Empiricism and Modeling for Marine Fisheries: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Science

Essington, Timothy E.; Ciannelli, Lorenzo; Heppell, Selina S.; Levin, Phillip S.; McClanahan, Timothy R.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Plagânyi, Éva E.; van Putten, Ingrid E.
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Volume / Issue20(2)
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Tagsmarine fisheries, modeling, interdisciplinarity, global change, sustainabiity, empiricism
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Publication DateMarch 2017
Article Date N/A
GS Citation N/A
AbstractMarine fisheries science is a broad field that is fundamentally concerned with sustainability across ecological, economic, and social dimensions. Ensuring the delivery of food, security, equity, and well-being while sustaining ecosystems in the face of rapid change is, by far, the main challenge facing marine fisheries. A tighter integration of modeling and empiricism is needed to confront this challenge. In particular, improved incorporation of empirically grounded and realistic representation of human behaviors into models will greatly enhance our ability to predict likely outcomes under alternative adaptive strategies. Challenges to this integration certainly exist, but many of these can be overcome via improved professional training that reduces cultural rifts between empiricists and modelers and between natural and social sciences, ideally ending the presumption that there is a divide between empiricism and modeling.
Created: 1/18/2018 11:40 PM (ET)
Modified: 5/30/2018 4:05 PM (ET)
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