ѽJJJ<<<<  &o$86q NHDES GroupDES050702-3Salmon BrookSouth of Nashua River. Has nice reaches.MA portion is in good shape (w/some impoundments), NH portion is rapidly being developed. High potential for restoration. Rural and ag before passing into Nashua.Land DevelopmentDES has stream corridor inventory data, report due out this summer on stormwater modeling, etc. City of Nashua is interested in restoration.PnUEt+kSSS++++ &o$86o NHDES GroupDES050702-28Baker RiverBacterial problems last summer.Numerous flood control dams (6+) run by NRCS. Heavily agricultural out of Plymouth. Riprap impacts along Rte 25 near Plymouth.Dick Flanders of Baker River Watershed Assn.>gC,ӾJJJ++++  $&o$8tVDev3qMABrian ReidBR06050208Sippican Rivergood, but runs through bogs, not a lot of info on aquaticslots of cranberry agriculture and impoundmentsggg---- #o$3pMABrian ReidBR06050206Ten Mile and Seven Mile Rivers (Seekonk River Trib))no fish, no inverts through Attleboro, toxic and organic contamina6qMABrian ReidBR06050208Sippican Rivergood, but runs through bogs, not a lot of info on aquaticslots of cranberry agriculture and impoundments cG6Ѵggg---- &o$86pMABrian ReidBR06050206Ten Mile and Seven Mile Rivers (Seekonk River Trib))no fish, no inverts through Attleboro, toxic and organic contaminantsYT+N0;SSSS &o86oMARuss Cohen, Brian ReidRC05160218Mattapoisett Rivergood fishery, would be good if water were not drained out, probably once was good trout fisherywater withdrawal issues, cluster of wells in Rochester used by 5 towns, high spring baseflowO%WDĸ%p  ====+! $&w$86m~MAKarsten Hartel, Betsy Colburn, Tom RawinskiKL05210264Merrimack River - mainstemherring, shad, both rare sturgeon, great fresh tidal marsh with two globally rare plant species, eagles, important estuary, salmon reintroductionfirst dam is at Lawrence/Lowell (fish ladder at Lawrence)Merrimack River Watershed Council6[ JA5miYEEEEEEEEEEEE$$$$$$$$$$$$ZZZZ@6 &w$86uNHDES GroupDES050702-33Ossipee RiverME stocks brown trout below Keezar Falls. Lake Ossipee is a mixed fishery with trout and perch, shallow on east end. Good water quality (but with lots of camps).Dammed in Keezar Falls, ME, open upstream from there.Amy Clark-MS student at UNH recently finished thesis on hydrologic monitoring.vvNN fzzvfRRRRRRRRRRRR----  &o$8s6 MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn,KL05210216Allen's PondAudubon has protected 400 acres around Allen's Pond and is doing grassland bird restoration, could also contact Anna Hix and Lloyds CenterAndrea JonesMass Audubon|EC*KY%![[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[OE $&w86 MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Julie Lundgren (1997 report), Russ CohenKL05210215Westport Riverwild brook trout on W and E branch, osprey and eagles, major nursery for lots of fish, Snout Creek has had EPA enforcement on feedlot (gray water), ag, gravel, lawn runoff in E branch, Phragmites, tidal flow was prob affected by bridge- Hixbridge rdGoodsome development of adjacent uplands, tidal reach surrounded by ag and scattered developmentAngeline brook has high gradient cobbles going into saltmarsh which is unusual (usually muck)Nutrient loadingAgricultureLand DevelopmentLocal land trust - see rapid site conservation plan for this area, Efforts have been made by town to improve and re-establish shellfishery in river. Westport Watershed Assoc. has stream monitoring program and is working with farmers to reduce runofLundgren surveyed brackish tidal marsh on this river in 1997- forms in binder in Andy's officeGay GillespieWestport Watershed Council&_HC b+ bhhhXMMM=yo % &w,86rMABrian ReidBR06050209Weweantic Rivercould be good cold water stream, more restorable than Sippican?many bogs with flow through systems and impoundments, good baseflow because significant part of drainage is in Plymouth Carver aquiferkJGHommm.... $&o$8 F inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.d35]8`xab(cd Size_LabelݙSize: e.g., describe the populations of a species (or particular life state) that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological systemGaramondo5Wbcxde f,h n"";"";"10";"50"Size_Status_RatingSIZESTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440Choose rating for size of sited35]8`xa\b c,d Size_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7U`@ ab\cpkSize_Rating_JustificationSIZEJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35U8`@ a\bc/d Size_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7U`xa $bP(ck6MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ Cohen, Brian ReidKL05210217North Rivercoastal riverGoodgreat freshwater tidal marsh, only good example of fresh water tidal swamp, wild brook trout in tribs, Eriocaulon parkerii (NAC target), disjunct pop of hemlock parsley, shad run, Indian Head trib and freshwater section in good shape, good odonatesVery Goodno cranberry impacts also, one of best shad runs in state below Luddam's Fordtidal marsh in good shape, some development, route 3 goes over it, least impacted bounded by rt 3, 14 and Broadway, incl. Swamp brook and Herring Brook, much protected landGoodsmelt run in Third Herring Brook, Herring Brook has alewife run, invert studies limited, only occurrence in New England of tidal swamp forest, large AWC swamp as good as Snipatuit, grades into swamp forest with cedar in itThe watershed association is creating a parcel map along the North River to prioritize parcels along the river. Phase 1 is id of landowners, acreage, land use and Phase II is habitat and species delineation (Riverways newsletter Spring 2002.)Wayne Peterson knows birds at this siteNorth & South Rivers Watershed Assoc.@C5HG6WmwwP^^^^^^^^^|Ѓz~qf\  &}8B'Landscape_Status_RatingLANDSTAT Tab3MAO'learyMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210216Manham River below Moose Brook (CT River Trib)only one mussel below dam--opening this d6MAO'learyMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210216Manham River below Moose Brook (CT River Trib)only one mussel below dam--opening this dam would open up 11 miles of stream habitatWPLdlILf+@->:*” &86MABoydMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210214Mill River - Northampton (CT River Trib)Most mussels in State! (MA Audubon Arcadia sanctuary)Oxbow off CT mainstem has lots of good stuff--diadromous fish get in there but has its "own everything". $50k brownfields grant to divert Mill River back to old bed--diverted after Northampton flooded in 1930's. Both branches flow into oxbowZ>U BX,kﺑ % & 86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210213aWest Brook, Great Swamp Brook, Roaring Brook (CT River TribsSpring salamanders (Gyrinophilus)h}MWʎ %&w86MAScott JacksonMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210213Mill River - Whately (CT River Trib)1,000 individuals in dwarf wedgemussel population (remarkable)trying to finish flow study to come up with means to engage water suppliers to maintain flows. $50k neededModification of water levesl; changes in flow,Wȿ@$Y|ffffffff &8TR"rhor_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses]; 32649Select a third major stress at this site6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210225Tully River - East Branch (Millers Trib)Gyrinophilus plus a bunch of diff't odes; below dam some reaches pretty good in brook from Shawmut LakeٜŲJF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>җ & 86MADave McLeanMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210220Bachelor Brook (CT River Trib)some ag but good buffers with local exceptions; limited developmentswollen wedgemussel candidate for federal listing; three other listed mussels; good dragonfliesptjCC|lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210218Bassett Brook (Manhan Trib)main stem impacted; used to be called clam brookFJA@"im|ب &&w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210217Manham River - North Branch (CT River Trib)great brook and brown trout; good fish habitat; not good mussel habitat on North Branch but other branch has; wood turtles and good dragonflies both branches;z-BT\:'m~zjVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV &w8G#-lEMAIL2!Em3MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210231Swift River - West branchtributary to Quabbin; fairly6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210231Swift River - West branchtributary to Quabbin; fairly pristine and free flowing, most ownded by MDCP۳"J ^uMQ𦦦 $&w 86MADave SmallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210230Wetstone Brook (Millers Trib)good stuff; info from Ken Simmons, M.S. thesis on fish (brook lamprey, sculpin in area, consult Karsten)FH@5UOA m/؋D@0 &86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210229Millers River mainsteam near Athol10,000 acres of protected land (EOEA)wood turtles, moose habitatOK2bL#UV[ԯ $&86MADave SmallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210228Priest Brook and Millers confluenceStylurus scudderi (zebra clubtail dragon)=sH'`-P- 㺺 %&86MADave SmallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210227Otter Brook (Millers River Trib)pcb problem (unknown source); some good stuff in drainage;dam removal proposal for otter; threat of hydro developmentDave Halliwell has a lot of info on fish from general Miller's areaToxins/ContaminatsS/ٷESNS oo,,,񷷷 &$8EpXcLabe3MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210237Swift River - East branchnot much development, where6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210237Swift River - East branchnot much development, where it crosses Quaker Drive is best habitat; good tributaries off east branchGomphus descriptus [A5Y|ՕqFB2 &w 86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210236Ruggles Pond near Lyons brookWilliamsonia fletcheriy˰t@[_DR= &w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210235Fever Brook - East Branch (Quabbin Trib)Wrightsville Pond and Tom's swamp is watershed divide; brook begins at Harvard forest (not protected) and goes to Quabbin (lower reaches protected by MDC for Quabbin);Williamsonia fletcheri, bog elfin, Nannothemis bellasome land protection work in upper reaches$qKκ\\\ &w 86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210233Hop and Underhill Brooks (Quabbin Trib)listed spp, wood turtles and Gyrinophilusl]SIcK('ݴ %&w86MADave SmallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210232Prescott Brook (Quabbin Trib)Gyrinophilus (spring salamanders), hack tower for eaglesHB Hv@}*>촴 $&81+0NE6zNHDES GroupDES050702-6Baboosic BrookBig trout. DRED owned land along Rte 3 is a nice stretch with steep gradient, bedrock/cobble substrate. Transitions into warm water.&OMY3~ű---- &o86yNHDES GroupDES050702-5Souhegan RiverPotential for anadromous fish restoration. NH Plating, Fletcher, Savage superfund sites need cleanup (metals contamination, PCBs). Dissolved oxygen concern Greenville-Milford reach.Designated River-(subject to instream flow rules). Lowermost dam in Merrimack Village shortlisted for removal-would open river to Milford, where there are 3 dams. Hydro dam in Wilton w/shallow impound. Fish hatchery takes water. Plan for golf course.Ground/surface water modeling for Savage Site. Water w/d data for registered water users.Cheryl SpragueEPAsprague.cheryl@epamail.govDick|wOJ3p&;tppm``FFC55----  &o$:6xNHDES GroupDES050702-4Pennichuck BrookPublic water supply. For much of year is not connected to Merrimack-dries up.Groundwater depletionPublic water supplyD J1.5Hȸ|||||/////// &o 86wNHDES GroupDES050702-35Ashuelot RiverDesignated River. Troy wastewater treatment causing DO and nutrient problem? Possible future study. Copper a concern in Keene, no results yet but toxicity is probably low.Dissolved Oxygen study. DES is doing study of effects of lake drawdown on Ashuelot Pond.KL|稃mYUE111111111111....  &o86vNHDES GroupDES050702-34Cold RiverHigh quality (D. Neils recommends this one). Designated River.More agricultural impacts near confluence with CT River. Upper reaches relatively pristine.DES has some invert data; biomonitoring stations.Q:6N@hhh****  $&o$8hG~zCN3~NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-1Ashuelot River Mainstem (size 3 section)CT River mouth to confluence with Otter Brook3 hydro dams at river mouth: downstream passage in place, upstream passage needed. McGoldrick dam removed. Winchester Dam coming out summer '02. Swanzey dam under investigation for removal (50% of hist. shad/herring habitat occurs above Swanzey Dam)Am.shad, blueback herring occur here through transfer of adults from lower CT R. Lamprey left to recolonize on their own. Eel are likely but no one has looked. Atlantic Salmon here through stocking. Tesselated darter (DWM host fish) occurs here.Habitat fragmentationWater ManagementAnadromous fish restoration work by USFWS/NHFG; Ashuelot LACKen SprankleUSFWSNashuaken_sprankle@fws.govGabe GriesNHFGKeeneggries@starband.netƊzzzeepppwwwwwwJ" ! # 6}NHDES GroupDES050702-9Spickett RiverNot in great shape.Spicket River Watershed Assn has stormwater model.AgH\IR^hrrrrrrrrrrrr@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@---- &o86|NHDES GroupDES050702-8Turkey RiverRuns through St. Pauls, Audubon. Mixed warm/cold water. Big eels.Channelized near Grappone Toyota. Has some pristine reference-quality reaches.DES has biomonitoring data for Grist Mill reach.&ؾMڡw1"꺺lll++++ %&o$86{NHDES GroupDES050702-7Piscataquog RiverDesignated River. Mainly coldwater fishery except for impoundments.1st dam is at Westside Ice arena in Manch (nothing below for 2 mi). Glen Lake is biggest impound (USACE). N Branch is most impounded. Lake Horace-Army Corps project surprisingly natural reach.Brook floaters.Land DevelopmentStakeholders to back up conservation efforts here. S. Branch streambank biostabilization work with DES, TU. Active LAC and Watershed Assn. Barry Wicklow monitors brook floaters. 7 IBI monitoring stations.R6Dd?A!qFB2RRRRBBBBB333sss0000  &o$8)          6NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-13Mascoma Riverconfluence with CT River to Mascoma Lake (this group not familiar with river above the lake).Water very warm-80 deg top water release from Mascoma Lake. Fish survival is poor. Bank stabilization issues."Riddled" with dams.Wild rainbow spawning run above lake. Smelt population in Mascoma Lk.Joe Homer's work in upper Mascoma?Tom DakiNHFG Conservation Officerdispatch #33S0 .H4MǷ~vvTTTTTTTTT0# &$&86NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-12Blow Me Down Brookconfluence with CT River to headwatersRun of the mill-not especially notable. Stocked with salmon.f' 15E(~s[[[5# &86NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-11Bloods Brookconfluence with CT River to headwatersColdwater stream. Good thermograph data. Salmon stocked above natural barrier because of high quality habitat.Natural barrier 1/2 mile upstream (gorge).[-O`k_UUU/# $&$86NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-10Sugar River-North Branchconfluence with mainstem Sugar at Newport to headwatersWarm water. Temp doesn't fluctuate-just warm (up to 85 deg). Short section at Croydon Brook with good habitat (high gradient and large substrate) but coldwater fish don't use it because the water becomes very warm as it flows through Croydon Flats.Dumping (tires, etc.)9)N쩆fjjjjjjjjjjjrrr;# &8a]C,$W4dAuR/ 3"NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-18Turkey RiverWarm water, marshy pond. Not of interest from a fisheries standpoint.DamGood wildlife area. Osprey. Diverse for close to Concord.wwwttt////# #o$3!NHNHFG6"NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-18Turkey RiverWarm water, marshy pond. Not of interest from a fisheries standpoint.DamGood wildlife area. Osprey. Diverse for close to Concord.YYGFqZ)İwwwttt////# &o$86!NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-17Blackwater RiverDark, tannic water. Sandy downstream to Contoocook confluence. Floodplain forest complex above Corps Dam.Army Corps project in Webster.Brook floaters. Turtle habitat. Ncٺ3333# &&o$86NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-15Nubanusit Brookconfluence with Contoocook to Nubanusit LkDammed ~300 yards upstream from confluence with Merrimack (confluence is within the Peterborough Dam impoundment).XOaKyٵq\\\\\\2# & 86NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-14Contoocook Riverconfluence with Merrimack R to headwaters in PeterboroughSlow, flat river to flood control project. FP Forest. Some quickwater b/t dams. Degraded warm water community-not a good fishery. Above Noon Falls Dam trout stocked, good temp, natural hab, some warmwater spp.Hydro project .4 mi upstream from mouth. Many more dams along the river. Water level fluctuations can be extreme along river.Walleye pop above Penacook remnant from previous stocking. Rainbow stocked b/t Merrimack & dam. White suckers spawn in gravel substrate below Powder Mill Dam. Some warmwater fish and stocked trout above Noon Falls Dam (fallfish, dace)-better temps.Habitat fragmentationModification of water levesl; changes in flowWater ManagementAgricultureLand Development{weuE[,I_GC3Dz===lll3#  &$;8N   ^:kG$wV5jG$5RI34SIZE_333SIZE_46%NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-20Punch Brookflows directly into MerrimackAbove Webster homesite is gravelly, cool/warm, marginal salmon habitat.Brook trout. Sea-run salmon used to come up Punch Brook.} 0@R4ʒKKK.# &86$NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-2Ashuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)confluence with Otter Brook to Ashuelot PondPt. source poll. in Keene (E.coli; oil leak at Amer. Tissue Fact.). DWM habitat. Good riverine habitat Keene-Surrey Dam-blueback herring/shad hab. Wide flow & temp fluctuations above Surrey-poor trout/salmon survival. High mercury in Ashuelot Pond.Colony Mill Dam backs up water for ~2 mi. near Keene; Surrey Mtn Dam creates impoundment. Loss of riparian buffer, eroding banks; golf course impactsDwarf wedgemussel population near golf course. Waterfowl habitat above Marlow town line (marshy). Wild brook trout in Thompson Brook (trib).Not clear whether temp/flow fluct. are natural or b/c of clearing. River is broad, doesn't hold water. Originates from warm marshy system. Coldwater tribs impt for trout, but tribs are flashy/high grad & don't hold water (Thompson Bk).Toxins/ContaminatsHabitat fragmentationPoint Source PollutionWater ManagementHabitat assessment work from above Surrey Dam to Marlow town line (10 miles). Thompson Bk is wild trout index site.Ken SprankleGabe Grieso"xAX-ak~nZZZZZPPPPPDDnnnvvvJ"  &$B86#NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-19Black Brookconfluence with Merrimack at Amoskeag impoundmentUnique brook. Warm water, but ok for salmon. Grant to repair natural stream course along Dunbarton Rd.Talk of dam removal at Merrimack confluence.e[3ERm___.# $&$8Rt_d6)NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-24Baboosic Brookflows directly into MerrimackUnique fish assemblage more typical of coastal watersheds; unique to county. Low gradient, meandering, slow stream. Sandy, mucky bottom.Fairly well forested, travels through residential area and further development is a concern.Unique fish assemblage: American brook lamprey, swamp darter, bridle shiner, margined madtom, redfinned pickerel.. K-GǷ222NNN1# &$86(NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-23Piscataquog River-South BranchBest part of watershed from Goffstown-Francestown. Gets fairly warm-ok for salmon. Marsh areas, low gradient, alder swamps, wetlands. Middle Branch is similar w/lots of beaver activity. Not many coldwater tribs.Has dams, but smaller than other branches.Stocked with salmon, trout. Few wild brook trout in Francestown.Piscataquog River Watershed Association working on Rand Brook.ɲSKjR<м~~~~~~~~~>>>AAAA# &o$86'NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-22Piscataquog River Mainstem (aka North Branch)Warm, low gradient. Lake Horace is a put-take fishery.Hop-Ev flood control area/Clough State Park full of dikes and dams.Birdwatching area.SBDo}KKɆPPPP# &&o$86&NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-21Piscataquog River MainstemLower area is ledgy, rocky, riffled. Sediment starved due to impoundment. Water in impoundment doesn't stratify, so temp fluctuations downstream are not dramatic. All developed below Glen Lk.Several dams. Glen Lake Dam managed for peaking flow-USFWS intervened, now meeting min flow requirementsBrook floater (reason USFWS got involved in flow mgmt at dam). Sparse brook trout pop in Center Brook.Barry Wicklow's work with brook floater/other mussels.*q36KX+($ddd====#  &o$8]R*6.NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-29Suncook RiverWarm water. Flow is highly impacted-fish kills are an issue. Herring and some alewife stocked in Barnstead.First dam is close to the Merrimack confluence. Downstream passage agreements at several mills (incl. China Mills Dam). Dams not regulated by FERC.e@N?VRB........................0000# &o$86-NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-28Witches Spring BrookIn Hollis, flows into Pennichuck Brook, then MerrimackOne of the top brook trout streams, has been monitored by FG for several yrs. Included in wild trout plan (NHFG). BT pop is centered in small area b/t upper elev areas and lower reaches. Human impact in this area could have a big impact on trout pop.ӆ`ZNFa %G{gggggggggggggggggggggggggggmmm7# &86,NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-27Nashua RiverFish ladders/elevators on Merrimack dams have allowed herring back into Nashua.Alewife, blueback herring, shad should also be able to return.Anadromous fish restorationKen SprankleboӵhI5(H, ׼~~~///////# %&o 86+NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-26Nissitissit RiverMarshy, low gradient, warm topwater release from Potanapo Pond. Stocking in MA (flyfishing only river there).Fair amount of protected land along the river.Bass, perch, bullhead. American eels present. y I2$ ϡ4444# $&o$86*NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-25Souhegan RiverFish hatchery in Milford. Salmon stocked from Wilton to Greenville and in Stony and Blood Brooks (tribs).Dammed at Merrimack confluence. Potential for dam removal (unused dam, but haz waste issue). 2 dams in Milford area. Development pressure high. Complexity of human uses in this and other Merrimack streams makes conservation difficult.Herring stocked in low gradient habitat below Milford.q"LSϻ1111# &o$8B33NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-33Cohas BrookFlows out of Massabesic Lake near Manchester airport. Small stream, stocked with herring.63NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-33Cohas BrookFlows out of Massabesic Lake near Manchester airport. Small stream, stocked with herring.u\,/N "g....# &o862NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-32Spickett RiverSimilar to Beaver Brook. Warm, heavily dammed, low gradient. River herring head in but can't ascend river.^}4ASyb~ÿ1111# &o860NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-30Soucook RiverSimilar to Suncook-impacted. Much too warm for trout. Historic salmon runs. Today large salmon swim up to Cascade Park near Speedway.Dam in Loudon is first dam. Large gravel operation with no recovery plan implemented.American eel.Coldwater seeps/springs near airport in sandy aquifer.SpeedwayUNH, DES, NHFG did some inventory and assessment work here.VbӔْK֯UUUUMMMM 0000# &o$86/NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-3Ashuelot River-South BranchSawyer's Crossing Bridge upstream to headwaters at Corey and Cummings PondsWild brook trout in headwater streams. Lower 5 miles are low-gradient w/oxbows & floodplain forest. Upper 3 miles are higher gradient. Surprisingly undeveloped.Undammed. Development pressure is increasing in watershed.Waterfowl use during migration. Brook trout index site. Wild brook trout in tribs-Rice & Falls Brooks. Low gradient stretch is good blueback herring habitat. Gravel/sand make good potential mussel habitat. Alder thickets provide woodcock habitat.Retains good flow and cool water throughout summer, in contrast to mainstem.SedimentationLand DevelopmentOther:Road Development8 mile habitat survey on S. Branch (NHFG).Ken SprankleGabe Griesc.i@DHfB>.Ĵ[bbb(((="  &$B8@EHHHH2rO% \@\@rO% @rO% >@rO%  ?X@%( ( ( O% t?@65NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-5Gulf Brookconfluence with CT River to headwatersSteep drainage. Juvenile salmon thermal refuge. Potential spawning trib to CT R.Less impacted by ag, more by erosion/sedimentation off road. More human impacts at confluence w/CT (ag, residential development).Salmon parr found here (Kim Tuttle) that were likely stocked as fry in a neighboring trib, then made their way into the mainstem and up Gulf Brook.Cold water flowing directly in CT R impt for fish (thermal refuge), particularly when they are spaced between major tributary rivers.SedimentationOther:Road;Road sandingProposed to manage brook as wild brook trout fishery (NHFG).ob!E"؟ ÿ____HHH;###RRR,"  &$864NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-4Otter Brookconfluence with Ashuelot River to headwaters near Woods MillDegraded. No mussels pops known. Riverine species scare; fish biomass low. Habitat looks good above flood control proj. but low survival due to temp. fluctuations. Granite Lk sterile, recreational lake w/dam to keep water level up in summer.Otter Brook flood control project.Warmwater system-pond species dominate (yellow perch, golden shiner) because of impoundment at Granite Lk and flood control impoundment. High aesthetic value but low biodiversity value.Warm water w/wide temp fluctuations-doesn't hold water in summer above flood control project.Modification of water levesl; changes in flowWater ManagementKen SprankleGabe Gries*RMrM Ͽ5|||ZZZiii-" % &$ B8PO% H<@XXO% @``O% @@hhO% 8@ppO% @xx%O% @%((O% 44@O% M,@O% ܺ@%%O% M(0@O% |@O% 66NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-6Cold Riverconfluence with CT River to headwaters at Crescent LakeSalmon stocked with one of best survival rates in NH, and decent growth rates (in competition w/native trout). Good pH. Cold water above Alstead holds trout thru summer. Vilas Pool-Drewsville disturbed w/ high (80s) temps.Migratory fish can go upstream to Drewsville Gorge (natural barrier). One dam-can be passed by fish. More ag/erosion impacts near CT River.Flashy, comes out of high-gradient terrain. Drewsville Gorge has moderating effect on stream temp and flow (cellar effect; shading from intact hemlock canopy), allowing a healthy coldwater fish community to exist below.Thermal alterationSedimentationForestryAgricultureNHFG stocks salmon above Drewsville Gorge, even tho it wasn't historically accessible. Potential dam removal project with TU cooperation (Jim MacCartney). Cold R. LAC. Doug Paine (Antioch) natural resource data, pot. nomination to NH Rivers Program. _d.N2ƹAAAccc,"  &$8() @ @ /g/j/68NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-8Sugar River Mainstemsize 2 and 3 sectionsHighly impacted, very warm water. Claremont area very regulated. Claremont-Newport river free-flowing thru ag valley-stocked w/salmon. Habitat looks good for A.S. but problem w/ low flows/high temps. Newport-Sunappe river is flat w/dams.Approx 5 mainstem dams. First one is <1mile upstream from mouth. Claremont area is very regulated.Sea Lamprey might be able to use larger substrate for spawning. Lots of crayfish (more than Kim Tuttle has ever seen). Waterfowl mgmt area upstream.Water ManagementLand DevelopmentAgricultureSugar River Watershed Association; Bob Ward-biologist from local high school.AcOTlʺYYN>.....888KKK6"  &$867NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-7Little Sugar Riverconfluence with CT River to headwatersOne of largest coldwater streams in southern NH. Good pH-near neutral (buffering capacity here unlike Merrimack drainage).Better than Cold R. b/c no degraded reach in middle. Well-forested. Few if any dams (Mill Site barrier?)Wild brook trout and rainbow trout (self-sustaining). Sculpins, shiners, minnows. Stocked salmon only do ok here, perhaps b/c of competition with coldwater fish species that thrive in high qual habitat.Unique for its ability to maintain coldwater conditions throughout the seasons and throughout the basin. Coldwater plume spilling into CT River hugs river bottom-potential thermal refuge for salmon.SedimentationLand DevelopmentOther:gravel pit blow-outCulvert pipe hanging at railroad bridge-possible TU restoration project (Jim MacCartney)Janice Lambertlocal contact826-5947rEC~~~~~~vvvi[[===ZZZ4"  &$&8 @6;NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-10Simms StreamIllegal intro of largemouth bass. Healthy crayfish pop. High quality spawning habitat. Cool temps good for fish-could draw fish from mainstem. Cascades, boulders, meanders near mouth.Heavily logged drainage. Logging Rd. gated 3 miles up. Healthy riparian buffer.Buffering capacity is high (common to many CT tribs)NHFG doing habitat assessment work here summer 2002.jϞjcF.2²jjjjjjjj66660000$ &o$86:NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-1Indian StreamWild fish pop present. Gradient drop; slow deep meanders near mouth. Max temp 78 deg where there are no buffers. Alder floodplains (natural or artifact of disturbance?)Degraded from intense logging-historic and current (IP). Logging dams on mainstem mostly gone. Impoundment on Terrell Pond. Poor buffers in ag sxn along Tabor Rd. Entire watershed owned by Lyme soon.SedimentationThermal alterationForestry-past & presentAgricultureRecreational Vehicles J4! վ0000# $ &o$;869NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-9Sugar River-South Branchconfluence with mainstem Sugar at Newport to headwatersHigh quality stream. Coldwater fish assemblage, wild BT, stocked w/AS. Upper areas-sand/gravel, low gradient. Downstream-substrate size increases, better AS habitat.2 impoundments at Goshen (water storage). Golf course downstream where riparian buffer is gone & water temp. is warmer. Gunnison Brook is high quality trib with wildlife values.Groundwater cools the river below dams at Goshen. Borderline coldwater stream-makes it very susceptible to human impact.Habitat fragmentationHabitat disturbanceImpoundmentsgravel extractionSunappe ski area expansionHabitat surveys 5 miles.MJDnʶsggT?qqq:"  &$8e/ {wB3?NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-14Nash StreamHabitat survey in early 90s-underabundance of pools and LWD (may be artifact of hist logging). Lack of pools=lack of overwintering habitat=lack of fish. Low productivity.Surrounded by state land. Subject to indiscriminate logging in past-now in recovery. Flashy flood regime. May stabilize as forest recovers. Nash Bog Pond washed out-scoured stream. Stark Gravel pit w/ thin buffer.Salmon stocked. Some trout stocking. Wild brook trout come in from tribs (Pond Brook). Only managed for brook trout since state ownership.999999999999999999999////$  #o$6>NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-13Upper Ammonoosuc RiverHW in WMNG are high quality-riffles and pools. River slows/meanders in middle, picks up gradient in Stark. Meanders in W. Milan with healthy floodplain.Some logging impacts in headwaters. First trib dammed at mouth (starting at CT River HW). 3 mainstem dams in Groveton-no passage at any. Mainly run of river.Atlantic salmon & brown trout stocked. Warmwater spp present. Was an index site, but water too warm for many salmonids. Chubs, cusk, cyprinids more common. Potential for wild brookies above Godfrey Dam?BJCzx9ya]M999999999999999999999ooo::::$  &o$86=NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-12Stratford Bog BrookNo coldwater spp-lots of chubs and other warmwater spp. Water quality issues-direct discharge from houses in area. Community sewage system planned.ON"3镫67777$ &o86<NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-11Mohawk RiverPut-take fishery, heavily fished along Rd. Balsams WWT plant looks substandard. Junkyard metal, etc. along stream-contam potential from oil/fluids.Equipment has been in stream (bulldozers).More wild brook trout in Mohawk tribs than others in the area. Higher salmon production.Buffering capacity is high (common to many CT tribs)XHy1\yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyE0000$ &o$8/Gn&E3ENHLaconi6ENHLaconia GroupLAC051502-2Perry StreamShallower in spots than Indian, larger substrate, wild brook trout. Not stocked in upper reaches. Stocked along Day Rd. Max temp 73-77 deg. Well shaded. Old beaver dams in places.Less logging impact than Indian. Perry Strm Rd is less developed. Free-flowing. Old log driver dams mostly blown out. Much better buffers in lower reaches than Indian.7 ^XI////# &o$86DNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-19Wild Ammonoosuc RiverFlashy stream, sterile, low water levels in summer and elevated temps. Very few wetlands. Very steep gradient.Water supply dam in Landaff. Gold dredging/panning an issue.Gold dredging ݐ-SNW$b㧧9999$ $&o$86CNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-18Ammonoosuc River Mainstem-size 3 sectionJapanese knotweed coming in. Whole river fairly heavily stocked.Ag influence (corn), road along river both sides. 5 dams (Woodsville, Bath, Lisbon, Littleton, Bethlehem). 1-4 are hydro, 5 is defunct hydro.h%PUgD% p*9bA=-LLLL$ &o$86BNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-17Johns RiverSimilar to Israel. Some favorable substrate. Stocked. Lots of beaver activity. Warm, but not as warm as the Israel.Old mill dam recently rebuilt in Whitefield. Ice breaker dam in Lancaster impassable to fish (2-3 miles from mouth).High minnow diversity (assoc w/warmer water). Rainbows, browns, bass, suckers, shiners all shocked below dam.1bLQ$////$ &o$86ANHLaconia GroupLAC051502-16Israel RiverLeast favorable temps in North Country monitoring area for coldwater fishes-exceeds 80 degrees. Stocked with salmon.Open dairy farm in Jefferson Meadows with no riparian buffer=warming.6EmٽoX 餤0000$ %&o$8A3JNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-24Mink Brook10 square mile watershed, approx.Wild brook trout reproduction, also stocked with brook trout. Transitional fish community-cold water spp in upper reaches; warm water spp in lower reaches.Some protected land in lower reaches. Confluence with CT is above Wilder Dam-tough for anadromous fish.Active Hanover Conservation Council.uuuuuuuuuuuuQQQQQQQQQQQQOOO.$ #$6INHLaconia GroupLAC051502-23Grant BrookBrook trout dominated. One of a set of salmon streams used for research (Keith Nislow)Potential impacts of water w/d at Dartmouth skiway. Confluence with CT is above Wilder Dam-tough on anadromous fish.In an area that's fallen through the cracks of mgmt agencies (in Lakes Region District, and their focus is less on the CT).~=Ei>>LLLL$ &o$8Ez3ONHLaconia GroupLAC051502-29Winnepesaukee RiverMilfoil.???????????????????????????7777$ #o3NNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-28Baker RiverE. Branch is deep, coldwater, not productive. Water released from state fish hatchery in Wa6ONHLaconia GroupLAC051502-29Winnepesaukee RiverMilfoil._O!gcS???????????????????????????7777$ &o86NNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-28Baker RiverE. Branch is deep, coldwater, not productive. Water released from state fish hatchery in Warren (Patch Brook) is nutrient laden and cold. Some natural brown and rainbow trout pops in lower sections. South Branch stocked with salmon (temp average >70)Upper portion (above E. Branch) messed up with berms in Warren. Flood control dam-Hildreth Reservoir. Lower section in ag, large commercial campgrounds close to river. Erosion probs. Strip mall in Plymouth.y#IU/ mD )))////$ $ &o$86MNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-27Mad RiverLike a mini E. Branch-smaller, deep pools, also sterile. Tertiary WWT plant-1st one in NH.Road runs parallel to it. USFS owned dam in Campton-was for recreation but silted in, now wildlife habitat and dam used for hydro.May have naturally high sediment load, but worsening since Waterville Valley development. Flash floods into road at times.E+]>gE;H ----$ &o$86KNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-25Pemigewasset River-E. BranchSterile, clear, cold, flashy, huge boulders. Few fish or insects. Intermittent brook trout/salmon stocking into Lincoln Woods. Sewage treatment plant at Lincoln w/leaky lagoon. Low nutrient status/overwide river-artifacts of intense logging history?Mainly in wilderness area. Lots of rec use. Water w/d for Loon Mtn. Condo heaven in Lincoln close to river. No impoundments. Gravel extraction in Lincoln.a$Ep@999@@@@$ &o$8%Cc7a\|\|V6SNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-32Swift RiverVery sterile. Put-take fishery stocked w/ brown trout. Interesting section at Bearnotch Rd. with low grad, white pines, deep pools, LWD, and no fish or bugs! Temp heats up too much in mainstem for brook trout.Heavy recreational use. Easy access from Kancamangus.M@$Dد*g;]YI555555555555555555555555////$ &o$86RNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-31Saco River-E. BranchPoorly designed condo development at Saco confluence w/erosion issues. NRCS streambank stabilization work at Lower Bartlett development in floodplain.Landslide made river jump channel. Now flows thru clay deposit-river will remain silty for a long time-v. high turbidity.aLQaok[GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG8888888$ &o 86QNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-30Saco RiverFloodplain forest in Harts Location (maybe), Bartlett, Conway. Clear, cold, sterile in upper sxn. Heavily stocked w/ brook, rainbow, brown trout. Ex heavy recreation. Wood cut out of river by boaters.Riparian floodplain devel in Conway. Eroded banks. Water w/d for Attitash and for ag in Conway/Fryeburg. Untreated septage discharge into fields.maN8)&{....$ &o$86PNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-3Connecticut RiverThird CT Lake to Second CT LakeNatural lake trout pop in 3rd Lake. Fairly sterile/low productivity. Rainbow and brook trout stocked. Not much found in bait fish surveys. Outlet of 3rd Lk proposed wild trout fishery.No dam on 3rd Lake. Biggest impact on flow is Moose Falls Dam. Run of river, concrete, owned by State. Serves no purpose other than creating a ponded area for fishing.Wild landlocked salmon downstream from Moose Falls dam-breeding area (fish come up from 2nd Lake). These are landlocked salmon native to Sebago Lk in ME and introduced to CT Lks.qpE&"i;3xddddddddddddddddddddd SSS4#  &$8dǓ\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|fѧM\|\|\|\|`Ӫj\|\|\|\|\|g6WNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-36Ossipee RiverLooks like Saco but with more wetlands. Slow moving through sandy substrate; pitch pine forest. Unique combo of sandy substrate with wetlands/ponds. Milfoil problems in Broad Bay, Danforth Pond.Less impacted, even in the midst of development. DES dam creates Lake Ossipee above Efingham Falls.Don MillerNHFGNew Hampton |Ot|<92ooooooood`VVVVVVVVVVVVVV1111$ &o$86VNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-35Pine RiverMay be a hidden jewel for trout. Stocked with brook trout. Slow, deep, meandering but with groundwater that keeps it cool.Groundwater contribution to keep river water cool.~rAe ڨ....$ &&o86UNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-34Bearcamp RiverSandy, shallow, wide, slow, meandering. Low habitat diversity. Warm (78 max). Canopy variable. One of largest aquifers in NH. Red oak floodplain at mouth, interesting natural communities around Lake Ossipee.Old dam being removed. Route 25 runs along river. Less developed/impacted.NHFG interested in this area as possible focus area-will be doing more habitat surveys and data collection in the next few years.'Ur@pKKKKKKKKKKKK2222$ &o$86TNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-33Cold RiverUpper reach (WMNF) narrow, rocky, good canopy, tons of LWD (ice storm), low trout #s, not stocked. Mid-reach sandy, warm, stocked with browns. Lower reach-sandy, warm, few fish, less canopy.5)|THT#G....$ $&o86ZNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-5Connecticut RiverSecond CT Lake outlet to First CT Lake inletWild brook trout. Special fishing rules (mainly catch-release). No stocking, all natural repro. Big salmon below the natural barrier. Great spawning/nursery habitat. Diverse habitat.Natural pitch that is migration barrier to small fishSalmon do esp well and outnumber brook trout. Temperature may be marginal for BT.rsE`; 9KKK```4# &$86YNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-4Second Connecticut LakeFairly productive. Plankton, silty substrate, ample baitfish, large game fish (people mainly fish for cusk). DES has never responded to a water quality violation on this or any of the CT Lakes.Impoundment-2nd CT Lk Dam. Was a lake prior to impoundment, now larger. USGen draws down lake every fall for lake trout spawning.Natural lake trout pop, brook trout, cusk, stocked landlocked salmon. Rainbow trout occasionally, but may be too acidic for them to spawn. Also native smelt, lake chubs, golden and common shiners (may not be native), native long-nosed & white suckerh9F+>X#Fyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv}}}::::#  &o$86XNHLaconia GroupLAC051502-37Oliverian BrookRiver looks nice above dam in Benton. North Brook trib and area in Benton are within WMNF. Stump-dumping site along Rte 25 that is filling in the floodplain. Substrate doesn't appear to be heavily embedded w/fines. Stocked with Brook Trout.NH Water Division Dam in Benton, may be another in area known as "Pike." In Haverhill, river has little tree cover--ag impacts and loss of buffer.Woodsville H.S. has done NHDES VRAP program sampling. Macroinvert, fish sampling. WMNF stream survey.(F=GyN#B>.###3333$  &o$8}U6^NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-9Connecticut RiverMurphy Dam to Upper Ammonoosuc River confluenceFish benefit from consistently cold temps below dam (temp stays cold to Beecher Falls area).Murphy is bottom release dam w/unnaturally cold temps below dam. Little temp fluctuation, even tho flow fluctuates wildly. Ag influence below Pittsburg. Bank erosion-poor buffers. Major roads on both sides. Columbia sand and gravel. Altered flow.N7tG4ޥ˷ccc4# &$86]NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-8Lake FrancisSmelt. Productive lake (formerly agricultural land pre-impoundment).Formerly slow, meandering reach of CT River through ag land. DES owns Murphy Dam. Min flow agreement from FMF S.A. Fluctuating flows still a problem. Lake levels mgd in summer for recreation; fall for lake trout. Seasonal fluct. 30-38'7xmjI ߛr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sss////# &o$86\NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-7Connecticut RiverFirst CT Lake outlet to Lake Francis inletVery popular fishing area. Special trout fishing regs. Healthy naturally reproducing lake trout pop, brown trout, salmon. Stocked with brook trout. Good spawning habitat.Camping area, well-worn trail along this stretch.Heavy flow.]xKzXmiYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:::: ^^^4# &$86[NHLaconia GroupLAC051502-6First Connecticut LakeStocked with salmon, wild native brook trout, wild lake trout, smelt. Less productive than 2nd, clearer water. Similar bait fish assemblage. Mgd as lake trout & salmon waters, like 2nd and 3rd Lks. Historically marshy/alder thickets (pre-impoundment)Managed like 2nd for fall drawdown. No passage at any of the dams (challenging case to make).Lots of crayfish (native or exotic?).9DC7K @r9ɵ3339999# &o$8yjfFT3MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210242Ware River - main stem south of WareCombined sewer overflows (CSO's), series of hydro projectsat Three Rivers loaded with Alasmidonta undulataNutrient loadingzE|OnD+@ZSO?+++++++++++++++++++뱱 &wA86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210241Ware River - East Branchnice river; tiger beetles (nice albostylus? Unknown but could be species name) some tiger beetles live on sandbars and banks of streamsAq/CTP@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210240Ware River - mainstemgood size river; has a dam; 24,000 acres belong to MDC for intake; Barre falls dam belongs to ACOE; big state prison camp, wma's, all will remain undevelopedred pine plantations restored to fields%mL=svKzfffffffffffffffffffff????????? &86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210239Burnshirt brook (Ware River Trib)good habitatU.p9JC*z#OEκ &w86_NHLinda MacKayLM051502-1Soucook RiverSandy, shallow, warm (summer temps in upper 70s). Fish kills are an issue. Put-take fishery in spring. Mad toms, sunfish, pickerel, eels.Historic gravel mining in riparian zone-river used to be narrower, deeper, now is shallower and wider after erosion from gravel mining."lٶӨK(|qSfbR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>....! &o$8w96MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210247South River (Deerfield Trib)coliform problem from septic systems, some ag, lots of protected land, 2 dams, great trout habitat in upper partsNutrient loadingG1GZkUzRN>******************* &w@86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210246Deerfield Tribs (Bear River, Classon Brook, Chickley River)self reproducing rainbow trout Hd9 ȍ %&w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210245Green River (Deerfield Trib)has more dams than Falls River, lots of protected land and less developed than Falls; salmon stockedrare fish; red-bellied dacep}EmRU7PL<((((((((((((((((((((( &w86MAO;learyMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210244Falls River (CT River Trib)some stretches manipulated for RTE 91enters CT right below Gill dam, one dam that fragments from the rest of CTcold water river--trout, salmon, great habitat pretty much intact\éM93X=t`````````````````````ԯ &$86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210243Quaboag River at Brookfieldnice marshy habitats, big flowages, unique arealeast bitterns, rails, sedge wrens֫YR}fD#\I]_*! ר $&w8+9EAAIII3MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210254Blackstone Riverheavy metal impacts, summer low flows,unusual pickerel and brook lampreyToxins/ContaminatsÝ #w6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210253West River (Blackstone Tribs)neat stuff, ask Dave Mcclean what endangered species might be thereGX36FF.N $&w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210252Harold Manners farm, Shelburnevernal pool, eulimnadia agassizi9hEj`E˫ &w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210250Russellvillespadefoot, clam shrimp focus area for vernal pools (Eulimnadia agassizi)U?t4CjAyww ᙙ %&w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210249Scantic River - upper (Chicopee Trib?)all good trout streams, historic dwarf wedge, brook trout, wood turtlesr6zO@]20" $&w86MAO'learyMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210248Deerfield - mainstemwhole valley has great trout habitat; main stem hydro and pump storage project with river rafting (rafting people are stakeholders for manipulating flows)Modification of water levesl; changes in flow$ # G7bgoooooooooooooooooooBBBBBBBB & 8];mPPP888999777TTT###333;;;ߦ:::+++BBBiii6 MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Rich McHorney, Brian ReidKL05210219Jones RiverGoodwild brook trout in tribs (1st,2nd,3rd Brooks), rare mussels in Silver Lake, water supply issues, diversions, point source issues, wood turtlesFairinterbasin transfers from Silver Lake, cranberry bogs, low flowsFairPine DuboisJones River Watershed Assoc.b͘'NzA \vvvvvvvvvZOOOOOOOOOOOOOK xxtti_ &wm86MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn,KL05210218Herring Brook (North River)herring run is stressed due to poor quality of source Furnace pond, rare mussels in Oldum Pond, but mussel and fish kills recently due to DO, bridle shinerFairFairsource of Herring for Silver Lake4OB:lVRB........... jjjjOE &wL86MABoyd KynardMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210255Jamaica Pond outlet to Muddy River3 spine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)N(`F㶋̲H 纺 %&8\\\yyy|||FFFSSS''' tttmmmFFFGGG:::___cccsssUUUEEE/// qqq&&&!!!fffssszzz}}}ccchhh,,, @@@---RRR^^^AAA999qqquuu 555??? zzzvvvؒxxx:::ppp[[[ӛ6!MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Brian ReidKL05210220Nemasket River/Lakeville Ponds (Taunton Trib)bridle shiner, rare mussels, high quality habitat, striped bass have been seen (juv. fish coming up to feed), best trib on Taunton, productive warmwater fishery, largest alewife run in state, invasive water fanwort in river, some CPPS near AssawompseVery GoodWWTP just north of 44, 1/4 urban Middleboro, destination for largest alewife run in stateno dams until Assowampset Pond?, Pond is watersupply, flows through Middleboro, New Bedford may be withdrawing too much water, development stresses, pond watershed protected, not sig impact from drawdown in pondsubstrate is mostly shifting sands, unstable, not very productive, marshy with Phalaris dominant, warmwater fishery best in SE region, native floating aquatic plants, some invasives at outlet to Assawompset, remant pops of bog plants eutrophic nowWTSM owns Blueberry IslandBest tributary in Taunton River watershed, Ass pond largest natural lakes in state, CPP on big scale, but unsurveyed, Mello did ode survey, no listed spp, could be source pop for uncommon inverts, no sampling1"z*CtEr ǭ㊁ZP  &w<8|||<<DjIA3MAAndrew MaddenAM0203MAAndrew MaddenAM02040215Westfield - middle branchnot very developed, water level drops--wadeable at low flowsxx6MAAndrew MaddenAM02040215Westfield - middle branchnot very developed, water level drops--wadeable at low flows20>COW4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<<<<" &o86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040212Green River (Housatonic Trib)decent sized cold waternice brook trout7Dۮlm>zfffffffffffffffffffffVVVVVVVVV?" &86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040211Ashfield area (two watersheds) - Swift River?high fish productivity (due to old farms?) Creamery, Drake, Ford brooks,tessellated darter, especially south county region;2SJٷs,ɗOOOO" &o86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040210Richmond Ponddrawdown controversybridle shinerModification of water levesl; changes in flow}ށ@í}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}PPCCCCCC////" &o86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040207Housatonic - SW Branch (May, Smith Brooks)changes from coldwater to warmwater fisheries at confluence; 3 mile pond owned by DFW, warm water, undeveloped, shallow; Hous warm water low gradient in Pittsfield and Lenoxbrown and brook trout"ه32ODV]'162"LLLLLLL" &o 86MAAndrew Maddennotes from Boyd Kyanrd 5/21/02AM02040206Housatonic Riverbig drainagemainstem pcb contaminationfish fauna of glaciated regions naturally depauperate--introduced spp are 50% of diversity in MA (Karsten)brook trout, slimy sculpin, dace spp; from Boyd: Hous has merging of hudson and lower atlantic coast fauna with new england fauna. Hous and Hoosic is farthest north whole families ever get. Appalachian Brook crayfish in Hoosic (drains into Hudson)Toxins/ContaminatsPoint Source Pollutionۊn/I|o'#vvv\\\P@6 $&$ 8Oddd䏏zzza\|\|\|\|\|\|\|kZ\|\|\|c ڷv)\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|j6UfMADavid HalliwellDH05240216Beaver Brook (Merrimack River trib)long nose dace (common sp in W, less tolerant)A7筏MkQp)uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuGGGG$ &o86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040218Deerfield Rivermainstem has pretty good water quality but flow is a problem; Davis Mine Brook dead from acid mine drainage (Chris Dearing)salmon fry stocked through all brooks; mainstem has major flow regulation and barriers with5 dams; bypass reach is being studied by DFW to improve for fish; Dunbar stocked but great trout reproduction\_IoEtttttttttttttttttttttttt1111" &o$86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040217Westfield - east branchmain threats are development, dams, passage barriers (poor culverts)impounded at Knightville dam; some nice brooks in the drainage but not as nice as Hoosic; Yokum Brook riverrestore knocking out two dams this year, water level issues, small mill dams not a real threat but barrier to movement (look at case by case)ClXYvC`Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu}}}9999" &o$86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040216Westfield - west branchfree flowing whole length; some impact from rte 20; in Beckett pretty undisturbed, forestedlake chub in mainstem, maybe longnose sucker (generally high sucker population); salmon stocking all the way up to the top with fry in brooks, still good brook trout, salmon smolts found in mainstem, trout in brooks, probably replicated way it was?O$sFGF\c]9999999" &o 89= @@?`hujbxmwxuf?ajrmrhjb`m? grufvwu}?m`pddfzfmrsofpw?m`pd ufvrxubfo`p`hfofpw?rwifu!? srjpwvrxubfsrmmxwjrp?ufbuf`wjrp?ufvrxubff|wu`bwjrp?{`wfuo`p`hfofpw?nfoShort RmtInfoLongLvLvPropLvModuleLvExtra  Id ParentIdName        3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `23K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `13K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `-K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSRCSTRES1*@+{iii]QQQQQQO `,HK@HK@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSRCSTRES2 .Gt|xF FeDQC^ZCXTB<8A>@a@DH05240209MAOrcut Brook (Millers Trib)Matrix Tier1: Warwick+ J(+lhXD/ @a@AB05210226MATully River - West Branch (Millers Trib)Matrix Tier1: WarwickjvLZKZէynzvfR=  `@FG041902-2NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)Matrix Tier1: Surrey Mountain]2M/=~nZ= `@BI042902-2NHAshuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)Matrix Tier1: Surrey Mountain^a8SbJ˝Ǥ~nZ=  `@KL05210252MAOtter River (Millers Trib)Matrix Tier1: Royalston#OܱgnjZF/ `@DH05240211MATully River and Collar Brook (Millers Tribs)Matrix Tier1: Royalston\<*GkMU\|lXA  `@AB05210225MATully River - East Branch (Millers Trib)Matrix Tier1: Royalston_DugN%#>|xhT=  `@LAC051502-23NHGrant BrookMatrix Tier1: Mascoma l]DN F_[K7" `@KL05210263MAMill River - Northampton (CT River Trib)Matrix Tier1: Big Kitty/Whately֌-GuQp\= `@AB05210247MASouth River (Deerfield Trib)Matrix Tier1: Big Kitty/Whately,VDc b[xtdP1 `@AB05210213aMAWest Brook, Great Swamp Brook, Roaring Brook (CT River TribsMatrix Tier1: Big Kitty/Whatelyٗo_mA:cqR _@BI042902-11NHLittle Sugar RiverLittle Sugar River3)AG(\Qb^N:( _@KL05210253MADeerfield River - UpperCold River Area TributariesMyEռO Ճ1-xok[G, _@AB05210259MADunbar Brook (Deerfield Trib)Cold River Area Tributaries`\\AƼ!uqaM2 _@AB05210258MACold River and tribs (Deerfield tribs)Cold River Area Tributariesjw'lFk[~zjV; h.G}  GFEEDhdDC3/CBcAA!A@@c@@c@@c@DH0524@@c@DH05240218MATrap Hole (Neponset trib)Neponset River<. c@KL05210235MAUpper Shawsheen RiverShawsheen River c3HN.a]M9* b@LM01180207MAAssabet - LowerAssabet RiverAJ@OZYUE1$ b@KL05210231MALower ParkerParker River%"FCXKyUQA-! b@LM01180209MABolton Flats WMA (Nashua/Still River)Nashua River5d)B|mfC+-njZF: b@KL05210239MANashua River - middleNashua River}Fp^ZJ6* b@FG041902-27NHNashua RiverNashua RiverO`ue3uVRB." `b@FG041902-21NHPiscataquog River MainstemPiscataquog Rivery(%C ieUA0 @b@LAC051502-30NHSaco RiverSaco Riverpc7ZdI!SO?+! @b@DES050702-31NHSaco RiverSaco River+biV@F ,䨎SO?+!  b@DES050702-33NHOssipee RiverOssipee RiverUJGGFʋgn#YUE1$ b@DES050702-22NHPemigewasset River MainstemPemigewasset RiverҖrm HD,lhXD2 a@FG041902-14NHContoocook RiverContoocook RiverO&$FLO̞^ZJ6& a@BI042902-16NHContoocook RiverContoocook River<.@ԔF^ZJ6& a@LAC051502-26NHPemigewasset River-mainstemPemigewasset RiveriWgRG裑@lhXD2 a@DES050702-22NHPemigewasset River MainstemPemigewasset River5(V`JnҮ  lhXD2  `a@KL05210264MAMerrimack River - mainstemMerrimack RiverJ.HfbR>/ `a@JL05160207MAMerrimack River - mainstem near HaverhillMerrimack River=}JJ^ yuqaM>  .!G&"GƝƝ95FEc_E{DCOKCvrB%ae@`o@DES050702-15NHSoucook RiverSoucook River=VYj[G$ | YUE1$ `o@LM051502-1NHSoucook RiverSoucook River=V`˹K0H WSC/" n@LAC051502-2NHPerry StreamPerry Stream=ValL>1Fz< VRB."  o@LAC051502-19NHWild Ammonoosuc RiverBlack Brook=VZE E, _[K7, e@DES050702-30NHE. Branch Pemigewasset RiverPemigewasset River, East Branchč|gF<"zvfR3 d@DES050702-22NHPemigewasset River MainstemPemigewasset RiverF 3hjXlhXD2 d@DES050702-25NHSmith RiverSmith RiverӣV,O:~:UQA-" d@FG041902-16NHWarner RiverWarner River><>O^8~DVRB." d@BI042902-17NHWarner RiverWarner RiverliAx VRB." `d@FG041902-17NHBlackwater RiverBlackwater RiverQ^<~F9b^ZJ6& `d@BI042902-18NHBlackwater RiverBlackwater RiversRCCT6^ZJ6& @d@KL05210241MASquannacook (Nashua River Trib.)Squannacook RiverMo)@4'njZF5  d@FG041902-26NHNissitissit RiverNissitissit Rivertu+~Lrku0Y`\L8'  c@FG041902-24NHBaboosic BrookBaboosic Brook)_D1;yTZVF2$  c@DES050702-5NHSouhegan RiverBaboosic Brook?!ʍA0EZVF2$ c@FG041902-23NHPiscataquog River-South BranchPiscataquog River, South BranchU Erf{wgS4  `c@FG041902-21NHPiscataquog River MainstemPiscataquog Riverk+&@DS6ieUA0  @c@KL05210225MANeponset RiverNeponset RiverlHaNKm6HYUE1# N. G+'GF_[FE0,EDKCVRClhBAZVA@@i@VT21VTE. Branch Passumpsic RiverPassumpsic River, East BranchF)`i@VT255VTWilliams RiverWilliams River-^E<6Fß-TP@,  i@VT254VTWhite RiverWhite River`B㺳>"NJ:& h@VT256VTWinhall RiverWinhall RivereL RN>*  h@VT253VTWest RiverWest Rivern`;elE'LH8$ `h@VT254VTWhite RiverWhite River~џ!JO-gNJ:&  h@LAC051502-13NHUpper Ammonoosuc RiverUpper Ammonoosuc River7fsM#w.kgWC- g@LAC051502-9NHConnecticut RiverConnecticut River Size 3v_LNCgcS?'   g@LAC051502-25NHPemigewasset River-E. BranchMatrix Tier1: Sandwich7EHdFqm]I3  g@LAC051502-30NHSaco RiverMatrix Tier1: Presidentials/Dry Rivm!zCG;QlhXD! g@DES050702-31NHSaco RiverMatrix Tier1: Presidentials/Dry RivXUIۮlhXD!  f@LAC051502-32NHSwift RiverMatrix Tier1: Pemme-JR%L2Z]YI5" e@FG041902-24NHBaboosic BrookBaboosic Brook c F ZVF2$ e@LAC051502-35NHPine RiverPine River黹N{0.@SO?+! e@LAC051502-34NHBearcamp RiverBear Camp River9PtIwl;p\XH4% e@DES050702-33NHOssipee RiverBear Camp River"=G9Kvw[WG3$ `e@LAC051502-32NHSwift RiverSwift RiverW66A ȘN+JUQA-" @e@DES050702-31NHSaco RiverSaco RiverQf:@A:%USO?+!  e@LAC051502-31NHSaco River-E. BranchSaco River, East Branch|p4pOFLek1jfVB+ D.GG  G"FEJFEDlCtpCBB9AjfA@m@VT42VTSmith Brm@VT42m@VT42VTSmith BrookMm@VT42VTSmith BrookMatrix Tier1: Monestary Mt.7@hFk]YI5  `m@LAC051502-2NHPerry StreamMatrix Tier1: Indian StreamAQHBe1'eaQ="  m@VT254VTWhite RiverMatrix Tier1: BreadloafMKz16aZVF2  l@VT4VTBall Mtn. BrookWest River, North Branch1{ Nݶ+aVJ]]YI5 l@VT253VTWest RiverWest Riverf3OTXr[LH8$ `l@VT34VTNulhegan RiverNulhegan River HeadwatersYRErI$^ZJ6 @l@LAC051502-3NHConnecticut RiverConnecticut River Size 1 ;PANivݧgcS?' l@LAC051502-19NHWild Ammonoosuc RiverWild Ammonoosuc Riverwe@ffmieUA, k@LAC051502-20NHAmmonoosuc River Mainstem-size 2 sectionAmmonoosuc River tWE*NwscO? k@LAC051502-11NHMohawk RiverMohawk Riverqd l;pNV-͏0WSC/# `k@LAC051502-13NHUpper Ammonoosuc RiverUpper Ammonoosuc Rivern6BBMW"hkgWC-  k@LAC051502-14NHNash StreamNash Stream*t))H>78HUQA-" j@LAC051502-9NHConnecticut RiverConnecticut River Size 2&/d@x㋨jgcS?' j@LAC051502-7NHConnecticut RiverConnecticut River Size 2 / C %gcS?' j@LAC051502-6NHFirst Connecticut LakeConnecticut River Size 2prxdF~iѻ5lhXD, j@LAC051502-4NHSecond Connecticut LakeConnecticut River Size 2R/rCDbLkwsmiYE- j@VT20VTE. Branch Nulhegan RiverNulhegan River, East BranchFn-@J+ljfVB' E.$ GC?FENx+Ow@KL0@KL05210215MAWestport RiverWest Port River, Ea@KL05210215MAWestport RiverWest Port River, East Branch SkݴB:VgcS?# ^@VT9VTCastle BrookUpper Deerfield Tributarieso=E.G-]YI5 ^@VT38VTRed Mill Pond BrookUpper Deerfield Tributaries72^!JKCH eaQ=" ^@VT29VTLittle Pond BrookUpper Deerfield Tributaries GT_mMc_O;  ^@VT204VTVTExp52Upper Deerfield Tributaries NpH0yZVF2 ^@VT16VTDeer Lick BrookUpper Deerfield TributariesbX (kOda]M9 ^@VT19VTE. Branch North RiverNorth River/North River East Branch (Deerfield)%PhGbH {wgS$ ]@AB05210213MAMill River - Whately (CT River Trib)Roaring BrookIB% m@LAC051502-14NHNash StreamMatrix Tier1: Nash Stream/)m1Fңd)=c_O;"  m@LAC051502-11NHMohawk RiverMatrix Tier1: Nash StreamsT]2C;*Jd`P<# m@LAC051502-10NHSimms StreamMatrix Tier1: Nash StreamOBЅ0,=d`P<# VCeN            FlagsFormModuleNameReplicationVersionTypeTypeInfoVersionIndex1 {qg VCN l2   R Major_Stresses s_Lineages_GUID s_GenerationnMajor_Stresses s_Generations_GUIDE{qg]@ :_"k)K Other:nL_~/+Toxins/Contaminats#eWBkd a;7'Extraordinary competition for resources/?9HRPL<(Resource depletion.9_Ejs"{-;7'Groundwater depletion0{-O! cj>:*Thermal alterationn{EN*p4;7'Modification of water levesl; changes in flow?g%U&Fm VRB.Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasezxf#=Mܴc7).<62"Nutrient loading&hF0In,h&A#95%Altered biological composition/structureYZ5M`x0˾QM=)Habitat disturbanceO>>yDNq4ߖU<8(Habitat destruction or conversionvt~%UDRJF6"Habitat fragmentation@{ݽ#KjT4>:*M^[h[DHA-H5)%R @@@@`mwfufdajrmrhjb`mbrosrvjwjrp vwuxbwxuff|wu`rudjp`u}brosfwjwjrpgruufvrxubfv f|wu`rudjp`u}sufd`wjrp s`u`vjwjvo djvf`vfhurxpd{`wfudfsmfwjrp i`ajw`wdfvwuxbwjrprubrpzfuvjrpi`ajw`wdjvwxua`pbfi`ajw`wgu`hofpw`wjrpordjgjb`wjrprg{`wfumfzfvm"bi`phfvjpgmr{pxwujfpwmr`djphrwifu!ufvrxubfdfsmfwjrp vfdjofpw`wjrpwifuo`m`mwfu`wjrp wr|jpv brpw`ojp`wv    3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `23K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `13K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `3K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSize_Status_RatingR*@rrrfZZZZZZX `-K@K@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSRCSTRES1*@+{iii]QQQQQQO `,HK@HK@~sq_cPortfolio Data Table by State~sq_cSRCSTRES2 VCN      R  GrptbcdTbName s_Lineages_GUID s_Generation Gen_GrptbcdOI1PTC Le eri s_Generations_GUIDTbIndex7 {qg]S@           . =  VCN  % MS  @ 00        R  AttributesDataType FieldName IndexType SkipColumnSpecIDStartWidth s_Lineages_GUID s_GenerationdeoRsTtpsttsiaG oG_anx Index1 PrimaryKey s_Generations_GUID{qg]oV{ooV{ooV{ooV{ooV{ooV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_oV{gjfmd_VC9N %   .,        @     ta nd n Rth D  DateDelimDateFourDigitYearDateLeadingZeros DateOrder DecimalPointFieldSeparatorFileTypeSpecIDSpecNameSpecTypeStartRow TextDelim TimeDelim s_Lineages_GUID s_Generation reseriGD PrimaryKey s_Generations_GUIDSpecID {qg]@ sruwgrmjr,{vw`wvgjp`mjosruwvsfbjgjb`wjrp       . =   VCEN __A__{+ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"     $!#"$##$$%$&A'A(D)x*x +x ,x -x .x /x0x1x2x3`4`5` LVAL i_VBA_PROJECTa^  *\G{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#3.0#9#C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA332.DLL#Visual Basic For Applications*\G{4AFFC9A0-5F99-101B-AF4E-00AA003F0F07}#8.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACC8.OLB#Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation*\G{00000201-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.1#0#C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado21.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library=5$x$AccessVBAWin16~Win32MacAquatic_Survey`stdole`ADODBs<   dir0* pHLVALdAquatic_SurveyD@  = Vz @= J<  rstdole>stdole( f%\*\G{00020430-C 0046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\c2.tlb#OLE AutomLon/gADODB> ADOBCCD1C10-8CAA006D2EA4C1CProgram Files\CommonM\ado\ms21NMicrosoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Li`braryH5$ ' B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B! 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For example, GS02080201 = George Schuler Feb. 8 2002 first site nominated.Garamondm7W` a\bmc,e k Site_NameSITENAMEWEnter a descriptive name for the site (e.g. local stream name, local bridge name, etc.)d35]8` a<bmc d Site_Name_Label Site NameGaramondm7_`xab'ckSizeSIZEy(e.g., describe the population of a species that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.d35]8`xa b(cd Size_LabelݙSize: e.g., describe the populations of a species (or particular life state) that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological systemGaramondo5_bcxde f,h n"";"";"10";"50"Size_Status_RatingSIZESTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440Choose rating for size of sited35]8`xab c,d Size_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7]`@ aTb\cpkSize_Rating_JustificationSIZEJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35]8`@ abc/d Size_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7]abcpk ConditionCONDTNm(e.g., describe aspects of biotic composition, local anthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive species, etc.)d35]8a|bP(chd Condition_LabelvCondition: e.g., describe aspects of biotic composition, local aLVAL "nthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive species, etc.Garamondo5bc<de f,h n"";"";"10";"50"Condition_Status_RatingCONDSTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440#Choose rating for condition of sited35]8`<ab cd Condition_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7]` a bc%k Condition_Rating_JustificationCONDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35]8` abcd $Condition_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7]`<a(bcpk Landscape_ContextLANDCTXTߐ(e.g. describe the altered flow reginme, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, etc.)d35]8`<ap&b(cd Landscape_Context_LabelݳLandscape_Context: e.g. describe the altered flow regime, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, landscape setting, etc.Garamondo5_bc<d,e f,h n "";"";"10";"50"Landscape_Status_RatingLANDSTAT Table/QueryStatus Ratings1440,Choose rating for landscape context of siet.d35]8`<a+b cd Landscape_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7_` a,bcpk Landscape_Rating_JustificationLANDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35]8` a+bcd $Landscape_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7U`a3bck Biological_DescriptionBIODESCR}(e.g., native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological featrues, important physical habitat, etc.)d35U8`at1b%cd eBiological_Description_LabelݒBiological_Description: e.g. native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological features, important physical habitat, etc.Garamondm7U<`xaLabel65e?Box66d @Label67eABox68d BLabel69d CLabel70jDHABDESTd ELabel75jFHABFRAGd GLabel76jHHABDISTd 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invasive species, etc.)d35U8`xat"bP(chd Condition_LabelvCondition: e.g., describe aspects of biotic composition, local anthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive species, etc.Garamondo5bcxd4)e f,h n"";"";"10";"50"Condition_Status_RatingCONDSTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440#Choose rating for condition of sited35]8`xaP(b cd Condition_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7U` a)bc%kCondition_Rating_JustificationCONDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35U8` aP(bcd $Condition_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7U`xa/b'cnkLandscape_ContextLANDCTXTߐ(e.g. describe the altered flow reginme, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, etc.)d35]8`xax-b(cd Landscape_Context_LabelݳLandscape_Context: e.g. describe the altered flow regime, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, landscape seLVAL Gtting, etc.Garamondo5Wbcxd5e f,h n"";"";"10";"50"Landscape_Status_RatingLANDSTAT Table/QueryStatus Ratings1440,Choose rating for landscape context of siet.d35]8`xa4b cd Landscape_Status_Rating_Label Status RatingGaramondm7W` a5bcpkLandscape_Rating_JustificationLANDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d35]8` a4bcd $Landscape_Rating_Justification_LabelJustification for Status RatingGaramondm7U`xa:bck Biological_DescriptionBIODESCR}(e.g., native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological featrues, important physical habitat, etc.)d35U8`xa@8b%cd eBiological_Description_LabelݒBiological_Description: e.g. native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological features, important physical habitat, etc.Garamondm7U<`xaDCb,ci k Key_Ecological_ProcessesKEYPROCߒ(e.g., the dominanat disturbance processes that influence the site such as seasonal flooding or drought, ice scouring, groundwater recharge, etc.)Garamondd35U8`xa@b%cXd eKey_Ecological_Processes_LabelKey_Ecological_Processes: e.g. the dominant disturbance processes that influence the site such as seasonal flooding or drought, ice scouring, groundwater recharge, seasonal precipitation events, etc.Garamondo5UbcxdLabel77j?ALTBIOd @Label78jANUTRIANTd BLabel79jCSEDIMENTd DLabel80jEPREDPARDISd FLabel81d GLabel82jHALTHYDd ILabel83jJALTTHERMd KLabel84jLGROUNDWATd MLabel85jNRESDEPLd OLabel86jPCOMPETEd QLabel87jRTOXICCHEMd SLabel88jTEXOTICd ULabel89mVSTRDESCRd WLabel91oXSRCSTRES1d YLabel93oZSRCSTRES2o[SRCSTRES3m\CONSWORKd ]Label100d ^Label101m_SIZESYSd `Label120maPORTCODEd bLabel121mcCONFd dLabel122meSITENAMEd fLabel123mgEDUNAMEd hLabel124miSIZE_4d jLabel125mkSIZE_3d lLabel126mmRId nLabel127moCTd pLabel128mqMAd rLabel129msNHd tLabel130muVTd vLabel131mwMEd xLabel132myNYd zLabel133m{PORTIDd |Label134m}PORTSTATEIDd ~Label135mJUSTIFICATIONd Label136FormFooterPortfolio Site id# 7-15SHED2IDSIZESTATSIZEJUSTCONDTNCONDSTATCONDJUSTLANDCTXTLANDSTATLANDJUSTBIODESCRKEYPROCSTRESS1STRESS2STRESS3ADDCOMMLEADNAM1AGENCY1ADDRESS1EMAIL1PHONE1LEADNAM2AGENCY2ADDRESS2EMAIL2PHONE2d Label137mText138d Label139K'~ok\MI:+' xteVRC4  T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o     T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o      T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o      T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o LVAL O0:<=Babc0*e gkhiij/kK@Interview Data Table Data TableArial80*3h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30Cρ od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd278d eTimes New Romane2g37jghm5<CTimes New Romann7=Times New Romano3:ATimes New Romanp4key` ReportHeader` PageHeaderd2`<b(cdeLabel98eTNC Aquatic Ecoregional Planning - Stream Assessment Data from Expert Interviews - May and June 2002`3Detail2m5`abt"ceDEXPRTNAMEXPRTNAM3Enter the name of the primary expert for this site.d`<abTc,EXPRTNAM LabelEXPERTEXPRTNAM_Labelm5`abt"ckOTHEREXPOTHEREXP0Enter the names of other exprerts for this site.d`<abTc,OTHEREXP Label OTHER EXPERTSOTHEREXP_Labelm5`abckSITECODESITECODElEnter code as follows: II-Date-Letter where II = your initials, Date = MMDDYY,letter= sequential letter a-zd`<abTc,SITECODE LabelSITECODESITECODE_Labelm5`a<bt"ce4i jkSITENAMESITENAMEWEnter a descriptive name for the site (e.g. local stream name, local bridge name, etc.)d`<axbTchSITENAME LabelSITENAMESITENAME_Labelm5`abt"ckSIZESIZEy(e.g., descLVAL Pribe the population of a species that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.d`<abc, SIZE LabelSIZE SIZE_Labelo3bcdeDfn"";"";"10";"50"SIZESTATSIZESTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440Choose rating for size of sited`<abTc,SIZESTAT LabelSize Status RatingSIZESTAT_Labelm5`abdckSIZEJUSTSIZEJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`abc,SIZEJUST LabelSIZE JUSTIFIC.SIZEJUST_Labelm5`a` bt"ckCONDTNCONDTNm(e.g., describe aspects of biotic composition, local anthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive species, etc.)d`<a` bTc, CONDTN Label CONDITION CONDTN_Labelo3bcd0 efn"";"";"10";"50"CONDSTATCONDSTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440#Choose rating for condition of sited`<a@ bTcCONDSTAT LabelCondition Status RatingCONDSTAT_Labelm5`a0 bck CONDJUSTCONDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`La0 bc,CONDJUST LabelCOND JUSTIFIC.CONDJUST_Labelm5`a bt"c k LANDCTXTLANDCTXTߐ(e.g. describe the altered flow reginme, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, etc.)d`<a bTcLANDCTXT LabelLANDSCAPE CONTEXTLANDCTXT_Labelo3bcdefn LANDSTATLANDSTAT Table/QuerykSELECT Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings.Landscape_Status_Rating FROM Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings; 1440,Choose rating for landscape context of site.d`<abTc LANDSTAT LabelLandscape Context Status RatingLANDSTAT_Labelm5`abck LANDJUSTLANDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`Labc,LANDJUST LabelLAND JUSTIFIC.LANDJUST_Labelm5`aHbt"ck BIODESCRBIODESCR}(e.g., native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological featrues, important physical habitat, etc.)d`<aHbTLVAL Qc,BIODESCR LabelBIOLOGYBIODESCR_Labelm5`abt"ckKEYPROCKEYPROCߒ(e.g., the dominanat disturbance processes that influence the site such as seasonal flooding or drought, ice scouring, groundwater recharge, etc.)d`<abTc KEYPROC LabelKEY ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES KEYPROC_Labelj`a0iHABDESTHABDEST!Habitat destruction or conversiond`<a0bc, HABDEST Label HABITAT DESTR HABDEST_Labelj`aiHABFRAGHABFRAGHabitat fragmentationd`4abc, HABFRAG Label HABITAT FRAG HABFRAG_Labelj`aiHABDISTHABDISTHabitat disturbanced`,abcc HABDIST LabelHABITAT DISTUR HABDIST_Labelj`xaiALTBIOALTBIO(Altered biological composition/structured`$abc, ALTBIO Label ALT COMP/STRU ALTBIO_Labelj`aiNUTRIANTNUTRIANTNutrient loadingd`<abc,NUTRIANT Label NUTRIENTSNUTRIANT_Labelj`aiSEDIMENTSEDIMENT Sedimentationd`4abccSEDIMENT Label SEDIMENTATIONSEDIMENT_Labelj`ai PREDPARDIS PREDPARDIS*Extraordinary predation/parisitism/diseased`,abc,PREDPARDIS LabelPRED,PARISI,DISPREDPARDIS_Labelj`xaiALTHYDALTHYD*Modification of water levels; altered flowd`$abc ALTHYD Label ALT HYDROLOGY ALTHYD_Labelj`aiALTTHERMALTTHERMThermal alterationd`<abc,ALTTHERM Label THERMAL ALTALTTHERM_Labelj`ai GROUNDWAT GROUNDWATGroundwater depletiond`4abc,GROUNDWAT Label GROUNDWATERGROUNDWAT_Labelj`aiRESDEPLRESDEPLResource depletiond`,abc, RESDEPL Label RESOURCE DEPL RESDEPL_Labelj`xaiCOMPETECOMPETE'Extraordinary competition for resourcesd`$abc, COMPETE Label COMPETITION COMPETE_Labelj`p&ai TOXICCHEM TOXICCHEMToxins/contaminantsd` abc,TOXICCHEM Label TOXIC CHEMTOXICCHEM_Labelj`p&aiEXOTICEXOTICExotic species/invasivesd` abc, EXOTIC Label EXOTIC SPP EXOTIC_Labelo3bcdefn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS1STRESS1 TablLVAL Re/Query?SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses];1440%Select one major stress at this site.d`<abTc, STRESS1 LabelMajorStresses (1) STRESS1_Labelo3b cde\ fn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS2STRESS2 Table/Query@SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses]; 3492:Select a second major stress at this site (if applicable).d`abc, STRESS2 LabelMajor Stresses(2) STRESS2_Labelo3b cdefn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS3STRESS3 Table/Query@SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses]; 32649Select a third major stress at this site (if applicable).d`<abTc, STRESS3 LabelMajor Stresses(3) STRESS3_Labelo3cdhefn "";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES1 SRCSTRES1 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];.Select one major source of stress at this sited`<ahbcSRCSTRES1 LabelSource of Stress(1)SRCSTRES1_Labelo3c dhe fn!"";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES2 SRCSTRES2 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];.Select a second source of stress at this sited`ahbcSRCSTRES2 LabelSource of Stress(2)SRCSTRES2_Labelo3cd !efn""";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES3 SRCSTRES3 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];,Select a third source of stress at this sited`<a !bTc,SRCSTRES3 LabelSource of Stress(3)SRCSTRES3_Labelm5`at"bt"cXk#STRDESCRSTRDESCRFDescription of sources of stress or additional information on stressesd`<at"bTcXSTRDESCR LabelSTRESS COMMENTSSTRDESCR_Labelm5`a%bt"cek$CONSWORKCONSWORK>Describe any current Conservation Work being done at this sited`<a%bTcCONSWORK LabelCONSERVATIONWORKCONSWORK_Labelm5`a'bt"ck%ADDCOMMADDCOMM0Additional comments not captured by this survey.d`<a'bTc ADDCOMM LabelADDITIONAL COMMENTS yLVALADDCOMM_Labelm5`(a+bck&LEADNAM1LEADNAM1RWho is the primary lead contact person for additional information about this site?d`<a+bcLEADNAM1 Label LEADNAME1LEADNAM1_Labelm5`a<-b$ ck'AGENCY1AGENCY12What is the agency for the lead(1) contact person?d`<a<-b8c, AGENCY1 LabelAGENCY1 AGENCY1_Labelm5`a.b$ ck(ADDRESS1ADDRESS1#Address for lead(1) contact person?d`<a.b8c,ADDRESS1 LabelADDRESS1ADDRESS1_Labelm5`a0b$ ck)EMAIL1EMAIL1!Email for lead(1) contact person?d`<a0b8c, EMAIL1 LabelEMAIL1 EMAIL1_Labelm5`a(2b$ ck*PHONE1PHONE1!Phone for lead(1) contact person?d`<a(2b8c, PHONE1 LabelPHONE1 PHONE1_Labelm5`a+bck+LEADNAM2LEADNAM2QWho is the second lead contact person for additional information about this site?d`a+bcLEADNAM2 Label LEADNAME2LEADNAM2_Labelm5`a<-bck,AGENCY2AGENCY22What is the agency for the lead(2) contact person?d`a<-btc, AGENCY2 LabelAGENCY2 AGENCY2_Labelm5`a.bck-ADDRESS2ADDRESS2#Address for lead(2) contact person?d`a.btc,ADDRESS2 LabelADDRESS2ADDRESS2_Labelm5`a0bck.EMAIL2EMAIL2!Email for lead(2) contact person?d`a0btc, EMAIL2 LabelEMAIL2 EMAIL2_Labelm5`a(2bck/PHONE2PHONE2!Phone for lead(2) contact person?d`a(2btc, PHONE2 LabelPHONE2 PHONE2_Labelf`<a<bLine101m5`tabc,k0STATESTATEd7`<abcLabel106STATE:`h PageFooterm;`<a<bcText99 Long Datem;`a<bckText100$="Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages]` ReportFooterLVAL Tͬmvդ}yͅReportHeaderPageHeaderdLabel98DetailmEXPRTNAMdEXPRTNAM_LabelEXPRTNAM LabelmOTHEREXPdOTHEREXP_LabelOTHEREXP LabelmSITECODEd SITECODE_LabelSITECODE Labelm SITENAMEd SITENAME_LabelSITENAME Labelm SIZEd SIZE_LabelSIZE LabeloSIZESTATdSIZESTAT_LabelSIZESTAT LabelmSIZEJUSTdSIZEJUST_LabelSIZEJUST LabelmCONDTNdCONDTN_LabelCONDTN LabeloCONDSTATdCONDSTAT_LabelCONDSTAT LabelmCONDJUSTdCONDJUST_LabelCONDJUST LabelmLANDCTXTdLANDCTXT_LabelLANDCTXT LabeloLANDSTATdLANDSTAT_LabelLANDSTAT LabelmLANDJUSTdLANDJUST_LabelLANDJUST LabelmBIODESCRdBIODESCR_LabelBIODESCR Labelm KEYPROCd!KEYPROC_LabelKEYPROC Labelj"HABDESTd#HABDEST_LabelHABDEST Labelj$HABFRAGd%HABFRAG_LabelHABFRAG Labelj&HABDISTd'HABDIST_LabelHABDIST Labelj(ALTBIOd)ALTBIO_LabelALTBIO Labelj*NUTRIANTd+NUTRIANT_LabelNUTRIANT Labelj,SEDIMENTd-SEDIMENT_LabelSEDIMENT Labelj.PREDPARDISd/PREDPARDIS_LabelPREDPARDIS Labelj0ALTHYDd1ALTHYD_LabelALTHYD Labelj2ALTTHERMd3ALTTHERM_LabelALTTHERM Labelj4GROUNDWATd5GROUNDWAT_LabelGROUNDWAT Labelj6RESDEPLd7RESDEPL_LabelRESDEPL Labelj8COMPETEd9COMPETE_LabelCOMPETE Labelj:TOXICCHEMd;TOXICCHEM_LabelTOXICCHEM Labelj<EXOTICd=EXOTIC_LabelEXOTIC Labelo>STRESS1d?STRESS1_LabelSTRESS1 Labelo@STRESS2dASTRESS2_LabelSTRESS2 LabeloBSTRESS3dCSTRESS3_LabelSTRESS3 LabeloDSRCSTRES1dESRCSTRES1_LabelSRCSTRES1 LabeloFSRCSTRES2dGSRCSTRES2_LabelSRCSTRES2 LabeloHSRCSTRES3dISRCSTRES3_LabelSRCSTRES3 LabelmJLVALSTRDESCRdKSTRDESCR_LabelSTRDESCR LabelmLCONSWORKdMCONSWORK_LabelCONSWORK LabelmNADDCOMMdOADDCOMM_LabelADDCOMM LabelmPLEADNAM1dQLEADNAM1_LabelLEADNAM1 LabelmRAGENCY1dSAGENCY1_LabelAGENCY1 LabelmTADDRESS1dUADDRESS1_LabelADDRESS1 LabelmVEMAIL1dWEMAIL1_LabelEMAIL1 LabelmXPHONE1dYPHONE1_LabelPHONE1 LabelmZLEADNAM2dEADNAM2_LabelLEADNAM2 Labelm\AGENCY2d]AGENCY2_LabelAGENCY2 Labelm^ADDRESS2d_ADDRESS2_LabelADDRESS2 Labelm`EMAIL2daEMAIL2_LabelEMAIL2 LabelmbPHONE2dcPHONE2_LabelPHONE2 LabelfdLine101ePageFootermfText99mgText100hReportFooterikeyjAutonumbermkSTATEdlLabel106LVAL V0:<=Babc0*e ghvij72k ?K@Portfolio Join State Info Data TableArial80*3h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30Cρ od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd278d eTimes New Romane2g37jghm5<CTimes New Romann7=Times New Romano3:ATimes New Romanp4key` ReportHeader` PageHeaderd23`<b)cdeLabel98GTNC Aquatic Ecoregional Planning - Portfolio Occurrence by State Recordm ;<"`$ahb` c,i jText127 PORTSTATEIDAriald78"`hahbc,d Label128 PORTSTATEID:Arial`3Detail=m5`aP bt"cSIZESIZEy(e.g., describe the population of a species that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.d`<aP bc, SIZE LabelSIZE SIZE_Labelo3bcd eDfn"";"";"10";"50"SIZESTATSIZESTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440Choose rating for size of sited`<a bTc,SIZESTAT LabelSize Status RatingSIZESTAT_Labelm5`a bdckSIZEJUSTSIZEJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`a bc,SIZEJUST LabelSIZE JUSTIFIC.SIZEJUST_Labelm5`a bt"ckCONDTNCONDTNm(e.g., describe aspects of bioLVAL Wtic composition, local anthropogenic impacts, degree of invasive species, etc.)d`<a bTc, CONDTN Label CONDITION CONDTN_Labelo3bcdefn"";"";"10";"50"CONDSTATCONDSTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440#Choose rating for condition of sited`<abTcCONDSTAT LabelCondition Status RatingCONDSTAT_Labelm5`abckCONDJUSTCONDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`Labc,CONDJUST LabelCOND JUSTIFIC.CONDJUST_Labelm5`aXbt"c kLANDCTXTLANDCTXTߐ(e.g. describe the altered flow reginme, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, etc.)d`<aXbTcLANDCTXT LabelLANDSCAPE CONTEXTLANDCTXT_Labelo3bcdefnLANDSTATLANDSTAT Table/QuerykSELECT Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings.Landscape_Status_Rating FROM Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings; 1440,Choose rating for landscape context of site.d`<abTc LANDSTAT LabelLandscape Context Status RatingLANDSTAT_Labelm5`abckLANDJUSTLANDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`Labc,LANDJUST LabelLAND JUSTIFIC.LANDJUST_Labelm5`abt"c k BIODESCRBIODESCR}(e.g., native species assemblages, indicator or target species, unique biological featrues, important physical habitat, etc.)d`<abTchBIODESCR LabelBIOLOGYBIODESCR_Labelm5`abt"ck KEYPROCKEYPROCߒ(e.g., the dominanat disturbance processes that influence the site such as seasonal flooding or drought, ice scouring, groundwater recharge, etc.)d`<abTc KEYPROC LabelKEY ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES KEYPROC_Labelj`axi HABDESTHABDEST!Habitat destruction or conversiond`<axbc, HABDEST Label HABITAT DESTR HABDEST_Labelj`axi HABFRAGHABFRAGHabitat fragmentationd`4axbc, HABFRAG Label HABITAT FRAG HABFRAG_Labelj`axi HABDISTHABDISTHabitat disturbanced`,axbcc HABDIST LabLVAL XelHABITAT DISTUR HABDIST_Labelj`xaxiALTBIOALTBIO(Altered biological composition/structured`$axbc, ALTBIO Label ALT COMP/STRU ALTBIO_Labelj`aiNUTRIANTNUTRIANTNutrient loadingd`<abc,NUTRIANT Label NUTRIENTSNUTRIANT_Labelj`aiSEDIMENTSEDIMENT Sedimentationd`4abccSEDIMENT Label SEDIMENTATIONSEDIMENT_Labelj`ai PREDPARDIS PREDPARDIS*Extraordinary predation/parisitism/diseased`,abc,PREDPARDIS LabelPRED,PARISI,DISPREDPARDIS_Labelj`xaiALTHYDALTHYD*Modification of water levels; altered flowd`$abc ALTHYD Label ALT HYDROLOGY ALTHYD_Labelj`a !iALTTHERMALTTHERMThermal alterationd`<a !bc,ALTTHERM Label THERMAL ALTALTTHERM_Labelj`a !i GROUNDWAT GROUNDWATGroundwater depletiond`4a !bc,GROUNDWAT Label GROUNDWATERGROUNDWAT_Labelj`a !iRESDEPLRESDEPLResource depletiond`,a !bc, RESDEPL Label RESOURCE DEPL RESDEPL_Labelj`xa !iCOMPETECOMPETE'Extraordinary competition for resourcesd`$a !bc, COMPETE Label COMPETITION COMPETE_Labelj`p&axi TOXICCHEM TOXICCHEMToxins/contaminantsd` axbc,TOXICCHEM Label TOXIC CHEMTOXICCHEM_Labelj`p&aiEXOTICEXOTICExotic species/invasivesd` abc, EXOTIC Label EXOTIC SPP EXOTIC_Labelo3bcd efn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS1STRESS1 Table/Query?SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses];1440%Select one major stress at this site.d`<a bTc, STRESS1 LabelMajorStresses (1) STRESS1_Labelo3b cd e\ fn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS2STRESS2 Table/Query@SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses]; 3492:Select a second major stress at this site (if applicable).d`a bc, STRESS2 LabelMajor Stresses(2) STRESS2_Labelo3b cdLefn"";"";"10";"50"STRESS3STRESS3 Table/Query@SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses]; 32649Select a third major strLVAL Yess at this site (if applicable).d`<aLbTc, STRESS3 LabelMajor Stresses(3) STRESS3_Labelo3cdt"efn"";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES1 SRCSTRES1 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];.Select one major source of stress at this sited`<at"bcSRCSTRES1 LabelSource of Stress(1)SRCSTRES1_Labelo3c dt"e fn"";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES2 SRCSTRES2 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];.Select a second source of stress at this sited`at"bcSRCSTRES2 LabelSource of Stress(2)SRCSTRES2_Labelo3cd#efn"";"";"10";"50" SRCSTRES3 SRCSTRES3 Table/QueryUSELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];,Select a third source of stress at this sited`<a#bTc,SRCSTRES3 LabelSource of Stress(3)SRCSTRES3_Labelm5`a%bt"cXkSTRDESCRSTRDESCRFDescription of sources of stress or additional information on stressesd`<a%bTcXSTRDESCR LabelSTRESS COMMENTSSTRDESCR_Labelm5`a'bt"cek CONSWORKCONSWORK>Describe any current Conservation Work being done at this sited`<a'bTcCONSWORK LabelCONSERVATIONWORKCONSWORK_Labelm5`al*bt"ck!ADDCOMMADDCOMM0Additional comments not captured by this survey.d`<al*bTc ADDCOMM LabelADDITIONAL COMMENTS ADDCOMM_Labelm5`(ax-bck"LEADNAM1LEADNAM1RWho is the primary lead contact person for additional information about this site?d`<ax-bcLEADNAM1 Label LEADNAME1LEADNAM1_Labelm5`(a.bck#AGENCY1AGENCY12What is the agency for the lead(1) contact person?d`<a.b8c, AGENCY1 LabelAGENCY1 AGENCY1_Labelm5`(a/bck$ADDRESS1ADDRESS1#Address for lead(1) contact person?d`<a/b8c,ADDRESS1 LabelADDRESS1ADDRESS1_Labelm5`(a0bck%EMAIL1EMAIL1!Email for lead(1) contact person?d`<a0b8c, EMAIL1 LabelEMAIL1 EMAIL1_Labelm5`(a(2bck&LVAL ZPHONE1PHONE1!Phone for lead(1) contact person?d`<a(2b8c, PHONE1 LabelPHONE1 PHONE1_Labelm5`ax-bck'LEADNAM2LEADNAM2QWho is the second lead contact person for additional information about this site?d`ax-bcLEADNAM2 Label LEADNAME2LEADNAM2_Labelm5`a.bck(AGENCY2AGENCY22What is the agency for the lead(2) contact person?d`a.btc, AGENCY2 LabelAGENCY2 AGENCY2_Labelm5`a/bck)ADDRESS2ADDRESS2#Address for lead(2) contact person?d`a/btc,ADDRESS2 LabelADDRESS2ADDRESS2_Labelm5`a0bck*EMAIL2EMAIL2!Email for lead(2) contact person?d`a0btc, EMAIL2 LabelEMAIL2 EMAIL2_Labelm5`a(2bck+PHONE2PHONE2!Phone for lead(2) contact person?d`a(2btc, PHONE2 LabelPHONE2 PHONE2_Labelm;`a<k,PORTIDPORTIDd7`<a<b9cLabel106PORTID:m;`a,k- PORTSTATEID PORTSTATEIDd7`<a,bcLabel107 PORTSTATEID:m;`abcek.SITENAMESITENAMEd7`<abGcLabel109 SITENAME:m;`ak/PORTCODEPORTCODEd7`<abcLabel112 PORTCODE:m;`ak0CONFCONFd7`<abcLabel113CONF:m;`Ha<bk1EDUNAMEEDUNAMEd7` a<b)cLabel115EDUNAME:m;`ahbk2SIZE_4SIZE_4d7` ahbcLabel116SIZE_4:m;`abk3SIZE_3SIZE_3d7` abcLabel117SIZE_3:m5`a,bk4RIRId7`a,bJcLabel118RI:m5`abk5CTCTd7`abcLabel119CT:m5`a bk6MAMAd7`a bcLabel120MA:m5`abk7NHNHd7`abcLabel121NH:m5`#a,bk8VTVTd7`!a,bcLabel122VT:m5`#abk9MEMEd7`!abcLabel123ME:m5`#a bk:NYNYd7`!a bcLabel124NY:m 25`<ab)cKe k; JUSTIFICATION JUSTIFICATIONd7`<abHcLabel125+JUSTIFICATION FOR PORTFOLIO INCLUSION/CODE:d`b@ cLabel126 All States Portid Occurs Within:`h PageFooterm;`<a<bcText99 Long Datem;`a<bckLVALText100$="Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages]` ReportFooterLVAL \ͬe wFv%#0ReportHeaderPageHeaderdLabel98DetailmSIZEdSIZE_LabelSIZE LabeloSIZESTATdSIZESTAT_LabelSIZESTAT LabelmSIZEJUSTd SIZEJUST_LabelSIZEJUST Labelm CONDTNd CONDTN_LabelCONDTN Labelo CONDSTATd CONDSTAT_LabelCONDSTAT LabelmCONDJUSTdCONDJUST_LabelCONDJUST LabelmLANDCTXTdLANDCTXT_LabelLANDCTXT LabeloLANDSTATdLANDSTAT_LabelLANDSTAT LabelmLANDJUSTdLANDJUST_LabelLANDJUST LabelmBIODESCRdBIODESCR_LabelBIODESCR LabelmKEYPROCdKEYPROC_LabelKEYPROC LabeljHABDESTdHABDEST_LabelHABDEST LabeljHABFRAGdHABFRAG_LabelHABFRAG LabeljHABDISTdHABDIST_LabelHABDIST Labelj ALTBIOd!ALTBIO_LabelALTBIO Labelj"NUTRIANTd#NUTRIANT_LabelNUTRIANT Labelj$SEDIMENTd%SEDIMENT_LabelSEDIMENT Labelj&PREDPARDISd'PREDPARDIS_LabelPREDPARDIS Labelj(ALTHYDd)ALTHYD_LabelALTHYD Labelj*ALTTHERMd+ALTTHERM_LabelALTTHERM Labelj,GROUNDWATd-GROUNDWAT_LabelGROUNDWAT Labelj.RESDEPLd/RESDEPL_LabelRESDEPL Labelj0COMPETEd1COMPETE_LabelCOMPETE Labelj2TOXICCHEMd3TOXICCHEM_LabelTOXICCHEM Labelj4EXOTICd5EXOTIC_LabelEXOTIC Labelo6STRESS1d7STRESS1_LabelSTRESS1 Labelo8STRESS2d9STRESS2_LabelSTRESS2 Labelo:STRESS3d;STRESS3_LabelSTRESS3 Labelo<SRCSTRES1d=SRCSTRES1_LabelSRCSTRES1 Labelo>SRCSTRES2d?SRCSTRES2_LabelSRCSTRES2 Labelo@SRCSTRES3dASRCSTRES3_LabelSRCSTRES3 LabelmBSTRDESCRdCSTRDESCR_LabelSTRDESCR LabelmDCONSWORKdECONSWORK_LabelCONSWORK LabelmFADDCOMMdGADDCOMM_LabelADDCOMM LabelmHLEADNAM1dILEADNAM1_LabelLEADNAM1 LabelmJAGJLVALVENCY1dKAGENCY1_LabelAGENCY1 LabelmLADDRESS1dMADDRESS1_LabelADDRESS1 LabelmNEMAIL1dOEMAIL1_LabelEMAIL1 LabelmPPHONE1dQPHONE1_LabelPHONE1 LabelmRLEADNAM2dSLEADNAM2_LabelLEADNAM2 LabelmTAGENCY2dUAGENCY2_LabelAGENCY2 LabelmVADDRESS2dWADDRESS2_LabelADDRESS2 LabelmXEMAIL2dYEMAIL2_LabelEMAIL2 LabelmZPHONE2dHONE2_LabelPHONE2 Labelm]PORTIDd^Label106m_PORTSTATEIDd`Label107maSITENAMEdbLabel109mcPORTCODEddLabel112meCONFdfLabel113mgEDUNAMEdhLabel115miSIZE_4djLabel116mkSIZE_3dlLabel117mmRIdnLabel118moCTdpLabel119mqMAdrLabel120msNHdtLabel121muVTdvLabel122mwMEdxLabel123myNYdzLabel124m{JUSTIFICATIONd|Label125d}Label126~PageFootermText99mText100ReportFooterPortfolio Site id# 7-15SIZESYSSHED2IDmText127dLabel128LVAL$'ͬ sHf @PageHeaderDetailmkeydLabel0mSITECODEmSTATEdLabel2mSITENAMEdLabel3m EXPRTNAMd Label4 PageFooter PORTID715ͬC)_Describe any current Conservation Work being done at this sited`bGcLabel1 CONSWORK:` PageFooterLVAL`777xJ)|) zz(J@ٺ7h3]@Summary Stresses - 3 major@sD@LWF000RrqeSG;;;|pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio Occurrences(AGpPortfolio OccurrencesSELECT [Portfolio Occurrences].[Portfolio Site id# 7-15], [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZESYS, [Portfolio Occurrences].PORTCODE, [Portfolio Occurrences].CONF, [Portfolio Occurrences].SITENAME, [Portfolio Occurrences].EDUNAME, [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_4, [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_3, [Portfolio Occurrences].SHED2ID, [Portfolio Occurrences].RI, [Portfolio Occurrences].CT, [Portfolio Occurrences].MA, [Portfolio Occurrences].NH, [Portfolio Occurrences].VT, [Portfolio Occurrences].ME, [Portfolio Occurrences].NY FROM [Portfolio Occurrences] WHERE ((([Portfolio Occurrences].[Portfolio Site id# 7-15])=3)); LVAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @TpPortfolio Occurrences >pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio Occurrences|pPortfolio OccurrencesSELECT [Portfolio Occurrences].[Portfolio Site id# 7-15], [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZESYS, [Portfolio Occurrences].PORTCODE, [Portfolio Occurrences].CONF, [Portfolio Occurrences].SITENAME, [Portfolio Occurrences].EDUNAME, [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_4, [Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_3, [Portfolio Occurrences].SHED2ID, [Portfolio Occurrences].RI, [Portfolio Occurrences].CT, [Portfolio Occurrences].MA, [Portfolio Occurrences].NH, [Portfolio Occurrences].VT, [Portfolio Occurrences].ME, [Portfolio Occurrences].NY FROM [Portfolio Occurrences] WHERE ((([Portfolio Occurrences].[Portfolio Site id# 7-15])=68)); VCN-,jj           (  ll             i               ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x   ! !" "# #$ $% %& &' '( () )* *+ , Portfolio Site id# 7-15SIZESQMIMILKSTRMSIZESYSPORTCODECONFLINKSITESITENAMEEDUNAMESIZE_4SIZE_3SHED2IDRICTMANHVTMENY MIN_SEQNOPTOT_AGRRD_SQMIPTOT_DEVLCR_DEVLCR_AGRLCR_RDLCR_SUMNID_ACCNIDON234NIDON234_TOTHTNIDON234_MAXHTNIDON234_TOTSTNIDON234_MAXSTFEET0_15 FEET16-50FEET50UP HYDROELECT FLOOD_CONT WATER_SUPP RECREATION IRRIGATIONOTHERIDjj,j PORTCODE PORTSITEID PrimaryKeyITEID PrimaryKeyLVAL]m5q)%DC51CB>Be}:8K@:8K@Summary Key Processes444444< zwPortfolio Join State Info(p=qPortfolio Join State Info0:<=Babc)e gh<i,j}(kP mK@7Expert interview records linked to portfolio occurrenceArial8)h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30C od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd28Arialm5<Arial` PageHeader`Detailm`be9keykeydbcLabel0 MS key:m`bkSITECODESITECODEm`bkSTATESTATEd`bcLabel2STATE:m` b\ ekSITENAMESITENAMEd`` bcLabel3 SITENAME:m`t"bTekEXPRTNAMEXPRTNAM3Enter the name of the primary expert for this site.d`hbcLabel4EXPRT1:` PageFooter LVAL $(AG&qPortfolio Occurrences(AG&qPortfolio Occurrences0:<=Babc(e ghXiJj*k6)`K@SELECT PORTFOLIO OCCURRENCEArial8(Xh\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30C od,,LetterDINU"0_(p=qPortfolio Join State Info(AG&qPortfolio Occurrences(AG&qPortfolio Occurrences6LVAL%~Wp&Portfolio Occurrences(AG&qPortfolio Occurrences0:<=Babc(e ghij.,k4wJ@6Description of occurrence from linked expert interviewArial8(h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30C od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd28Arialm5<Arial` PageHeader`Detailm<"bHiSITECODESITECODElEnter code as follows: II-Date-Letter where II = your initials, Date = MMDDYY,letter= sequential letter a-zm`bH!ckKEYPROCKEYPROCߒ(e.g., the dominanat disturbance processes that influence the site such as seasonal flooding or drought, ice scouring, groundwater recharge, etc.)d`bcLabel1KEYPROC:` PageFooterLVALͬC+"qkCPageHeaderDetailmSITECODEmLANDCTXTdLabel1oLANDSTATdLabel2mLANDJUSTdLabel3 PageFooter key SITENAME SIZE SIZESTATSIZEJUSTCONDTNCONDSTATCONDJUSTBIODESCRKEYPROCHABDESTHABFRAGHABDISTALTBIONUTRIANTSEDIMENTPREDPARDISALTHYDALTTHERMGROUNDWATRESDEPLCOMPETE TOXICCHEM!EXOTIC"STRESS1#STRESS2$STRESS3%SRCSTRES1&SRCSTRES2'SRCSTRES3(STRDESCR)CONSWORK*ADDCOMMͬC)N)Cщ/k^TPageHeaderDetailmSITECODEmKEYPROCdLabel1PageFooterkeySITENAMESIZE SIZESTAT SIZEJUST CONDTN CONDSTAT CONDJUSTLANDCTXTLANDSTATLANDJUSTBIODESCRHABDESTHABFRAGHABDISTALTBIONUTRIANTSEDIMENTPREDPARDISALTHYDALTTHERMGROUNDWATRESDEPLCOMPETETOXICCHEMEXOTIC STRESS1!STRESS2"STRESS3#SRCSTRES1$SRCSTRES2%SRCSTRES3&STRDESCR'CONSWORK(ADDCOMMLVAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @0:<=Babc(e ghij0krw J@6Description of occurrence from linked expert interviewArial8(h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30C od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd28Arialm5<Arialo3:Arial` PageHeaderDetailm<"biSITECODESITECODElEnter code as follows: II-Date-Letter where II = your initials, Date = MMDDYY,letter= sequential letter a-zm`b ckLANDCTXTLANDCTXTߐ(e.g. describe the altered flow reginme, connectivity with other aquatic habitats, watershed impacts, unique or notable physical features, etc.)d`bcLabel1 LANDCTXT:obcenLANDSTATLANDSTAT Table/QuerykSELECT Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings.Landscape_Status_Rating FROM Table_for_Landscape_Status_Ratings; 1440,Choose rating for landscape context of site.d`8bcLabel2 LANDSTAT:m`!bckLANDJUSTLANDJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`bcLabel3 LANDJUST:` PageFooterOwmc d[7-@?@ ףp=J @?e@@zG@t ףp=@,&6W@(\µ7@@@@@3@2_1S1cNorth RiverCape CodOceanid971x LVALͬ+0 CkrPageHeaderDetailmSITECODEmSIZEdLabel1oSIZESTATdLabel2mSIZEJUSTdLabel3 PageFooter key SITENAME CONDTN CONDSTATCONDJUSTLANDCTXTLANDSTATLANDJUSTBIODESCRKEYPROCHABDESTHABFRAGHABDISTALTBIONUTRIANTSEDIMENTPREDPARDISALTHYDALTTHERMGROUNDWATRESDEPLCOMPETE TOXICCHEM!EXOTICͬ+0 CkrPageHeaderDetailmSITECODEmSIZEdLabel1oSIZESTATdLabel2mSIZEJUSTdLabel3 PageFooter key SITENAME CONDTN CONDSTATCONDJUSTLANDCTXTLANDSTATLANDJUSTBIODESCRKEYPROCHABDESTHABFRAGHABDISTALTBIONUTRIANTSEDIMENTPREDPARDISALTHYDALTTHERMGROUNDWATRESDEPLCOMPETE TOXICCHEM!EXOTIC"STRESS1#STRESS2$STRESS3%SRCSTRES1&SRCSTRES2'SRCSTRES3(STRDESCR)CONSWORK*ADDCOMMLVALUs%13Interview Data Table ;Expert interview records linked to portfolio occurrence0:<=Babc(e ghijh.krgJ@6Description of occurrence from linked expert interviewArial8(h\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ30C od,,LetterDINU"0_D!winspool\\ERO.TNC\HPLJ3Samba Printer Portd28Arialm5<Arialo3:Arial` PageHeader`Detailm<"biSITECODESITECODElEnter code as follows: II-Date-Letter where II = your initials, Date = MMDDYY,letter= sequential letter a-zm<"`Tb\ ckSIZESIZEy(e.g., describe the population of a species that inhabits the site or the extent of a critical habitat/ecological system.d`8bcLabel1SIZE:obcn"";"";"10";"50"SIZESTATSIZESTAT Table/Query@SELECT [Status Ratings].[Status_Ratings] FROM [Status Ratings]; 1440Choose rating for size of sited`bcLabel2 Size Rating:m<"`H!bckSIZEJUSTSIZEJUST-Enter information to justify your assessment.d`bucLabel3 SIZEJUST:` PageFooter %~ok\MI:+' teVaR]T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   ۇ O8V#jKrvwlrV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKrvwlrV#jKV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o  T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o  TT2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o   T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o  = = =T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o . .T2CbV#jK.X0fZ)V#jKV#jKV#jKò|3UV#jKV#jKV#jKV#o .  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Major_Stresses_(1)   o Table/QueryG ?SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses];      1440  1440twip   CONSWORK   F >Describe any current Conservation Work being done at this site   m  LEADNAM1   Z RWho is Ņӄ,6yMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290206Green River (Deerfield Trib)GoodRelatively undisturbed above Greenfield MA to VT borderGoodHabitat fragmentationWater Management qNauȸ{DDDDD@@$ &oa 86tMABrian ReidBR06050217Lake Nippenicketreally tannic, common mussels, new record for Enallagma laterale, unconfirmed barrens bluet, alewife spawning habitat access from town brook, recreational boat ramp (waves a problem)~G ! //// %&o86wMAJohn FiorentinoRM05290204Williams River (Hoosatonic Trib)Best quality watershed in Housatonic drainage for invertebratesIKArDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD$ &o86ctMALee McLaughlinLM01180204Sudbury Reservoirnot stocked, don't know what is in itMDC owns - in SouthboroughMDCv_Hfg vvvvvvvvvsssYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY4444# &o86^oMADavid HalliwellDH05240218Trap Hole (Neponset trib)only nice trib on hammered river, one of few wild brook trout streams in this portion of statenUoeM.lÿ====$ &o86WhMADavid HalliwellLee McLaughlin, Karsten Hartell, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinDH05240212South Wachusetts Brook (Nashua Trib)slimy sculpin (very sensitive to environ degradation), rare E of CT river, E brook trout, first of hillstreams going E to W, beginning of coldwater, longnose and blacknose dace, Stillwater has diverse warm water, salmon and is protectedpopulation is on MAS property, otherwise area is very developed, includes upper tribs of Nashua RmH93@e ⁁pf % &$8 v6MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210203Hubbard River (flows into state of CT)all class B streams by MA DEP, CT wants them to be Class A for drinking. Some east branch streams have lots of brook trout and slimy sculpin, some have stocked atlantic salmon.Water district owns 6000 acres in MA to protect streams for water supply. Mainstem lacks high quality fish. Primary land use is rural, not even much farming.Np05{H?w*&ddd &w$86-MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210233Assabet River - Upperlast remaining black nose dace in E drainage in state in upper tribs (sp common in W), lots of dams, pollution (KH, TW): flow is out of sewage treatment plant, top of drainage worse than lower portions, North Br has brook trout and bn dace (LM)great cedar swamp in Westborough, some good sections with some impactedCheck with Sudbury Valley Trustees (North Brook)F%H?b4Cӣ\\\ffffQG &w$86~MAJohn FiorentinoRM05290212Martha's Vineyard streamsGoodGoodRoaring Brook has native trout population, Paint Mill Brook has good invertebrate community.Roaring Brook is the only high gradient stream on the Vineyard and empties onto a coastal cobble bar.~q`fBBuH.*EEAAA=====$ &oH8̃6MAMike parker, boydmike parker, boyd kynard, dave small, chloe stewart, fred morrison, sally shaw, dave mclean, laurie sanders, john o'learAB05210206Little River (Westfield Trib)2nd biggest drinking water supply in state, 15,000 acres owned by city of springfielddams present, stocked with par, industrial areas in watershed are point sources, high numbers of brook trout in previously closed fishery. Very few EO's but likely due to area closure. Old growth hemlock in gorge dying from adelgids.little river has great potential as habitat because it receives cold water releases but also has other issues . Loss of hemlocks could raise water temperature and ruin habitat for LA waterthrush.100% loss of hemlocks at sites in CT had impacts to streams. Issue is complex though--woody debris is a good thing, and slightly warmer water could benefit native fish as long as it doesn't exceed tolerances.Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePoint Source PollutionBiologicalL:OX98Ϲ & &$8# ڃ55Kbr13r3MA66GMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210257Green River - mainstem (Deerfield Trib)diverse invert and fish faunanice rich flooplain, more calcareousP.6UJK\ͽhhhhA7 &w$862CMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Russ CohenKL05210253Deerfield River - Upperlongnose sucker habitat (state listed), cut off at reservoir, Green River trib is nice (salmon restoration) and has spectacular aquatic invert fauna, Cold River is spectacular, potential for state and fed. Listing of stone and caddisfliesold growth nearby, geology is Waits River formation (more like VT), lots of protected land with low pop densities, coop unit has done lots of research on flow for salmon, Green River is heavily wooded, North river is very open slower gradient - agri+N`:Bu tp`LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRRRddddMC &w$86/@MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn, Lee McLaughlinKL05210251Quabbin Reservoirrecreational fishery, lake trout introduced, eagles, beavers are destroying drainages and Phrag is moving in after they leave (TR); East branch Swift River is warm, no eastern brook trout, stocked, tribs have trout (trout more common in west)artificial lake, management stable, lots of forestry on Prescott peninsula with goals of creating uneven aged forestDavid SmallMDC|0F!2 UUUbbbbQG &w$86(9MA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy Colburn (KL05210244); David Halliwell, Lee McLaughlinDH05240201Muddy Brook, Fox Brook, Quick Stream (Blackstone Tribs)American brook lamprey, long nose dace (indicates cold high quality water, less tolerant sp), along with Abbotts run E most pop, eastern brook trouttrophy houses, increasing suburban development along Fox and Quick, whole watershed of Muddy is goodD&²:::oe &w$8փ6ARMARuss CohenRC05160205Sawmill River (CT River trib)good floodplain forest with intact flooding regime (silvermaple forest) (C ranked by Kearsley - Mill River Hatfield site is better), best trib on E side of CT in MA4W@hMt0<<<< %&o86;LMA Karsten Hartel, Tom Rawinski, Betsy ColburnKL05210262Longmeadow Brook (CT River Trib)lota, eastern silvery minnow (state listed)AHſMEήaaaaA7 &w86 MASteve Hurley, Karsten Hartel, Rich McHorney, Russ Cohen, Brian ReidKL05210211Agawam Rivergood herring run to Halfway Pond, historic Alasmidonta heterodon record, redbelly turtle?, rare plants, impacted by Cranberry operations, good mussels at outlet, historic for dwarf wedge, refuge for tidewater mucket, limpet could be Ferrissia walkeriGoodlots of cranberry bogs, river is diverted around bogs, many impoundments, dam at rte 6Fairbetter than Weweantic and Sippican, Asian ghost moss animal Stephanella hyna, tidal reaches have good freshwater tidal marsh, and good mussel beds, WWTP just downstream and gets backwashed with tide, six mussel spp including 3 listed in Halfway PondNutrient loadingHabitat disturbanceAgricultureBrian ReidxY@CP0iŵbb^ddddXN $ &wl 8G5f"6CTBill HyattRJ, BH, NH, BJBH06050205Merrick Brooksize 1 tributary to Shetucket RiverState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management area; good water qualityState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areacold water systemXطNwT>ۦ]]]:-# $&86j{MALee McLaughlinLM01180211Muddy Brook Pondbridle shiners, high diversity, beaver impactedin Hardwick, protectedov8JsD&O-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbbb3333# &o$86QbMAKarsten Hartell, David Halliwell, Russ CohenDH05240202Abbotts Run (Blackstone E)American brook lamprey, E most pop of long nose dace (along with Muddy Brook- less tolerant sp), cold water - spring fedcomes out of Arnolds Mills Reservoir (impacts?), wooded but residentialanadromous fish folks are looking at as potential restoration site, fish passage issues|`XCLۙqqqqqqqqqqqq[[[[A7 &w$86M^MARuss CohenRC05160213Chockolog Pond (headwaters of Emerson Brook, Laurel Brook)highest quality Blackstone trib, Williamsonia lintneri, streams show intermittent, but aren't, very sandy area running N-S - interesting hydrologically?[ J-V'YYYY $&o86FWMAJen LooseAndrew Madden by way of Chloe StewardJL05160204Hoosic Riverused to be really nasty, still pretty dirty, only place in MA for Appalachian brook crayfish, weed control in Cheshire reservoir using herbicide - impact on biota unclear, just below outlet is "jungle" - meandering floodplain area, rest is high gradhabitat for longnose sucker, is fast moving riffle with good spawning gravel, N. Adams has flood chutes - bad habitat, action to rebuild flood chutes to improve fish habitat, long nose sucker on S branch, also main stem to WilliamstownModification of water levesl; changes in flow.)P}dK: t```````````````````33HHHHHHOOOOC9  &8~_6 CTErnie PizutoNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCEP03190205Willimantic RiverSize 2; Many dams (5 in lower part).High quality fisheries above route 44 to Stafford Springs (trout management area) - this reach also has high quality inverts; high quality tributaries; water quality problems in Stafford Springs due to urban runoff and illegal discharges.No anadromous fish; slimy sculpin in headwaterso&ЧBe0Onnnnnn\KA &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100214Yellow Riversize 1 system"devoid of life"ab j7fErL0v~jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjZZZMA7! &86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100207Bride Brooksize 1 systemexcellent alewife runs into Brides Lakelow flows in summer due to diversions threaten returning larval alewife#2nDON(ǀYYYYYYYYYLA7! &@86CTErnie Beckwith, et al.Marine Fisheries StaffEB05100201Wequetequock River and Covesize 1 systemnice tidal marshes; oyster and clam populationswater quality issuesj{WcLw]}iii\A7! &@86CTDave WagnerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCDW03190205QuinebaugSize 3; lots of damsdifferent than Shetucket: sandy soils, flatter, nutrient rich; coastal influenceFlows out of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapeHigh mussel diversity (4 species); fast flashy secion near state line is high quality; plan for anadromous fish to base of fall at Putnum; no good odonatesnatural riffle systems destroyed by damsalgae issues; industrial useFlows out of TNC's Quinebaug Highlands project landscapevery high restoration potential#uVN%t0MI9%%%%%%%%%%%βﷷgggSJ@ &$8Sc6CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270203Salmon River (CT River drainage)Size 2; Intact tributaries.Excellent water quality; good benthic and invertebrate habitats; high species diversity.Lots of state-owned land (salmon River state forest); few dams; coarse-grained soils in upper reaches; sandy soils in lower reaches; TNC's tidelands program is active here.Four species of freshwater mussels; low flow issues; good birding area; many high quality tributaries; excellent fisheries; one of three salmon drainages; introduced asiatic clam reported in lower reach.Natural ice flows; very flashy watershed.Lots of state-owned land (salmon River state forest); TNC's tidelands program is active here.Construction of the airline railroad seriously degraded the system historically. Ranked #1 in its group.*F͉2ZٰlhXDDDDDDDDDDD~~~~~~~~UކkKA  &$86CTJim MacBroomNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJM03270202Stony BrookSize 2; some impoundmentsvery flat system; swampy; not much information on water quality due to low gradientagricultural area with turf farms; flows across basin of glacial Lake Hitchcockdecent invert populations; no anadromous fish; may contain population of endangered American brook lampreymilk products dumped in; fish have not recovered.&SLmn||||||||||oooVKA &$86CTJay CordeiroNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCJC03190203Yantic RiverSize 2; Inaccessible to anadromous fish; falls are a historic barrier.Main stem and tributaries in fairly good condition; big water diversions in reservoirs.Heavy agriculture; chicken farms, nurseries; some landfills; no point sources on the river; historic mills.Small mouth bass valued as fishery.Natural ice flows.Under-sampled.h'PK͸Apƶ___WKA &$8)^=]67CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050205Beaver Brooksize 1 tributary to Shetucket RiverState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management area sGQ&cN]fɔ___<0& &863CTRick JacobsonRJ, BH, NH, BJRJ06050201Oil Mill Brooksize 1 tributary to Niantic Riversea run brook trout (salties)sea run brook trout (salties); "beautiful system," high water quality down to estuary.^WEw/||||||___>0& &860CTPeter PattonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCPP03190201Salmon CreekSize 2High qualtiy; interesting inverts; natural seeps.Calcareous influence.Rare pondweed at Twin Lakes; Moore Brook is high quality; rare snail in Twin Lakes (balbata); rare sedges.Ranked #2 in its group.YX_E CaQ06LH8$$$$$$$$$$$ ]]]WKA &$86*CTNeal HagstromRJ, BH, NH, BJNH06050202Deep BrookSize 1State DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areaState DEP class 1 (no stocking) trout management areacTK;ER35Vξuuuuuu@@@:0& &86CTKen MetzlerNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCKM03270202Park RiverSize 2flows underground through Hartford; trashed; "what a river should not be"[?69ND1}h*ǷZZZTJ@ &8lGÄ6\NHDES GroupDES050702-10Beaver BrookVOCs and contamination from 'vintage' pesticides used in orchards (the old, strong ones). Contaminated sites at Town Garage in Londonderry, Landfill SW of Derry on brook.Urbanized, with agriculture. Many lakes and ponds.DES biomonitoring station..ᢗAfSsJF6"""""""""""",,,,  &o$86RNHBill InghamBI042902-22Winnepesaukee RiverGood quality from Lake to Merrimack. Silver Lake-Rte 140 is a flowing marsh. NHFG told EPA this is one of the most significant FW wetlands in state. Tilton-Franklin reach is undeveloped. 2 hydro projects in Franklin.Sig development threats on the islands of upland throughout the marshy reach. Dam at Lochmere controls water level on Winnisquam Lk. Camps along Silver LkxH>%LO0ʺ 4444! &o$86ONHBill InghamBI042902-2Ashuelot River Mainstem (size 2 section)Confluence with Otter Brook to Ashuelot PondevTb'HaZ> ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttH  &86LNHBill InghamBI042902-17Warner RiverD=lQUQA-------------------------------! &o86<CTRob ThorsonNB, PP, EP, MB, DW, GH, JM, RT, SG, KM, JCRT03270203Natchaug RiverSize 2; No potential for anadromous fish.One of the top rivers in the state for invertebrates and water quality; cold water species; best quality above Willamantic reservoir and Mansfield Hollow dam.High proportion of protected land; drains portion of Quinebaug Highlands project landscape.Good benthic communities; ecoregional sites.Drains portion of Quinebaug Highlands project landscape - active land protection ongoing.Mt. Hope River is also excellent quality; the Fenton is more threatened. Ranked #2 in its group.P.N;t```````````zzzXJ@  &$8>pf_R6MADave SmallMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210226Tully River - West Branch (Millers Trib)good reaches down to where it gets shallow again; ACOE owns some land for flood control,Birch Hill dam and Tully dam exist for flood control to protect Athol, Orange, and IrvingI㍭%GO䥇:pppppppppppppppppppppppp &$86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210215Manham River above Moose Brook (CT River Trib)good patches of mussels, one sp parasitic on troutepQKkCf\ $&w86nMARuss Cohen, Brian ReidRC05160217Slocums Riversome undetermined pollution (algal blooms), other than that is beautiful intact system, less impacted than Agawam and Weweantic, tannic stream, low nutrient acidic stream, fauna unknownlargely undeveloped with huge buffers, great landscape context, includes tribs (Shingle Island River and Paskamansett River)TTOR, Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust and Lloyd Center own land% }QLek!A®mmmmmmmmmmmm8888+!! &o$86p NHDES GroupDES050702-29Mad RiverCampton Hydro bypass reach-no fish passage. Free-flowing from here to Pemi confluence. Waterville Valley ski area takes water from river.\V'`J>4Ʋ)))))))  &o 86cNHDES GroupDES050702-17Blackwater RiverHeavily stocked with brown and rainbow trout.Blackwater dam-big Corps project. Fairly unobstructed from Contoocook confluence to the large dam. Few (no?) dams above the Corps project. No dams on the N. Branch up to the headwaters, but some on Cascade Brook (trib).\$E\@6B84_BY`\L888888888888888888888888]]]0000  &o$8q61NHNHFG SW GroupFG041902-31Beaver BrookLow gradient.Riddled with dams in first 6 miles.American eel might use it.Not a focus of NHFG, although they do have some data for potential herring restoration.qCkexGNAyyyyyyyyy___<<>>>>>>" &o 86MAAndrew MaddenAM02040205Wright Brook (Bash Bish) (Hudson Drainage)excellent clear water, good trout production; Wright brook good abundance of brown trout; brook trout high (not on TNC 1:100k mapߛ"ozLa#0LLLLLLLLLL" &o86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210263Upper Little River (E branch trib?)good fishingcw:EAYSм &w86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210261Westfield River where it breaks away from Rte 9gets back into woodsy-w*Eκٖм &w 86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210254Blackstone Riverheavy metal impacts, summer low flows,unusual pickerel and brook lampreyToxins/ContaminatsBdKW{( Ý $&wB86MAMike Parker, Boyd Kynard, Dave Small, Chloe Stewart, Fred Morrison, Sally Shaw, Dave McLean, John O'leary, Laurie SanderAB05210238Moose Brook (Ware River Trib)good bird habitat; remote but unprotectedStrophitus (squawfoot) in river$nE(M3Y7Ӫ $&w 8LVAL Occurrences].CONF8*: [Portfolio Occurrences].SITENAME`*:$[Portfolio Occurrences].EDUNAME*:[Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_4*:[Portfolio Occurrences].SIZE_3*:$[Portfolio Occurrences].SHED2ID+:[Portfolio Occurrences].RI0+:[Portfolio Occurrences].CTX+:[Portfolio Occurrences].MA+:[Portfolio Occurrences].NH+:[Portfolio Occurrences].VT+:[Portfolio Occurrences].ME+:[Portfolio Occurrences].NY ,:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PORTIDH,:<[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PORTSTATEID,:0[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SIZE,:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SIZESTAT-:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SIZEJUSTH-:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].CONDTN-:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].CONDSTAT-:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].CONDJUST.:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].LANDCTXTH.:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].LANDSTAT.:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].LANDJUST.:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].BIODESCR/:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].KEYPROCH/:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].HABDEST/:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].HABFRAG/:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].HABDIST0:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ALTBIOH0:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].NUTRIANT0:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SEDIMENT0:6[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PREDPARDIS1:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ALTHYDH1:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ALTTHERM1:5[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].GROUNDWAT1:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].RESDEPL2:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].COMPETEH2:5[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].TOXICCHEM2:2[Portfolio Occurrences By StaLVAL te Data Table].EXOTIC2:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].STRESS13:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].STRESS2H3:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].STRESS33:5[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SRCSTRES13:5[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SRCSTRES24:5[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].SRCSTRES3H4:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].STRDESCR4:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].CONSWORK4:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ADDCOMM5:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].LEADNAM1H5:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].AGENCY15:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ADDRESS15:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].EMAIL16:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PHONE1H6:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].LEADNAM26:3[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].AGENCY26:4[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].ADDRESS27:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].EMAIL2H7:2[Portfolio Occurrences By State Data Table].PHONE27: :@q 6 :@q V :@q v :@q  :@q  :@q  :@q  :@q  :@q 6 :@q V :@q v :@q  :@q  :@q  :@q  :@qPortfolio Occurrences :?: ):?: *:?: P*:?: x*:?: *:?: *:?: *:?: +:@: H+:@: p+:@: +:@: +: @: +:(@: ,:0@: 8,:8@:):):*:8*:`*:*:*:*:+:0+:X+:+:+:+:+: ,:j :@q *:@q :@q  :@q :@q :@q 2:@q j:@q :@q :@q LVAL the primary lead contact person for additional information about this site?   m   AGENCY1   : 2What is the agency for the lead(1) contact person?   m  ADDRESS1   + #Address for lead(1) contact person?   m   EMAIL1   ) !Email for lead(1) contact person?   m   PHONE1      m  ) !Phone for lead(1) contact person? ADDCOMM   8 0Additional comments not captured by this survey.   m  LEADNAM2   Y QWho is the second lead contact person for additional information about this site?   m   AGENCY2   : 2What is the agency for the lead(2) contact person?   m  ADDRESS2   + #Address for lead(2) contact person?   m   EMAIL2   ) !Email for lead(2) contact person?   m   PHONE2   ) !Phone for lead(2) contact person?   m  \ STRESS3    Major_Stresses(3)   o Table/QueryH @SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses];      3264  3264twip   A 9Select a third major stress at this site (if applicable).] STRESS2   B :Select a second major stress at this site (if applicable). Major_Stresses(2)   oLVAL  Table/QueryH @SELECT [Major Stresses].[Major_Stresses] FROM [Major Stresses];      3492  3492twip   SITECODE   t lEnter code as follows: II-Date-Letter where II = your initials, Date = MMDDYY,letter= sequential letter a-z   m  L Autonumber     GenUniqueID()STRDESCR   N FDescription of sources of stress or additional information on stresses   m~ HABDEST   ) !Habitat destruction or conversion Yes/No  jr HABFRAG    Habitat fragmentation Yes/No  jp HABDIST    Habitat disturbance Yes/No  j ALTBIO   0 (Altered biological composition/structure Yes/No  jnNUTRIANT    Nutrient loading Yes/No  jkSEDIMENT     Sedimentation Yes/No  j PREDPARDIS   2 *Extraordinary predation/parisitism/disease Yes/No  j ALTHYD   2 *Modification of water levels; altered flow Yes/No  jpALTTHERM    Thermal alteration Yes/No  jt GROUNDWAT    Groundwater depletion Yes/No  jo RESDEPL    Resource depletion Yes/No  j COMPETE   / 'Extraordinary competition for resourcesLVAL Yes/No  jr TOXICCHEM    Toxins/contaminants Yes/No  jt EXOTIC     Exotic species/invasives Yes/No  j7 SRCSTRES1   6 .Select one major source of stress at this site   o Table/Query] USELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];       0twip 7 SRCSTRES2   6 .Select a second source of stress at this site   o Table/Query] USELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];       0twip 5 SRCSTRES3   4 ,Select a third source of stress at this site   o Table/Query] USELECT [Major Sources of Stress].Major_Sources_Stress FROM [Major Sources of Stress];       0twip U key 9     0  mN STATE      m# s_GUID  GenGUID()ZLVAL5!!!!ƢĢ########ii¯ RecoKKD Orientation OrderByOn ColumnWidth ColumnOrder ColumnHiddenKKDsKKDs RecordLocks ODBCTimeout MaxRecords RecordsetTypeFilterOrderBy OrderByOn ReplicableReplicableBoolj  <  ' [Portfolio Subset List: CT].KEY T KKDs RecordLocks ODBCTimeout MaxRecords RecordsetTypeFilterOrderBy OrderByOn ReplicableReplicableBoolC  <    T KKDs RecordLocks ODBCTimeout MaxRecords RecordsetTypeFilterOrderBy OrderByOn ReplicableReplicableBoolC  <    T KKD Orientation OrderByOn ColumnWidth ColumnOrder ColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlUnicodeCompression ColIsGuid DefaultValue ReplicableReplicableBool>   s_GUID T  `Status_Ratings      m # s_GUID GenGUID()KKD Orientation OrderByOn ColumnWidth ColumnOrder ColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlUnicodeCompression ColIsGuid DefaultValue ReplicableReplicableBool>   s_GUID T  `Major_Stresses      m # s_GUID GenGUID()KKD Orientation OrderByOn ColumnWidth ColumnOrder ColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlUnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationTextFilterOrderBy DescriptionFormat InputMaskCaption DefaultValue ColIsGuid ReplicableReplicableBool>   s_GUID T fMajor_Sources_Stress      m # s_GUID  GenGUID().[ 6qr 0 0 0 0 000000000000001111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111111112222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222222223333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333333334444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444445555555555 5 5 5 5 55555555555556666666666 6 6 6 6 6666666667777777777 7 7 7 7 7777777777777     2223333333333 3 3 3 3 3333333333333334444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444445555555555 5 5 5 5 55555555555556666666666 6 6 6 6 6666666667777777777 7 f.@EAK +҇? 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