Carrion consumption by the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor)

Australian Mammalogy
Fitzsimons, James A.
PublisherCsiro Publishing
SourceWeb of Science
Volume / Issue39 / 1
Pages105 - 107
Total Pages4 pages
Article Link
Editor(s) N/A
Conference / Book Title N/A
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Tagscarnivory; diet; herbivory
Other N/A
Conference Title N/A
Conference Date N/A
Publication DateJuly 15, 2016
Article Date N/A
GS Citation N/A
AbstractMacropodids are predominantly herbivores and their dentition reflects their foraging strategy. The swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) is considered to be a generalist browser, consuming a wide diversity of plants, from forbs, shrubs, grasses and sedges. However, there is some evidence that swamp wallabies are opportunists. Here, I document the consumption of the wing of a dead seabird by a swamp wallaby, the first detailed case of this species consuming carrion, and discuss other records of animal consumption in the Macropodiformes.
Created: 12/14/2017 10:29 AM (ET)
Modified: 10/3/2018 11:31 AM (ET)
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