People and deserts

Seely, M., A. Al-Amoud, D. Chatty, J. Henschel, J. Kinahan, J. Kinahan, P. Klintenberg, A. Le„n, S. Morrison, C. Roedern, E. Abraham, R. S. Felger, P. Laureano, D. Mouat, B. A. Portnov, U. Safriel, S. Schmidt, M. Sciortino, A. Warren, D. Zohary
Publisher N/A
SourceScience Chronicles
Volume / Issuechapter 2
Pages N/A
Total Pages N/A
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Editor(s) N/A
Conference / Book TitleGlobal Deserts Outlook, United Nations Environment Programme, Chapter 2
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AbstractPeople have lived in and around deserts since time immemorial where their activities and use of natural resources have been, and are, governed by the basic parameters defining all deserts. Rainfall, essential for growth and reproduction of plants and anim
Created: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
Modified: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
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